Sites Discussed in the Article
has been made of the Pendragon name, and the presence of dragons in the story
of Emrys/Ambrosius and Vortigern.
Although an attempt has been made to draw parallels with the Roman draco
standard (introduced by the Sarmatians, who settled as veterans at the
Ribchester fort), this has not been entirely successful.
this blog post I would like to explore the ‘pesky dragon’ one more time, with
the aim of seeing if my identification of the name/title Uther Pendragon as a
cipher for Ambrosius/Emrys holds any weight.
begin, here are some interesting facts to consider:
Dragons of Dinas Emrys – with Emrys and Vortigern
a) Amesbury
b) Center of Oxford (Lludd and Llefelys)
Crossed serpent standard of Segontium military unit in Notitia Dignitatum. Segontium has strong associations with a
Maglocunus/Maelgwn as the ‘dragon of the isle’ (draco insularis)
The Pharoah’s (i.e. Vortigern’s) Red Dragon (standard? Metaphor for the
Britons?) in the Gwarchan Maeldderw
In the Gorchan of Tudfwlch, the hero – from Eifionydd in Gwynedd, an area in
north-west Wales covering the south-eastern part of the Llŷn Peninsula from
Porthmadog to just east of Pwllheli – is
called the serpent with a terrible sting, and his place of origin is alluded to
as the snakes’ lair. Eifionydd, named
for Ebiaun son of Dunod son of Cunedda, is the northern half of the kingdom of
Dunoding and is hard by Dinas Emrys in Arfon. 6) Owen Gwynedd is referred to by the poet Gwalchmai as the 'dragon of Mona'
7) Arthur son of Bicoir 'the Briton' kills the Irish king Mongan with a dragon stone
So all
of these ‘dragons’ cluster in Gwynedd.
‘serpent’, snake’, ‘dragon’, ‘drake’ are sometimes metaphorically used for heroes outside of
Gwynedd. For example, the son of Cynan
Garwyn of Powys is one Selyf Sarffgadau, ‘Solomon Serpent of Battle.’ Cynan is likely the Aurelius Caninus of
Gildas, which have led some to believe that Aurelius Ambrosius belonged to this
family. Cynan’s father was the great
Brochwel (‘Badger-prince’) the Tusked. Maig Myngfras, brother of Brochwel, is
in a 13th century poem compared to a later ruler who is referred to
as “a valiant sharp dragon.”]
am I right in seeing Uther Pendragon as a cipher for Emrys, for whom Vortigern
has DREAD and who is called the Great King?
look towards Dinerth, ‘Bear Fort’ (Bryn Euryn hill fort), in Conwy, almost
certainly the receptaculum ursi of
Cuneglasus/Cyngils. There is a church of
Constantine here. And let us not forget
the Ceredigion Dinerth fort and river also – which was also part of Gwynedd. See the Arth names in the Cerdigion genealogy,
for example (Artbodgu, Artgloys, Arthgen). I’ve shown before that Ceredig son
of Cunedda = Ceredic of Wessex. The
Arthur battles in Nennius’s Historia Brittonum fall exactly in the same
chronological slot as the battles of Cerdic in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Some
have tried to show that Cerdic IS Arthur.
I once explored this possibility myself and failed to produce anything
convincing. As with other theories on
the historical identity of Arthur, none of the battles found in Nennius could
be brought into accord with other Arthurian candidates. And it remained true that the name Arthur cannot have originated from northern or western Wales, as it derives ultimately from Artorius of York.
we want a “battle leader” and a Camlan, there is always Cadwaladr son of Meriaun
of Merionydd. No fewer than three
Camlanns fall in his territory, and his name means ‘battle prince/ruler/leader.’
there is Enniaun girt map Cunedda. Enniaun has only his epithet to recommend
him. Girt or gyrth can have the meaning of ‘dread’; (GPC) gyrth - garw, caled;
aruthr, ffyrnig; cryf, cadarn; wedi ei yrru, curedig; trawiad, hwrdd, gwth, ‘rough,
hard; dread, fierce; strong, mighty; driven, beaten; blow, push, thrust.’ This would roughly correspond to Uther. But Enniaun was not of Eifionydd, the 'snakes' lair,' nor is there reason to connect him to Segontium. And a further discussion of Enniaun's nickname by Andrew Hawke, editor of the Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, does not support the idea that Enniaun should be seen as 'the Terrible', etc.:
"...'gyrth' is both an adjective and a noun. It is well attested in Middle Welsh but has no known etymology (?possibly from an old verbal form, perhaps from gyrru, which is from gyr meaning 'drive, thrust, blow, push; rush, onset, attack; compulsion; impulse, impetus'). The only indication of its meaning is the examples of its use which have survived. As you say, Bartrum is very dependable. From what he says in his Classical Dictionary, Einion was renowned for being slaughtered - hence 'stricken' or 'beaten' (as in GPC). There is also a verb, 'gyrthio' meaning 'to strike, beat; butt, push; shake, stir; touch' - which is probably the source of 'touched' as a possible meaning.
Dafydd ap Gwilym (
poem 48 line 54) refers to a "Brychan Yrth Literally 'Brychan
the Mighty', probably Brychan Brycheiniog".
The epithet could mean 'mighty' or 'fierce' in relation to Einion also, I suppose. The context is really all we have to go on, together with similarities between different usages and references to the characters in the literature (Bartrum's particular strength)."
"...'gyrth' is both an adjective and a noun. It is well attested in Middle Welsh but has no known etymology (?possibly from an old verbal form, perhaps from gyrru, which is from gyr meaning 'drive, thrust, blow, push; rush, onset, attack; compulsion; impulse, impetus'). The only indication of its meaning is the examples of its use which have survived. As you say, Bartrum is very dependable. From what he says in his Classical Dictionary, Einion was renowned for being slaughtered - hence 'stricken' or 'beaten' (as in GPC). There is also a verb, 'gyrthio' meaning 'to strike, beat; butt, push; shake, stir; touch' - which is probably the source of 'touched' as a possible meaning.
Dafydd ap Gwilym (http://www.dafyddapgwilym.
The epithet could mean 'mighty' or 'fierce' in relation to Einion also, I suppose. The context is really all we have to go on, together with similarities between different usages and references to the characters in the literature (Bartrum's particular strength)."
my book THE MYSTERIES OF AVALON, I make my case for the Tintagel headland being
the Roman period Promontory of Hercules.
It is occurred to me that the two crossed serpents of Segontium may have
something to do with Hercules. At
Silchester was found a Roman stone dedicated to a god named Hercules
Saegon-. This divine epithet is from the
same word we find in Segontium and means ‘vigorous’ or the like. In the case of Hercules, it may be a native
god with whom the Classical divinity was identified. The river at Segontium is called the Seiont
to this day.
serpents appear in the myth of Herakles.
And in this myth, Herakles as an infant IS SLEEPING ATOP A SHIELD. Here is the entire account from Theocritus:
HERAKLES (Theocritus 24: 1 - 63)
when Herakles was 10 months old,
of Midea bathed him and Iphikles,
brother younger by a night and nursed them both,
laid them in the fine bronze shield
had stripped from Pterelaos as he died.
the oman stroked their hair and spoke to them:
my babies, sleep sweet and refreshing sleep.
my soul, two brothers, blessed children.
be your slumber, blessed your awaking at dawn."
speaking she rocked the great shield and sleep took them.
at midnight when the Bear turns to the west
after Orion, and shines against his mighty shoulder,
Hera the Devisor sent two deadly monsters forth,
gleaming snakes with blue-black coils,
them across the broad threshold, the hollow doorposts
the house,
them to devour the infant Herakles.
the ground, coiling high their bellies the two serpents
an evil fire shown from their eyes as they came,
they spat forth an evil poison.
when they came near the children, forking their tongues...
the dear children of Alkmena awoke-for all was known to Zeus-
a sudden light filled the house.
once Iphikles cried out, as he saw the evil beasts above his
cradle and saw their deadly teeth, and he kicked away his
blanket, struggling to run away.
Herakles put out his hands, gripped their necks with deadly force,
fast their throats of deadly poison, a poison even the gods feared.
two snakes wound about the child, this new-born baby
never cried. He tightened his grip again, then released it,
to ease the pain of the dreaded bond.
first heard the cry and awoke.
up, Amphitryon! Sheer terror holds me fast!
up, don't tie your sandals on!
you hear how our younger child is screaming?
you see the light, like dawn, but at night, about the walls?
is something strange in the house, my husband!"
she spoke. And he, in answer to his wife, got out of bed,
grabbed his great sword which hung always above
cedar bed, he snatched his strong scabbard lotus wood,
with his other hand he belted on his new baldric.
darkness enveloped the room again.
called out the servants stretched out in heavy sleep.
a torch quickly, taking it from the hearth!
servants, break down the door, break the bolts!"
was a Phoenician housemaid sleeping near the mill;
she heard him and called out the other servants
throughout the house. They came running, bringing
the house was full of running people.
as they saw Herakles, the baby, holding the two monsters
his baby hands, they cried out in amazement. He held them out
his father Amphitryon, and raising the serpents high above the earth
laughed and laid the snakes, now slumbering in death, at his
took in her arms Iphikles, still stiff with fright.
laid his other child, Herakles, back under his blanket,
then returning to his bed thought about the strange event.
would very tentatively propose, therefore, that the insignia of two crossed
snakes at Segontium, which would have been on shields, represented the two
snakes of the Herakles myth, and that Saegon- was a native version of Herakles
whose name is preserved at Segontium.
Notitia Dignitatum showing the Segontium insignia at top, second from the left
in my book THE MYSTERIES OF AVALON, I had discussed the true nature of the
vases found at Dinas Emrys. These accord
perfectly with two funeral urns placed mouth to mouth, the cremated bones
inside of which – representing the remains of two chieftains or “dragons” –
were wrapped or sealed in cloth. The description of these urns perfectly
matches actual archaeological discoveries.
For more details on this, I urge readers to see the full account in my
some point the two serpents of Dinas Emrys were converted in genii loci,
protective spirits of the place. From
that point they further evolved into the genii of the British and the
Saxons. Finally, they may have taken on lunar characteristics.
suspect that somehow the story of the urns and the dragons/chieftains they
contained got mixed up with the two serpents of Segontium. It is even possible that the cloth which
sealed the urns or wrapped the cremated remains bore faint traces of the
Segontium insignia, as this would likely have been used on standards as
any case, the Segontium serpents may be the origin of the Gwynedd dragons.
any of this help us with Uther Pendragon?
the later Igerna, is from a Celtic root that is cognate with that of the Greek
akraia, an epithet of Hera. The name
refers to a promontory or headland exactly like that of Tintagel. The snakes of the Herakles story belong to
Hera. If I’m right and the Tintagel
headland is the Promontory of Herakles, and Segontium Roman fort can be identified
as a place sacred to Hercules Saegon- with its two snakes, we must ask the next
rather obvious and logical question: was Arthur born not at Tintagel, but at
Segontium? Or even at Dinas Emrys, which
is not far distant from Caernarfon (see attached map)?
course, the whole story of Arthur’s birth at Tintagel is the invention of
Geoffrey of Monmouth, and the reasons why he may have placed the infant hero
there have been written about in detail before. Given the 12 Herculean battles
of Arthur found in Nennius, we can understand how a story-teller like Geoffrey
would seek to place Arthur on the Promontory of Hercules!
Arthur is being likened to Hercules, is Uther meant to be Zeus, father of
Hercules? Geoffrey used the story of
Manannan mac Lir’s transformation into the Irish king Fiachra to beget Mongan
for his tale of Arthur’s begetting. And we are told in the Pa Gur poem that the
god Mabon son of Modron (Maponos son of Matrona) is the servant (gwas) of Uther. This last has caused Arthurian enthusiasts
and even a few scholars to wonder whether Uther was himself a god. My identification of Uther with Ambrosius
Aurelianus automatically begs the question as to which Ambrosius is meant – the
geographically and temporally displaced personage of that name (Governor of
Gaul, father of St. Ambrose) or the ‘divine/immortal golden one’ who is none
other than Lleu/Mabon.
we want to stick to names that belonged (if not exclusively) to mortals, then
Uther Pendragon can designate only one of three men, all of whom were
traditionally associated with Gwynedd:
as I’ve recently demonstrated, was at least half Irish. He was centered in southern Powys.
once again, is an anachronistic personage of Gaul who came to be identified in
legend with Lleu/Mabon of Gwynedd. If he
is Uther Pendragon, there is no way he was also Arthur’s father.
was also Irish (see my book THE ARTHUR OF HISTORY); he was not from Manau Gododdin
in the extreme North, but from Drumanagh across the Irish Sea. He is called Ceawlin in the Anglo-Saxon
Chronicle – and was called a Bretwalda, ‘Ruler of the Britons.’ As the person supposedly in charge of the
conquest of Gwynedd, he could well have been referred to as the Pendragon. Dinas Emrys was in Arfon next to Eifionydd, the latter being named for Dunod
son of Cunedda’s son Ebiaun, as we’ve already seen above. And Eifionydd was referred to as the ‘snakes’
to the MABINOGION, Lleu is given Dunoding by Math (the ‘Good One’, a taboo name
for ‘Bear’) and lives/rules from Mur Castell, modern Tomen-y-Mur, site of a
Roman fort. Lleu had been raised at
Dinas Dinlle(u) on the coast. All these
places are close to Caernarfon/Segontium.
Dinas Emrys is exactly between the two Lleu forts. Nantlle(u), the place where Lleu exists for a
time as the death-eagle in the oak and where Mabon’s grave is located, is
exactly between Dinas Dinlleu and Dinas Emrys.
was always identified with Apollo the sun god. Apollo, of course, is famous for
his defeat of the great serpent Python at Delphi. Both Herakles and Apollo were sons of
Zeus. In Welsh tradition, Lleu’s father
is Gwyddion (earlier Gwyddien, “Tree or Wood-born”) son of Don. Mabon is said
to be the son of variously Modron or Mellt (“Lightning”). As for Mellt, Zeus Astrapaios ‘of the
lightning’ and Jupiter Fulgur, Fulgurator, Fulmen, Fulminator come to mind.
is important to keep in my mind is that the center of Mabon worship in Britain
was in the Scottish Lowlands not far to the northwest of the western portion of
Hadrian’s Wall. We also find the name Lleu (or Lugos) at Carlisle/Luguvalium
(Welsh Caer Liwelyd), the Roman fort that was ‘Lleu-strong.’ And it is on the
western part of the Wall (Irthing Valley) where I have placed Arthur (Ceido son
of Arthwys). His brother Gwenddolau (of
Merlin/Myrddin fame) was even closer to the Maponos/Mabon sites of Lochmaben,
the Clochmabenstane hard by Gretna Green on the Solway and the Maporiton or
‘Ford of the Son’ at Ladyward.
features largely in the Taliesin poetry devote to Owain son of Urien. Owain’s mother was said to be Modron, and the
references in the relevant tradition seem to suggest that Mabon in this
context should be seen as a poetic term for Owain himself. I’ve mentioned elsewhere that the word
gorlassar, which became Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Gorlois, is found used of only
two heroes: Urien himself and Uther Pen (dragon). As a Llywarch Hen poem speaks
of Urien’s head after death, some have thought Uther Pen, the ‘terrible head’,
to be not a personal name, but a reference to Urien’s head after the latter
fell in battle. Alas, Urien is too late
to be Arthur’s father.
northern Mabon, apparently a chieftain, is known as the son of Idno son of
Meirchion. Meirchion was the father of Cynfarch (the ‘Mark’ of the Mote of Mark
fort in Dumfriesshire), father of Urien.
the Northern Myrddin or ‘Merlin’ appears to either be Lleu or, more likely, a
sacred Lleu warrior, a sort of Lleu avatar.
He is said to have served Gwenddolau brother of Ceidio/Arthur.
we have the well-attested presence of Lleu/Mabon not only in Gwynedd, but in
northwestern Cumbria and adjacent Dumfriesshire.
indeed, with determining who Uther was (if someone other than Emrys/Ambrosius)? Are we dealing with something as simple here
as the Ambrosius of Gildas being made the father of Arthur, as Arthur was traditionally
the victor at Badon, a battle mentioned right after Ambrosius in the De
Excidio? In other words, the two most
famous military figures of the age were linked for this reason and this reason
alone? And then someone decided to forge
for them a genealogy which bond them to the royal family of Dumnonia?
question that has always intrigued me was this: what was Dinas Emrys called before it was called Dinas Emrys? Welsh tradition records that it was called
simply Dinas Ffaraon Dandde, the Fort of the Fiery Pharaoh, a name for
Vortigern derived from Gildas. There is
no reason to believe, however, that Vortigern was ever really present at Dinas
is another tradition recorded at Dinas Emrys.
This is the battle between Owain Finddu son of Macsen Wledig (Maximus
the Tyrant, a name which could easily have been confused for Vor-tigern) and a
giant. From P.C. Bartram’s entry on
Owain F.:
Maxen Wledic: Cwstenin, Peblic ac Ywain vinðu yr hwn y claðwyd i benn ai gorff
uewn Nanhwynyn ymhlwyf Beð Celert yNghoed Ffaraon. Yr hwn Ywain a laðoð Eurnaχ
yr unrhyw goed Eurnaχ ai llaðoð yntau.
sons of Macsen Wledig: Custennin, Peblig and Owain Finddu whose head and body
buried in Nanhwynan in the parish of Beddgelert in Coed Ffaraon. That Owain
slew Eurnach Gawr; in the same wood Eurnach slew him."
this day on the maps the ‘bedd’ or grave of Owain is marked as existing between
Llyn Dinas and Dinas Emrys.
is probably meant to be the Roman usurper Eugenius. St. Ambrose “upbraided Eugenius for
acquiescing to the demands of the senatorial order, but he was so afraid of the
growing influence of the pagans that he fled Milan when the court of Eugenius
entered Italy (” The full letter written by Ambrose to Eugenius
may be found here: As an emperor at Dinas Emrys, Owain would
qualify as a ‘Pendragon.' However, there is no reason to believe he was ever at the fort.
I can only say this about Eurnach: Eur- is probably from Aur-, 'gold.' Dr. Simon Rodway agrees with me on this, saying: "that is exactly what eur- is, a composition form of aur 'gold'." Which brings to mind once again our AURelius Ambrosius. He continues:
"As for the ending, -ach in Welsh has negative connotations (cf. papurach ‘useless paper, bumf’, sothach ‘rubbish’, petheuach ‘worthless things’ etc). This may be because it sounded Irish (cf. many Irish adjectives in –ach), and therefore uncouth! This accounts for the semantic development of Welsh gwrach ‘witch’ < ‘woman’ (cf. Old Irish fracc ‘woman’). Giants and monsters often have names in –ach in Welsh literature (Wrnach, Diwrnach, Duach, Brathach, Nerthach etc). This is discussed by Patrick Sims-Williams, Irish Influence on Medieval Welsh Literature (Oxford, 2011), 183-84."
Why this “gold” giant as Owain’s
adversary? Well, it is perhaps not a
coincidence that Eugenius was Flavius Eugenius, his general Arbogast was
Flavius Arbogast and another man who served under the Western Roman Emperoro was named Flavianus. All these names derive from Latin flavus, “golden
yellow, reddish yellow, flaxen-colored, blonde.” Flavianus committed suicide
when Eugenius perished at the battle of the Frigidus River, and Arobogast,
after escaping into the mountains, committed suicide a few days later.
Yet if one or both of these men with “golden”
hair names lie behind Eurnach, why the name change? It seems more logical to question the
supposed paternity of Owain. There were
other early Owains in Welsh tradition.
If Eurnach is Irish in origin, the Irish name Eogan (‘born of the yew’)
was Latinized as Eugenius as early as the Old Irish period. Thus it could be that Owain should actually be
The founder of the Irish Eoganachta was one
Eogan Mor ‘the Great’ (Mor having the same meaning as Latin Maximus, as in Owain
son of Macsen). He had a brother named
Eochaid Orainech. While Welsh linguists
would not like the idea much, Eurnach looks suspiciously like Orainech. The name means ‘Gold-face’, and is found used
also of a mysterious personage called Orainech Uisnech, who has been tentively
linked to the god Lugh (see
Geoffrey of Monmouth told the story of
Merlin Emry’s bringing the stones of Stonehenge from the Hill
of Uisnech. Stonehenge is hard by
Amesbury, which doubles for Dinas Emrys.
But why two early Eoganacht brothers would be
battling at Dinas Emrys I cannot possibly hazard a guess!
Bartram touches upon a late legend that has Myrddin stay at Dinas Emrys for a long time before going away with Emrys Ben-aur, that is Ambrosius the Golden-headed.
An even later legend tells of Merlin hiding a treasure on/in Dinas Emrys. This was only to be expected, as Geoffrey identified Emrys with Myrddin/Merlin. The person who goes searching for the treasure is a golden-haired boy. Bartram touches upon a late legend that has Myrddin stay at Dinas Emrys for a long time before going away with Emrys Ben-aur, that is Ambrosius the Golden-headed.
where do we stand regarding Uther? As far as I can determine, he is still a
cipher for Ambrosius. And he is NOT the
real father of Arthur.
we have finally fought our way clear of the obscuring smoke of the
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