Wednesday, January 29, 2025


Caracalla's Problems in the North
(courtesy Caracalla: A Military Biography
by Dr. Ilkka Syvänne)

After about thirty years of relative quiet along the Rhine-Danubian frontiers [Commodus had ended the Marcomannic Wars c. 180], a new crisis broke out along the Germanic-Rhaetian Limes in 212, caused by the first invasion of the Alemanni confederation.

The invasions of the third century, according to tradition, began with the first incursion conducted by the Germanic confederation of the Alemanni in 212 under Emperor Caracalla...

Having studied the L. Artorius Castus stone now since at least 2019, and having only recently proposed a new reading for the ARM[...]S lacuna (, I've come to the conclusion that opting for a Castus fighting in Britain over one fighting in Armenia is the most reasonable choice.  

My problem when looking into the possibility that Castus had taken part in Severus' massive invasion of the British North was what to do with his following procuratorship in the province of Liburnia.  The more research I did on the nature of this procuratorship the more I became convinced - as were the Roman epigraphers and Roman military historians I'd consulted - that for an equestrian to be granted ius gladii in what appeared to be a new province carved out of Dalmatia (or, at the very least, was an administrative district that was a subdivision of Dalmatia) called for extraordinary circumstances surrounding its formation.  Most likely this involved some kind of emergency preparedness.  

ARMENIOS for Armenia of the early 160s has remained a favorite for ARM[...]S.  We can also look to a reorganization of Illyricum and Dalmatia under Marcus and Verus at the onset of the Marcomannic Wars c. 168-170.  The Roman governor of Britain, Statius Priscus, had been sent to command the army in Armenia.  So, really, this argument appears to be very strong.

But Armenia is very far from Britain.  My analysis of British vexillations on the Continent and beyond (see revealed that other than a proposed Armenia expedition, the two other most distant postings for British vexillations were Carnuntum in Austria and Sirmium in Serbia.  

Furthermore, my gut kept telling me that a prefect of the Sixth Legion at York (a legion whose purpose was always guardianship of the North), commanding British legionary troops, is much more likely to have been fighting in Britain and, indeed, in northern Britain.  But this was merely applying probability to the problem, as well as personal bias.  

An ARM.GENTES allowed me to find the idea that Castus had fought in Britain to be more acceptable. But, again, if I couldn't find a good reason to have Castus as procurator of Liburnia soon after he led troops in a major military action, I would have to dispense with the proposed reading.

It didn't take me long to find it.  I've posted at the top of this page a selection from Wikipedia.  That passage describes how a very similar situation arose of the Continent under Caracalla as had existed under Marcus and Verus, viz. the Germanic invasions started again in earnest.  For details on how severe these were, both in terms of real damage or threat level, I refer my readers to "Caracalla: A Military Biography" by Ilkka Syvänne.  

Caracalla had been in Britain with his father, Severus, during the invasion of the North.  Dr. Simon Elliott, author of "Septimius Severus in Scotland: The Northern Campaigns of the First Hammer of the Scots" (p. 152) attempts a hypothetical reconstruction of Caracalla's role in the invasion:

While we can never know what really happened, this is a sound approach by Elliott.  Even more interesting for our purposes is his reference to the three British legions being under Caracalla.  I have long argued - vociferously at times (because I was predicating my argument on Castus' having left Britain!) - that vexillations were implied on the Castus stone.  I even pointed to works like that of Robert Saxer, who had found dozens of instances of what he assumed were implied vexillations in inscriptions.  However, if we accept the huge force assembled by Severus and allow for all three legions to have been involved, then we can accept the reading of the Castus stone literally: he was put in charge of the three British legions under Caracalla.

We might then simply say this: after his successful stint as dux under Severus, Castus was placed over the province of Liburnia.  Now, we need not insist on the foundation of Liburnia at this time.  It is quite possible the province was created c. 170.  And that it continued in existence for some three decades.  Still, I cannot help but think that once the Marcomannic threat was gone, the new province's distinctiveness would have lapsed quite naturally and it would have again become simply a region within Dalmatia.  For this reason we should prefer that Liburnia was formed c. 212 as a response to the Alemannic invasion under Caracalla.

The rather exciting thing about this scenario is that Caracalla would have known Castus.  And it remains true that the ius gladii could only be given to an equestrian governor by the Emperor himself. 

I asked Dr. Benet Salway (the same scholar who had accepted my proposed  ARM.GENTES for the Castus stone as a valid reading, and who thought the Castus stone was Severan in date*) the following question:

"So far as I can tell, there is nothing wrong with having Castus fight armed tribes in Britain under Severus and Caracalla, then be made Liburnian procurator under Caracalla.


Dr. Salway responded:

"Yes, it is a hypothesis that is consistent with the evidence."

Now, before I close here, it is important that I state that there are other top scholars (like Professor Roger Tomlin) who continue to favor ARMENIOS.  And they may well be right.  Basically, what it comes down to in this particular instance is which do you want to believe?  We have two choices, really:

1) Castus, prefect of the Sixth Legion at York in northern England, fights with British legionaries in Armenia and then is made procurator of the newly formed Liburnian province in the face of Germanic invasions


2) Castus, prefect of the Sixth Legion at York in northern England, fights with British legionaries against the Maeatae and Caledonii confederations and is then made procurator of the newly formed Liburnian province in the face of Germanic invasions (and in the face of a Sarmatian one, incidentally).

Not included in this short list is the Marcellus victory in northern Britain c. 184 and the aftermath of the Deserters' War and the Perennis affair under Commodus (185-187). There was no causative event that would account for the formation of Liburnia at these times - which, at it happens, serves as another argument against reading ARMORICOS for the ARM[...]S lacuna.  Commodus had ended the Marconmannic Wars c. 180. And as for ARMATOS of Malcor, Trinchesse and Faggiani (they have Castus's dux command fall unto the period 187-191, a gap in the known British governors), it can also be discounted, as no emergency was happening in or adjacent to Dalmatia towards the end of Commodus' reign or in 192 when that emperor was assassinated. Needless to say, no record exists for counter-offensive action in northern Britain in 187-191.

Some might cling to the "neatness" of ARMENIOS.  ARM(ATAS) GENTES is not as aesthetically pleasing and would be a "one-off" in inscriptions.  However, there are a great many "one-off" words and phrases in Roman inscriptions.  In fact, even the 'PROC CENT PROVINCIAE LIB' of the Castus stone is a "one-off" example.  Our record is woefully incomplete and what is extant is painfully small. To be honest, then, to insist on ARMENIOS because it is prettier or less clunky does not seem to me to be an especially effective defense of that reading for the lacuna. 

Dear Daniel,

Coming to the stone cold without any presuppositions and basing my opinion purely on the script, I would favour a date in the Severan period (AD 193-235) or up to a decade or so later. I base this on the high degree of ligaturing in the design.

Yours sincerely,

Benet Salway

Dear Daniel,

Leaving aside the Virgil, which as verse is not probative, you have now assembled a convincing body of parallels to argue for your restoration of this lacuna on the epitaph for Artorius Castus.

Well done.

Yours sincerely,

Benet Salway

Sunday, January 26, 2025


In the Irish sources on Dark Age Dalriada, Arthur son (or grandson) of Aedan mac Gabran is said to die in two different places. Various attempts to explain this difficulty have been attempted. Probably the best is by John Bannerman in his STUDIES IN THE HISTORY OF DALRIADA:


What I found the most interesting about an Arthur fighting the Miathi is that my best identification of the HB's Arthur's Bassas put the battle site at Dunipace. My identification was based on place-name expert John Reid's etymology for Dunipace as hill or fort of the bas/"shallow" and the presence nearby of Arthur's Oven. The oven was probably a Roman building which took on Arthur's name in folklore.

Dunipace itself is in the territory of the Miathi, the Classical period Maeatae. In fact, it is very close to Myot Hill, one of the forts of the Miathi.

Thus in my earlier Arthurian writings I tentatively suggested a link between Arthur of Dalriada in the Miathi lands and the HB Arthur at Dunipace. My thinking then was that Bassas in the HB might represent an intrusion into the battle list from Arthur of Dalriada's martial exploits. Such conflation of the various Arthur's has long been suspected.

But the other day, as I continued working on my newly proposed ARM(ATAS) GENTES reading for the ARM[...]S lacuna in the L. Artorius Castus inscription, something else occurred to me. 

If we adopt (here for the sake of argument) the "armed tribes" reading, these can only be northern tribes in Britain, as Castus is prefect of the Sixth Legion at York leading legionary detachments would have been fighting such. Otherwise, he would have described the foe as being outside Britain. The Sixth was always northern-focused and, indeed, its primary task was to guard the boundary with the North. This probable means all of his own Sixth Legion plus generous vexillations drawn from the other two were utilized.

Given the consensus dating of the stone by all the experts I have consulted with, we are looking at the very tail-end of the Antonine period or, more probably, the Severan. I'm most impressed by Dr. Benet Salway's analysis based on the large number of ligatures in the inscription, which he says is a hallmark of Severan epigraphy.

Two major northern campaigns were fought under Commodus and Severus. The first was spear-headed by Commodus' governor Ulpius Marcellus after a general (probably legate of the Sixth - not the governor, according to Anthony Birley) was killed on the Wall by the tribes. This action was claimed a victory by Commodus on his coins. Yet immediately following there occurred a serious mutiny and Ulpius was recalled. The mutiny was not supposedly quelled until Pertinax's governorship, although he himself barely escaped with his life in the process.

The second, and much larger campaign took place under Severus. The emperor's governor, Virius Lupus, had tried unsuccessfully to tame the Maeatae. Instead, he ended up buying them off. But they did not remain peaceful for long. They attacked to the South again, this time in league with another tribal confederation, the Caledonii. Severus was forced to go to Britain himself and gave orders for the northern tribes to be utterly destroyed. Although his desire for genocide was not accomplished, it is likely a great deal of damage was inflicted upon the tribes. 

What I thought to myself was simply this: wouldn't it be an astonishing coincidence had Artorius fought the Maeatae, the same Maeatae (Miathi) Arthur of Dalriada and/or Arthur of the HB were said to have fought? [Never mind the HB's Caledonian Wood battle and the Caledonii.]

And then I dared go one step further: what if it weren't a coincidence?

What if the folk memory of the genocidal war Artorius engaged in against armed tribes had so impressed itself upon the traditions of the Northern British that later Arthurs were mistakenly, through easily garbled oral history and heroic songs, given a battle against the Maeatae/Miathi that had originally belonged to Artorius?

While this notion is impossible to prove, of course, it is not so hard to believe. It seems, at the very least, somewhat credible.

Now, it is time for me to make an important confession.  I've been working in the Castus inscription pretty steadily since 2019. It has become more than a bit of an obsession. But while I concentrated on the two generally accepted readings - ARMORICOS (since I showed it would fit on the memorial stone) and ARMENIOS - I have always harbored a secret bias for a designation that would allow us to put Castus in northern Britain. 

I feel this way for this reason: if we accept the premise that the Artorius name was preserved in the North only to resurface in the 5th-6th centuries as British Arthur, then it follows that the original bearer of that name must have done something in the North that gave his name currency among the populace. It would have had to be something truly noteworthy. Had Castus been just another Roman officer who had his glory days elsewhere, and who retired in Dalmatia (where there are several Artorii), the idea that his name was preserved in Britain is pretty unsustainable.

Granted, everything rides on that stated premise. And that premise will be rejected by many. It may make others squirm. Both parties would doubtless prefer that the name Arthur is just a name and that its cropping up in Dark Age Britain is no more special than Tom, Dick or Harry popping up at a much later date. "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet."

Still, I would add another premise to the first one. Is it unreasonable to assume that had an Artorius been instrumental in the first Hammer of the Scots' (Simon Elliot's term for Severus) exceptionally brutal campaign against the Northern tribes that he might have been remembered in the North well enough for his name to have been preserved among the ruling elite south of the Wall?

I, personally, do not find this unreasonable at all.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Brian Dobson's Chapter on the praefectus castrorum (link to free download)

I'm having to offer this source as follows because Facebook is, apparently, beginning to hunt down and remove anything from my blog site that has quoted material - whether I have permission to quote said material or not.

Dobson's work is fundamental to our understanding of the evolution of the rank and role of the praefectus castrorum in the Roman army.  I highly recommend this source.  The download is free. The relevant discussion starts on p. 413.

To supplement this book, see Davenport's treatment of the subject here:

I have the permission of Davenport for providing some of his study.  Extensive correspondence will prove this to be so, should Facebook have a problem with this post as well.  


[NOTE: For my readers who would like to access a good account of Severus' invasion of Scotland, please see  This article is by the author of the book SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS IN SCOTLAND: THE NORTHERN CAMPAIGNS OF THE FIRST HAMMER OF THE SCOTS, Dr. Simon Elliott.]

There is one curious thing that makes me lean towards ARM.GENTES: the strange reference in the Dark Age Irish sources to Arthur of Dalriada fighting the Miathi (= the Maeatae). 

The Miathi territory was way too far east for a battle with the Dalriadans. The latter was well beyond the British kingdom of Strathclyde and on the border with Manau of the Gododdin. This battle account reads like a dim folk memory of another Arthur's campaign in the North. Even stranger, the Bassas battle in the HISTORIA BRITTONUM is possibly Dunipace (new work on the name by John Reid and Alan James), etymologized recently as Hill of Fort of the bas, 'shallow'. This site IS DIRECTLY BETWEEN THE TWO FORTS OF THE MIATHI, Myot Hill and Dumyat. In my opinion, this is way too far North for the more famous Dark Age Arthur to have fought.  It is an outlier (along with the Tribruit at North Queensferry) that does not seem to belong with the other battles of the HB list.  Arthur's Oven, a Roman building associated with Arthur in folk belief, is close to Dunipace.

But no one I've talked with about the Maeatae seems all that disposed to making something out of it. They think it is merely coincidence that an Artorius prefect of the Sixth leading legionary forces in the late second or early third century could well have been fighting the Maeatae in the time of Virius Lupus and/or Severus. 

Yet, the Severus campaign was the first "hammer of the North" sort of event (see Simon Elliot's book SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS IN SCOTLAND). The emperor was attempting genocide, if the sources are correct. Something like that would have been remembered for some time, I imagine. A dux in charge of legionary forces in that war of extermination may also have long lingered in the cultural memory.  In the North, he would be a supreme villain.  In the Romanized south, a remarkable hero. 

But is it possible that Castus was that dux?

I put this question to both Prof. Roger Tomlin and Dr. Benet Salway:

In keeping with a possible Severan date for the Castus stone, a question please...

Had Castus participated in the war against the Maeatae during the reign of Severus, might he have been designated dux of legionary forces for the enterprise? If not under Severus himself, then under governor Virius Lupus?

Or would he not have been given such a title if the emperor or governor were in charge or even had one of them been leading the forces against the northern tribes?

I note that no one seems to have a problem with the dux role if we opt for Castus having left for Armenia with the Roman governor of Britain, Statius Priscus. 

It seems Severus brought many soldiers to Britain to supplement what was already there.

Their responses, beginning with Tomlin:

"Birley over-interpreted RIB III, 3509, an altar dedicated by a centurion about to leave for the lower Danube as evidence of Severus bringing troops to Britain – which he undoubtedly did. And a dux would have commanded troops drawn from one legion or more to go on campaign, irrespective of who commanded-in-chief that campaign."

"Yes, a dux might be quite properly used in those circumstances. The term originates to designate the leader of an ad hoc force."

Given that I've been able to support a decent argument in favor of armatas gentes (see,, and given that Benet Salway prefers a Severan date for the stone, and given that both scholars have no problem with Castus having been dux at this time, have we stumbled on the real reason the Artorius name came to be preserved in the North?

As a reminder, here is Benet Salway's opinion on the age of the Castus memorial stone:

"Coming to the stone cold without any presuppositions and basing my opinion purely on the script, I would favour a date in the Severan period (AD 193-235) or up to a decade or so later. I base this on the high degree of ligaturing in the design."


Tuesday, January 21, 2025


Île de Batz, Brittany, France

Over the years, I have occasionally flirted with the idea that Uther Pendragon is merely a poetic "disguise" for Ambrosius Aurelianus.  Of the many pieces I wrote on the subject, here is one that mostly summarizes the argument:

While there seemed good reason to go this route, to be honest, I hated the idea!  And so I refused to adopt it.  As it turns out, I was right to do so.

What I decided to focus on over the past few days was the Gwythur of the Uther Pendragon elegy.  I've been convinced all along whoever this Victor was, he is critical for identification of Arthur's father.

My energy has tended to focus on Victor son of Magnus Maximus, and there are two magister militums (assuming, for the sake of argument, that pendragon = magister militum) we can associated with Victor, one directly and one indirectly.  One is Nanniensus (whom I've discussed elsewhere) and the other is Gerontius (also an MVM). Neither man, of course, works chronologically for Arthur's father.

Another one is a Northern fiction, i.e. the Victor found in a story based in Pictland from CULHWCH AC OLWEN.  For this, see  There is no link between this Victor and Uther Pendragon.

One other Victor had come to my attention, but until now I did not connect the dots.  This is Withur or Victor of Domnonee in Brittany.

The following on Withur is from the entry for St. Paul of Leon in P. C. Bartrum's A WELSH CLASSICAL DICTIONARY:

PAUL, ST., of Léon. (480)

Paul, surnamed Aurelian, was son of a certain count Perphirius, who came from Penn
Ohen, in Latin Caput Boum, [Penychen]. This man had eight brothers who all lived in Brehant Dincat, in
Latin Guttur receptaculi pugnae [Gullet of the place of refuge from battle], and three sisters. Those
named are: brothers, Notolius and Potolius, and a sister, Sitofolla. Paul consecrated himself to the
service of God.
2. Iltutus lived at an island called Pyrus [Ynys Byr = Caldy Island] and had many disciples.
Paul was handed over by his parents to Iltutus.
3. Among Iltut's disciples were Paul, Devius [Dewi] called ‘Aquaticus’, Samson and
7. Paul, aged 16, departed for the seclusion of the desert. He built an oratory which now
bears the names of his brothers [?Llanddeusant in Ystrad Tywi]. Here he was ordained priest by the
8. His fame reached the ears of king Marc, quem alio nomine Quonomorium vocant,
‘whom others call by the name Quonomorius’, a powerful monarch, under whose rule lived peoples of
four different languages. Marc desired Paul to settle firmly the foundations of the Christian faith which
had recently been laid in that country. Paul went to Villa Bannhedos (Caer Banhed, Villa Benhedos in
the Paris MS.) where the bones of Marc now rest. He remained some time instructing the people. Marc
wished him to accept the office of bishop over the country, but Paul declined and decided to leave.
9. He set out and arrived at the house of his sister, aforementioned, who was living in the
furthest recesses of that country, on the shores of the British Sea, having become a nun.
10. Paul set sail and landed at an island named Ossa [Ushant].
11. Twelve presbyters came with him under their master (To-)Quonocus, and Decanus, a
deaenn Ohen [Penychen] was perhaps suggested by the name Pawl Penychen (q.v.).

Several things here stand out.  

First, the meaning given to Paul's home in Penychen matches the meaning of the -tagel component of Tintagel in Cornwall (cf. W. tagell, 'throat, windpipe').

Second, the HISTORIA BRITTONUM is of approximately the same age as the translation of Paul's remains to Orleans.  Given the name Ambrosius Aurelianus, and the placement of Ambrosius at Campus/Pauld Elleti in Penychen, I am going to go ahead and state that it is my belief that Paul was wrongly identitied with the Ambrosius Aurelianus of Gaul (father and/or saintly son).  And that the placement of Emrys in Penychen is precisely due to Paul's presence there.  An additional parallel has to do with Ambrosius's parents, who are said to have worn the purple:

From Gildas:

Ambrosius Aurelianus. He was a man of unassuming character, who, alone of the Roman race chanced to survive in the shock of such a storm (as his parents, people undoubtedly clad in the purple)

ambrosio aureliano uiro modesto, qui solus forte romanae gentis tantae tempestatis collisione occisis in eadem parentibus purpura nimirum indutis superfuerat,

Of Paul of Leon we are told that his father's name was Perphirius/Porphyrius ("clad in purple").

Third, Paul spends a considerable period of time with St. Illtud, whose military ranks prior to his becoming a religious include being the magister militum of Paul Penychen, and a descriptor 'miles terribilis.'  This leader of troops has always been high on my list for Uther Pendragon, the Terrible Chief of warriors.  The PA GUR poem seems to identify Illtud with Uther.

Fourth, Withur/Victor, as it turns out (from the actual VITA), is Paul's cousin ("Quos duplicata tenebat propinquitas, nam carnalis nexu originis consobrini, spiritualis autem quod est in Christo, fratres erant").  Illtud is said to come from Brittany.  Now while I've made attempts based upon the name of Illtud's father (Bicanus) to show that the Llydaw/Letavia of the saint's life may actually be a place in England or Wales, there are many bihan (= Breton form of Welsh bychan, 'small') place-names in Brittany - including in the Finistere of Withur.  I note bihan as a common modern surname in Brittany, but have not been able to find it used as a name in the early period.  In Wales, bychan was used only as an epithet, 'the less, the younger, junior (in cognomens)'. See the GPC. 

But to return to Point 2...

If Ambrosius/Emrys ended up in Penychen through the usual folkloric processes due to Paul Aurelian originating from there, what accounts for the former's transference from Campus/Palud Elleti (which I've before suggested was chosen because of Arelate on the Continent; see to Dinas Emrys?

Well, that represents yet another development - one in which Ambrosius, a name meaning 'the divine or immortal one' - was identified with Mabon.  Gileston, originally called the Church of Mabon of the Vale [of Glamorgan] is very near Campus Elleti, indeed, it is right across the River Thaw.  Mabon is the 'Divine Son', and the story of his being a bastard and playing ball with the other boys at Campus Elleti is echoed in the story of the Irish god Oengus Mac Og, the 'Young Son.'  We know Mabon is placed in death in Nantlle, the same place where the god Lleu appears as a death-eagle.  Eryri, where Dinas Emrys is located, was believed to derive from the Welsh word for eagle (eryr) and I have shown how Vortigern and Ambrosius at Dinas Emrys seems to borrow elements from St. Ambrose and Magnus the Tyrant at Aquileia, another place that might well have been fancifully linked to Latin aquila (eagle).

Geoffrey of Monmouth took this one step forward by identifying the Northern Myrddin, his Merlin, with Ambrosius/Mabon of Dinas Emrys.

So what can we get out of all this?

Well, to begin with, I feel comfortable continuing to see Ambrosius Aurelianus as a chronologically and geographically displaced version of a conflation of the 4th century Gallic prefect and his saintly son. He is not a factor in our quest for an Arthur belonging to Britain in the 6th century.

But the close relationship between Paul Aurelian and Illtud, a man whom the Welsh poem PA GUR seems to identify with Uther Pendragon, lends weight to Uther as the Terrible Chief of warriors.

The only question remaining would be whether Illtud was Arthur's father or whether I am right about a confusion betweem Illtud/Uther Pendragon and Sawyl of Ribchester.  I will return to this point in a future blog post.  What I can say right now is that Uther was one or the other: either he was Illtud or he was Sawyl.  

NOTE: The name of Withur's island is interesting.  Battham bears a striking resemblance to Badon, a word linguists agree derives from English bathum (or batham, the dative plural, 'baths'). I won't push this point very far, especially as the highest point on the island (where the modern lighthouse now stands) is only 33 meters above sea level.  And, it is hard to interpret such a site as being in any sense important to Dark Age British (or even Breton) events.  But a fun coincidence, nonetheless.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Can I Have My Cake and Eat it, Too?: Sawyl of Ribchester and Artorius of Armenia

                        River Ribble

I've often suffered from either/or thinking and that shortcoming has sometimes adversely affected my Arthurian theory.

A perfect example is my rather arbitrary decision to divorce an Arthur son of Sawyl of Ribchester from an Artorius of Armenia. This has actually caused me great consternation. For while research and correspondence with top academics has satisfied me when it comes ARMENIOS being the correct reading for the ARM[...]S lacuna in the L. Artorius inscription, I am also totally infactuated with my identification of Sawyl of Ribchester as Arthur's father.

Why have I deemed this to be such a problem?

Because, so I reasoned, if the Roman name Artorous had been preserved in the North only to crop up there in the Dark Ages, then we would expect to find it at Ribchester ONLY in the event that L. Artorius Castus were present in Britain when the Sarmatians were there. The very same Sarmatians whose veterans settled at Ribchester.

Had Castus been there BEFORE the Sarmatians showed up - which would be the case had he gone to Armenia with Statius Priscus - we could not show a connection between him at Ribchester.

This all seemed very logical.

But... the logic is flawed.

How so?

Because it fails to take into account three important facts.

1) Castus as prefect of the Sixth was based at York.

2) Ribchester had a very close relationship with York. I will examine this relationship in some detail below.

3) A Dalmatian unit was serving at York in the late period. This was a cavalry group serving at Praesidium (according to Professor Roger Tomlin probably the civilian settlement outside the York fort).

For more information on this unit, see

The significance of Dalmatians at York has to do with Castus and Statius Priscus quite possibly being born in Dalmatia, and Castus service and retirement and burial there. The Artorii were present in Salona and a woman from there was actually buried at tge Carvoran fort on Hadrian's Wall, which was also manned by Dalmatian unit.

To return now to Point No. 1...

The following is excerpted from I. A. Richmond's THE SARMATAE, BREMETENNACUM VETERANORUM AND THE REGIO BREMETENNACENSIS ("The Journal of Roman Studies", Vol. 35, Parts 1 and 2 (1945):

"The Roman fort at Ribchester is one of the important strategic centres of Northern Britain, where a Roman road from south to north crossed the river Ribble, while another went eastwards to the legionary fortress at York through the Aire Gap...It is of some importance to recall that the cult of Maponus [found at Ribchester] is one patronized by legionary officers of the Sixth Legion, from which Antoninaus came, and, in particular, by so senior an officer as the praefectus castrorum [a rank held by LAC], since this stamps the cult as one centred in York rather than in the auxiliary forts... It is thus particularly significant for official policy that successive commandants of the Ribchester fort and settlement, men of education and social standing, both could and did draw generously upon the resources of craftsmanship and religious allegory available or current at the York headquarters in order to establish the shrine and monuments of the regional centre upon the basis of the best conventions that they knew. Indeed, it must be admitted that the policy can hardly have been without direct official inspiration, since it continued over a period of some forty years or more. It is evident that both during their military service and after their settlement in the regio as veterans, the men of the Sarmatian numeri, soldiers of the lowest standing in the army, were subjected to the stead influence of Roman religious culture, always one of the most powerful media of social education in the ancient world."

RIB 583. Dediction to Apollo Maponus and Gordian’s Own Unit of Sarmatian cavalry

[To the holy god Apollo Maponus for the welfare of our Lord (the Emperor) and of Gordian’s Own Unit of Sarmatian cavalry of Bremetennacum Aelius Antoninus, centurion of the Sixth Legion Victrix, from Melitene, acting-commander and prefect, fulfilled his vow willingly, deservedly. Dedicated 31 August in the consulship of the Emperor Our Lord Gordian for the second time and of Ponpeianus.]

In other words, not only was Ribchester geographically close to York, it was subjected to a prolonged and intensive program of assimilation from the latter city. This being so, we can well accept the preservation of the name Artorius in the region, as Roman personal names would certainly have been borrowed by the Sarmatians and, presumably, by any Britons or Romano-Britons who had engaged in intermarriage with the former. We might be justified in going so far as to say that names of prominent military officers who had served at Eboracum would have enjoyed a favored status among the settlers at Bremetennacum. 

Yes, all of that is hypothetical. I have found scholars on both sides of the debate as to how cultural identities might have been preserved in units like those of the Dalmatians. Yet we do have some evidence that such units continued to recruit from their homelands long after we might suppose such ties were severed. I have discussed this evidence in earlier blogs.

Right now I feel as if I'm justified in keeping both Artorius of Armenia and Sawyl of Ribchester. A decision along these lines would manifest itself as a sort of grand unifying theory, if my readers will permit.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

L. Artorius Castus, Armenia and the Seven-Year Gap







"Legionaries would be builders as well as fighting troops. And Castus would not specify how long he was in Armenia, or what he was doing there, apart from duffing up Armenians."


           Dumyat Hill of the Maeatae
             Myot Hill of the Maeatae

In accepting ARMENIOS as the reading for the ARM[...]S lacuna in the L. Artorius Castus inscription, we are faced with what has always appeared to me to be an insurmountable problem:

What to do with the seven years that separate the conclusion of the Armenian War in 163 AD and the apparent founding of Liburnia province in 170?

We have no intruding rank, post or action in the inscription between dux and procurator. This suggests an uninterrupted transition from one to the other. And, indeed, the Liburnian procuratorship looks very much like a post with which Castus was rewarded for service performed as dux.

We could, I suppose, postulate that Castus was building, garrisoning or what have you in Armenia for several years. That nothing he did there, however, warranted mention on his stone. Or that he had simply escorted his surviving troops back to Britain in 163 and continued to be prefect of the Sixth for several years before becoming procurator.

Problem is the average tenure of a legionary prefect (see Brian Dobson's "The Significance of the Centurion and 'Primipilaris' in the Roman Army and Administration", p. 414) was 3 years.  Had Castus proven so valuable as a prefect as to have been appointed dux, it is difficult to imagine him continuing in the role of prefect for 7 years. Instead, we must assume some time spent already as prefect when he became dux, and then perhaps an accelerated track to the procuratorship due to exceptional performance as commander of the legionary force.

With my newly proposed reading of ARMATAS GENTES for the Castus lacuna, the 7 year gap problem goes away.  In this scenario, Castus leads a force after the legate of the Sixth falls on the Wall. Under Ulpius Marcellus a great victory is won. Castus is rewarded with Liburnia. The mutiny happens later. 

This is the only time it seems to work, for had Castus replaced a legate due to Perennis's official decree he would have put that on his stone.

The gentes or tribes causing difficulty for Castus may well have been the same Maeatae confederation who we know was giving Rome fits at the time. I have before very tentatively suggested that the Miathi (= Maeatae) associated with the Dark Age Arthur of Dalriada could be a confused folk memory of Castus's campaign against the same tribal group. This possibility may seem far-fetched, but seems a bit much for coincidence only.

The Caledonii are found acting in concert with the Miathi during the reign of Septimius Severus.

It has always seemed to me that if we are to make a case for the survival of the Roman period name Artorius in north Britain and to have it resurface in the Dark Age as Arthur, Castus would have had to do something especially noteworthy IN NORTH BRITAIN. No one there would care a wit about him leaving to perform his dux mission in remote Armenia.

The same holds true, incidentally, for a Castus serving as dux in Armorica. My identification of the HB battle sites proves Arthur was in the North. While a Dumnonian Arthur (who is a product of later relocation to the Celtic Fringe) might well owe his name to a famous Roman officer who operated militarily in Armorica, such a venture is unlikely to have had any significant impact on Northern heroic tradition.

Given all that, can we really opt for ARMATAS GENTES on the Castus stone?

Friday, January 17, 2025


I've fielded some complaints from readers that my proposed reading for the ARM[...]S lacuna of the L.Artorius Castus memorial inscription is too vague or ambigous.  For the background, see 

I believe that concern can be quelled by looking at another ADVERSUS inscription.

In what way would this passage -

dux vexil(lationum) IIII / Germ(anicarum) VIII Aug(ustae) X<X=V>II{I} Pr(imigeniae) I / M(inerviae) XXX Ulp(iae) advers(us) defectores / et rebelles

[publication: CIL 03, 10473 = D 01153 = IDRE-02, 00280 = TitAq-01, 00021 = Legio-XXX, 00150 = AE 1972, +00378
dating: 208 to 211         EDCS-ID: EDCS-29500132]

be any different than

[pr]aef{f}(ectus) leg(ionis) VI / Victricis duci legg[ionu]m Britanici(mi)arum adversus arm[gente]s

"Prefect of the Sixth Victorious Legion, Dux of British legions against armed tribes"

I mean, it seems the first one is perhaps even more ambiguous.  

The following website on the first inscription is helpful.

"Caius Julius Septimius Castinus , consul-designate, legate propraetor of the three Augusti, for lower Pannonia, legate of the I Legion Minerva, according to the will of our masters head of a vexillation taken from the four Germanic legions, the VIII Augusta, the XXII Primigenia, the I Minerva and the XXX Ulpia against traitors and rebels...

Named Dux of a vexillation, he drew detachments from the two legions of Upper Germania, the VIII of Argentorate and the XXII of Mainz, as from the two legions of Lower Germania, the I Minerva of Bonne and the XXX Ulpia of Vetera ((Under the Severi, a considerable role was given to these large expeditionary forces organized for a single expedition and commanded by a Dux.)). Against whom and when was this armed force to fight? We do not know exactly and can only examine the possibilities:

1) Against Pescenius Niger in 193-194? The legions of the East proclaimed the legate of Syria, Niger (appointed in 191-192), Emperor. The legions of Septimius Severus won two successes, at Cyzicus, on the shores of the Black Sea, then at Nicaea, a little further east, in late 193-early 194. The decisive victory came at Issus, in April 194, practically where Alexander the Great defeated Darius III. Niger was captured and beheaded, his supporters hunted down and executed.

2) Against Claudius Albinus in 196? During the year 196, the governor of Brittany, Claudius Albinus, "associated Caesar" since 193, rallied all of Gaul, attached the Tarraconaise and set up his headquarters in Lyon from where he threatened all the garrisons on the Rhine border. Septimius Severus won a difficult victory on the outskirts of Lyon and Albinus committed suicide.

3) Against a revolt which would take place in 207 and of which we would ignore the leaders, the troops and the extent."

Prof. Roger Tomlin admits that this inscription is "geographically imprecise", although he personally objects to "armatas gentes" and continues to prefer "Armenios" for the Castus inscription. 

So, I have suggested the same course of action for an 'armatas gentes' reading on the Castus stone.  We look for a known historical event that fits the described dux mission, and takes into account both the reference to the prefect of the British Sixth legion and the British legionary forces involved.  

Nothing vague about armed tribes in the Castus inscription. No one who read about a prefect of the Sixth at York leading British legionary forces against armed tribes would think anything other than that the said tribes were in Britain. If they had not been, he would have told them so.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025


After years of research, myself and the academic community have reduced the possible readings for the ARM[...]S lacuna on the L. Artorius Castus inscription to two options:



A third and more recent proposed reading - that of ARMATOS - has been dispensed with by everyone save its three originators (Dr. Linda Malcor, Antonio Trinchese and Alessandro Faggiani).  I explored the ARMATOS reading more than anyone else.  No matter what I tried, it simply doesn't work.  Here is why:

In response to my recent article -

Antonio Trinchese, who with colleagues Dr. Linda Malcor and Alessandro Faggiani have proposed the ARMATOS reading for the ARM[...]S lacuna of the L. Artorius Castus inscription, commented as follows:

"I think this reconstruction [of an Armorican mission for Castus] is excellent... About "Arm...s", I think it will remain a mystery, but for me is very probable "Armoricos", is possible "Armatos" (I know you don't agree), or another name we don't know. Or a name we know, but with a different meaning."

To which I responded:

"Armoricos is best. It's not that I don't like ARMATOS. It's that it doesn't work. No career officer who was so meticulous and precise with his life achievements - a man who had seen significant military action in many lands - would, in describing his crowning deed, say that he went against armed men. He'd been going against armed men his whole life. He would say EXACTLY who his enemy was. Not make people guess or somehow expect them to know.  And this is true whether he were fighting foes in Britain or without.  In fact, with no geographical determinant for ARMATOS (other than we are talking about British legionary forces doing the fighting), we have no reference point for the location of the said foes.  Had he meant rebels, he would have put that (with ARMATOS written second, if he felt the need to state that rebels were armed!).  If hostes, that would imply an enemy outside of Britain.  Public enemy, bandits (latrones), etc., all could have been employed either whole or with acceptable abbreviations and ligatures.  He never would have used ARMATOS in isolation. 

Yes, ARTMATOS FITS BEAUTIFULLY ON THE STONE with no ligatures. So it's very pretty, and attractive that way. 

But, pretty much every word on the stone is abbreviated and/or ligatured, so any argument based on aesthetic allure is quite hollow.

Thus no one deems ARMATOS a possible reading outside of the originators of the proposed reading.

You need to abandon it. Much more profitable would be nailing down a reason for the Liburnian appointment after Perennis and Armorica. That would help counterbalance the Armenia theory, which allows us to associate the formation of Liburnia with the reorganization of Illyricum and Dalmatia c. 168-170."

The purpose of this post is to determine, if we can, whether we can truly choose ARMORICOS or if there is some barrier to our being able to do so.  While we can certainly make a case for the delegation of 1500 spearmen who went to Rome having been requesitioned (probably by Pescennius Niger as they passed through Lugudunum on their way back to Britain) to fight in Armorica, where a full-scale rebellion had been sparked by Maternus's deserters, we have to see if this will actually work within the context of the memorial stone's inscription.  I think the application of a fairly simple logical argument will show that it cannot.  And that would leave us with ARMENIOS as the most probable reading for the stone.

The problem with ARMORICOS on the stone has to do with Castus's status when the 1500 spearmen marched to Rome.  

According to Dio's account, they came to Rome to complain about Perennis.  They disapproved of the way he had been running things in Britain, and most of all appear to have been aggrieved over his replacement of the senatorial legates of the legions with prefects (like Castus). When they reached Rome they demanded Perennis be handed over for execution and Commodus (perhaps influenced also by accusations of conspiracy to commit treason coming from the army in Illyricum).

Dr. John Drinkwater, Emeritus Professor at Nottingham and the expert in Imperial Roman Gaul, thinks what "went down" was a little different from this, although the end result was the same.  He sees in the Rome mission of the 1500 spearmen an attempt of the removed senators and their supporters in the British army an attempt to apologize for past misbehavior, including the failed raising of Priscus (quite possibly the legate of Castus' Sixth Legion) to the purple.  So while a gesture of contrition and reconcilation with the Emperor, they did still lay the blame for their troubles on Perennis and promised the Emperor that he got rid of the Praetorian Prefect and restored the senatorial legates to their post, they would work towards quelling the mutinous troops in their province.

All of which leads us to the sticking point: if we listen to Dio, the legates were really removed and replaced.  Sure, it is possible they weren't, that they refused to relinquish their commands, and then in protect marched on Rome.  However, had they done so they would automatically have been considered seditious and would have immediately have been stopped, arrested or destroyed.  

How does this scenario apply to Castus?

Well, he either followed orders and assumed command of the Sixth or he did not.  If he did not, then that was an openly seditious act.  He would have suffered the consequences for it.  He certainly wouldn't have been entrusted with a force in Armorica and he wouldn't have been rewarded with a procuratorship in Liburnia.

On the other hand, if he did assume that rank/title - even if merely for an interval until the legates could be restored after the fall of Perennis - he would have put that on his stone.

All the scholars I have consulted agree with me on this point. Professor Roger Tomlin and I have discussed the matter at length.  Castus would have inserted between his rank as prefect of the Sixth Legion and the dux (temporary military command of a unit in a special operation) title. Something like pro legato or agens vice legati.  We have examples of the latter from the 3rd century, while the former in various contexts is found earlier.

I should hastily remind my readers that this is a different kind of situation than the one that existed earlier in Commodus's reign, when Ulpius Marcellus was sent to Britain to deal with the northern stribes.  They had killed a general on the Wall, a man scholars now think was most likely the legate of the Sixth legion.  Had Castus assumed command of the legion (rather than the senior tribune, who out-ranked him), he still would merely have been prefect.  He would have continued commanding the legion until a senatorial candidate could be selected to replace the fallen legate.  Of course, I had considered this scenario for Castus.  The only problem is that we can do nothing with ARM[...]S for action against the northern tribes.  Defaulting to ARMATOS does not work for the reasons I have expressed above.

We would also have to wonder why Castus, prefect of the Sixth, is taking the legionary vexillations North when there were two other legates of two other legions still alive.  Surely one of them would have commanded the force going North?  

In the case of Castus assuming command of a legion when its legate was officially removed, we can be certain that some kind of statement to this effect would have been carved on his stone.  While dux was an important command, it was not one that had to be performed by a legate.  The only honor higher for Castus than being official commander of the legion would have been the subsequent procuratorship.  And the procuratorship was a civil vs. a military post, so in Castus's mind his being commander of the Sixth would probably have been his supreme career achievement.

Prof. Tomlin summarizes this all nicely when he says:

"I think that if Castus had been acting-commander of the legion – in whatever circumstances – he would have said so on his stone. Otherwise, to any observer, he would have been only its (camp) prefect; admittedly a great distinction in itself for a sometime centurion."

And so we come to the crux of all this: if the stone's lacuna reads ARMORICOS, and we are talking about an action taken during the Deserters' War under Commodus, then Castus would have to have recorded his being in command of the Sixth legion.

He did not.

This same line of reasoning also applies to variations on the theme. For instance, had the 1500 been sent to Armorica BEFORE it went to Rome (something I once thought possible, despite Dio's insistence on its not having seen any resistence on its way from Britain to Rome), Castus would still be commanding the Sixth in place of its legate prior to the march of the 1500 on Rome.  

And even if we allow for an entirely separate force to be sent out from Britain to Armorica AFTER the 1500 have accomplished their Rome mission, or even during the Rome mission, Castus as prefect of the Sixth would still at some point be the commander of the Sixth. This wouldn't change until Perennis was dead and Commodus had reinstated the legates to their commands of the legions. 

We can press this further.  Let's say an entirely separate force was sent to Armorica BEFORE the 1500 went to Rome.  Now, granted, this doesn't fit the relative chronology of the mission of the 1500 and the onset of the Deserters' War.  But for the sake of argument let's go with it.  Castus could have fulfilled his dux function in Armorica successfully.  Priscus refuses the purple and the legates are removed from their posts.  Castus finds himself commander of the Sixth.

It is, therefore, my judgment that we cannot support the ARMORICOS reading.

The winner, by default, is ARMENIOS.  Why?

Because had the Roman governor of Britain, Statius Priscus, been accompanied by legionary vexillations, it is quite reasonable that he would have placed them under a sub-commander he respected and knew was up to the task.  If a prefect of the Sixth, which is the perfect choice for such a mission, that prefect would have been styled dux.  And this is true whether the force went with Priscus or followed him shortly thereafter.  Priscus was put in command of the entire army going into Armenia.  There would have been many sub-commanders of various units serving under him, including forces we know were drawn from the Rhine and the Danube.

Given the time-range modern scholarship now allows for the Castus inscription, the lacuna ARM[...]S - if we have analyzed everything correctly (in other words, if our premises are valid) - must read ARMENIOS.   


My idea that ARM[...]S may be for ARMATAS GENTES (see, while somewhat clever, has not been all that well received. It would have allowed us to identify Castus as the prefect who took over from the fallen legate at the outset of the British war under Commodus.  I also liked the fact that this war involved the Maeatae, who we find again as the Miathi in a battle involving the Dalriadan Arthur (whose presence in the territory of the Maeatae is difficult to explain). The problem seems to be that ARM.GENTES, while it fits nicely with allowable ligatures, is found as an early literary construction (twice in Livy), but is not present in later Roman period sources. Benet Salway does find what we would expect to be the more normal formation GENTES ARMATAS in some medieval Latin texts.  I have found a similar phrase, armato milites, 'armed soldiers', in Virgil's Aeneid (ii.20).

We would then see Castus' procuratorship as a reward for the British victory, celebrated by Commodus on his coinage.  Because of all the problems Britain experienced after the governship of Ulpius Marcellus, it is difficult to have Castus remain in Britain past the mutiny.  

Although, it would be tempting to have him be one of the officers in charge of the 1500 spearmen sent to Rome to eliminate Perennis.  Commodus also celebrated that event, it is believed, by stamping his coins with 'felix' in 185.  Hypothetically, Castus could have been rewarded with the Liburnian procuratorship for his role in this delegation.  We might think he would have mentioned such an embassy on his stone, although to be honest I'm not sure how he would have referred to such a mission. Presumably this would have been described as a 'legatio.'

Thursday, January 9, 2025


For quite some time now, I've been resisting allowing the reading of ARMORICOS in the L. Artorius Castus inscription.  However, after communicating with Dr. John Drinkwater, an expert on Roman Gaul, I decided I needed to revisit the possibility.

The problem, I've only just come to realize, is my reliance on some other authors when it comes to matters of chronology.  A good case in point is John McHugh's THE EMPEROR COMMODUS: GOD AND GLADIATOR.  In that volume, McHugh plausibly suggests the Deserters' War is already in full swing and that this explains the size of the escort (1500 British troops) that went to Rome to demand the removal of Perennis.

Well, in the first place, as Drinkwater submits, these troops may well have gone to Rome to apologize to the Emperor for the mutinous state of the army in Britain.  McHugh's argument is still reasonable that each of the three removed senatorial legates of the British legions had picked 500 spearman from their respective legions to act as a protective force for the delegation.

The problem with McHugh's scenario is that it does not allow us to see ARVERSUS ARMORICOS in the LAC inscription.  Why not?  Because we are specifically told by Dio that the 1500 British spearman had encountered no resistance on their way to Rome. If they didn't fight anyone, then LAC couldn't claim ADVERSUS ARMORICOS.

But I've since been able to make use of some other studies of the Bellum Desertorum and the Perennis episode - studies in which the dating offered for the events in question is more precise.

For those who want a quick rundown of the relevant source materials, please see what I have pasted at the end of this blog post.

What follows here is culled from 

The conflict of the legionaries in Britannia
with Perennis will reach its apogee at the turn of April and May AD
185 when a delegation of 1500 legionaries sent from there reaches

... in summer (turn of July and August) of AD 185, Maternus
decided to attack Argentoratum

Therefore, when the news on the attack by Maternus and
his ‘latrones’ reached Rome – most likely in the form of letters and official
protocol in which the entire event had been described in the chancellery of
the VIII ‘Augusta’ legion – which could have taken place already in August
AD 18550, the Senate, probably at the request of Commodus, adopted a resolution recognising Maternus and his ‘latrones’ as the ‘enemies of the
Roman state’ (hostes publici). After the act of declaring war, the operations
carried out against them became reclassified from those of typically police
nature to a regular ‘war with the deserters’ (bellum desertorum)51.

Maternus, as a deserter from
the Roman army, and his supporting companions (commilitiones), whom he
organised into a great criminal division (manus latronum), were primarily
only deserters and outlaws (latrones) excluded from the boundaries of the
Roman law. However, the scale and audacity of their activities engendered
Commodus’ personal intervention, as the result of which they were recognised
as ‘the enemies of the Roman state’ (hostes publici), and the military operation
of police actions that run against them in AD 185–186/7 was reclassified into
a regular ‘war’ – ‘bellum desertorum’, i.e. a war against deserters3. 

What is noticeable immediately here is that a good case can be made for allowing the embassy to Rome by the 1500 British spearman to have occurred just prior to the full outbreak of the Deserters' War.

That fact allows us to retain the 1500 troops for LAC and still employ ADVERSUS ARMORICOS.


By simply suggesting that once Perennis was dead and, presumably, the three senatorial legates reinstated, the force under LAC was only then tasked - before it returned to Britain - with taking on the uprising in Armorica that had been sparked by Maternus' actions. It may be that he and his force was put under Pescennius Niger at Lugudunum. [Remember that Armorica was a large part of the province of Gallia Lugudunensis.] The legates, meanwhile, would have crossed back to Britain and returned to their legionary bases.

As LAC would have been accompanying the legates to Rome on a diplomatic mission, it's unlikely he would have entered anything about this on his stone.  For at that point in time he was not a dux put in charge of a military action against an enemy. He would have become dux only when the restored legate of the Sixth Legion put him in charge of the troops being sent against Armorica. 

Alternately, he may have been sent from York to join the 1500 spearmen on the Continent and then led them into battle against the Armoricans.  

To be honest, I think this a rather elegant solution to our problem of the ARM[...]S lacuna. 


Now Pescennius was on very friendly terms with Severus at the time that the latter was governor of the province of Lugdunensis.12 4 For he was sent to apprehend a body of deserters who were then ravaging Gaul in great numbers,13 5 and because he conducted himself in this task with credit, he gained the esteem of Severus, so much so, in fact, that the latter wrote to Commodus about him, and averred that he was a man indispensable to the state.

16 1 The prodigies that occurred in his reign, both those which concerned the state and those which affected Commodus personally, were as follows. A comet appeared. 2 Footprints of the gods were seen in the Forum departing from it. Before the war of the deserters120 the heavens were ablaze.

120 An outbreak in Gaul in 186, headed by a soldier named Maternus, who gathered a band of fellow-soldiers and desperadoes and plundered the country. The Roman troops under Pescennius Niger defeated and scattered them; whereupon, Maternus himself fled to Italy and attempted to assassinate Commodus, but was caught and beheaded; see Herodian, I.10, and Pesc. Nig. iii.4.

Perennis,6 who commanded the Pretorians after Paternus, met his death as the result of a mutiny of the soldiers. For, inasmuch as Commodus had given himself up to chariot-racing and licentiousness and performed scarcely any of the duties pertaining to his office, Perennis was compelled to manage not only the military affairs, but everything else as well, and to stand at the head of the State. 21 The soldiers, accordingly, whenever any matter did not turn out to their satisfaction, laid the blame upon Perennis and were angry with him.

2a The soldiers in Britain chose Priscus, a lieutenant, emperor; but he declined, saying: I am no more an emperor than you are soldiers"

The lieutenants in Britain, accordingly, having been rebuked for their insubordination, — they did not become quiet, in fact, until Pertinax quelled them, — now chose out of their number fifteen hundred javelin men and sent them into Italy. 3 These men had already drawn near to Rome without encountering any resistance, when Commodus met them and asked: "What is the meaning of this, soldiers? What is your purpose in coming?" And when they  p91 answered, "We are here because Perennis is plotting against you and plans to make his son emperor," Commodus believed them, especially as Cleander insisted; for this man had often been prevented by Perennis from doing all that he desired, and consequently he hated him bitterly. 4 He accordingly delivered up the prefect to very soldiers whose commander he was, and had not the courage to scorn fifteen hundred men, though he had many times that number of Pretorians. 10 So Perennis was maltreated and struck down by those men, and his wife, his sister, and two sons were also killed. Thus Perennis was slain, though he deserved a far different fate, both on his own account and in the interest of the entire Roman empire, — except in so far as his ambition for office had made him chiefly responsible for the ruin of his colleague Paternus. For privately he never strove in the least for either fame or wealth, but lived a most incorruptible and temperate life; and as for Commodus and his imperial office, he guarded them in complete security.


Myrddin of Avalon

Who was Merlin – or, rather, what was Merlin?

This question has intrigued and vexed countless students of the Arthurian tradition for centuries. Was he someone who panicked and ran away from the Battle of Arfderydd? Who lost his sanity in the battle and lived like a wild beast in the woods? Had he really been a great bard of the chieftain Gwenddolau? If he were a madman, by what mechanism did his insane pronouncements become recognized as prophecies? Why was he also called Llallogan or Llallawg? Why was he dealt a triple sacrificial death akin to that meted out to the god Lleu (Gaulish Lugos, Irish Lugh) in the Welsh MABINOGION?

These questions are important in and of themselves, of course. But for our purposes they take on a more profound significance. When we answer them in an objective way, can we say definitively that Merlin had belonged to a class of druidic priests? Or that he had performed some vital function for such a priesthood?

In Geoffrey of Monmouth’s History of the Kings of Britain, Merlin, the Welsh Myrddin, is associated with Amesbury’s Stonehenge on Salisbury Plain and with Mount Killaraus (= Killare next to the Hill of Uisneach, the centre of Ireland), while in Geoffrey’s Life of Merlin the great sage is placed atop a mountain in the Scottish Caledonian Wood.

Fragments of the Life of St. Kentigern tell of a madman/prophet named Lailoken, who is explicitly identified with Merlin, and who is found on a ‘rock’ at Mellodonor (modern Molindinar Burn) within sight of Glasgow and at Drumelzier (modern Dunmeller) in Scottish Borders. Lailoken is said to have been buried near Drumelzier.

Before Geoffrey introduced Merlin into the Arthurian saga by substituting him for Ambrosius of Dinas Emrys, a hill-fort in Gwynedd, Wales, and of Wallop, Hampshire (see below), the madman/prophet had divided his time between Carwinelow, the fort of his lord Gwenddolau, near Longtown in Liddesdale (known now as the Moat of Liddel), nearby Arthuret, the scene of the Battle of Arfderydd, in which his lord was slain and he went mad, the Lowland Caledonian Wood with its mountain and the court of King Rhydderch Hen/Hael. Rhydderch belongs at Dumbarton in Strathclyde, although Geoffrey makes him a Cumbrian king.

Myrddin’s Mountain

In Geoffrey the Caledonian mountain of Merlin remains unnamed. This is unfortunate, in that by finding this mountain we might learn a great deal more about Merlin’s identity. And, incidentally, we would have a much firmer fix on the location of Arthur’s seventh battle, which occurred in the Caledonian Wood.

Merlin’s Caledonian Wood mountain is mentioned in one other source: the 13th century French verse romance by Guillaume Le Clerc entitled Fergus of Galloway. The Fergus romance is distinguished by the author’s knowledge of Scottish geography. To quote from Cedric E. Pickford in Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages:

“His [Guillaume’s] Scottish geography is remarkably accurate… In the whole range of Arthurian romance there is no instance of a more detailed, more realistic geographical setting.”

The modern translator of Fergus, the late D.D.R. Owen, has made similar remarks on this romance. The notes and synopses in his translation also remind the reader that various elements of the Fergus mountain episode were adapted from Chretien’s Yvain and Perceval and the Continuations of the latter.

But it remains true that only Fergus actually names Merlin’s mountain and purports to give us directions on how to get there. The hero Fergus starts his journey to the mountain not as Nikolai Tolstoy (in his The Quest for Merlin) claims at the Moat of Liddel, where Merlin fought and fled in madness, but at Liddel Castle at Newcastleton in Liddesdale. Tolstoy uses 1) Guillaume’s directions and the placement of King Rhydderch at Dumbarton 2) Merlin’s affinity with the stag in Geoffrey’s Life of Merlin 3) the incorrect positioning of Merlin’s Galabes springs (see below) and 4) the great height of the hill to select Hart Fell at the head of Annandale as Merlin’s mountain.

There are marked problems with each of these guidelines used by Tolstoy. Firstly, the directions given are incredibly vague and hence can be used to chart a course from the Moat of Liddel to just about anywhere:

“[Fergus] comes riding along the edge of a mighty forest… Fergus comes onto a very wide plain between two hills. On he rode past hillocks and valleys until he saw a mountain appear that reached up to the clouds and supported the entire sky…”

Secondly, Fergus’ mountain is given two names, neither of which match that of Hart Fell: Noquetran (variants Nouquetran, Noquetrant) and ‘Black Mountain’. The latter is obviously a poetic designation only, the primary name being Noquetran.

And thirdly, there is no edifice of any kind atop or on the flanks of Hart Fell which could have been referred to as ‘Merlin’s Chapel’. As described in the Fergus romance, this edifice must be an ancient chambered cairn. Such monuments are often associated with Arthurian characters.

The hill-name Noquetran is obviously a Norman French attempt at a Gaelic hill-name, with the first component being cnoc, English knock, ‘hill’. As the French render English bank as banque and check as cheque, Cnoc/Knock became Noque-.

The secret to correctly interpreting the –tran component of Noquetran lies in a closer examination of Professor Owen’s notes on the Fergus romance. For lines 773-93 he writes:

“This adventure [of the Noquetran] is largely developed from elements in C.II [the Second Continuation of Chretien’s Perceval]. There Perceval fights and defeats a Black Knight in mysterious circumstances. Earlier, he had found a fine horn hanging by a sash from a castle door. On it he gave three great blasts, whereupon he was challenged by a knight, the horn’s owner, whose shield was emblazoned with a white lion. Perceval vanquished this Chevalier du Cor and sent him to surrender to Arthur. At his castle he learned of a high mountain, the Mont Dolorous, on whose summit was a marvellous pillar… fashioned long ago by Merlin.”

For lines 4460 ff, Owen writes:

“Mont Dolorous, which also appears in C.II (see note to II. 773-93 above), is here associated with Melrose and is probably to be identified with the nearby Eildon Hills…”

In the Fergus romance, the Noquetran episode comes first. The horn hangs from a white lion (cf. the lion on the knight’s shield in the Perceval Continuation) in the Noquetran chapel, where Merlin had spent many a year. In front of the chapel is a bronze giant, apparently a statue, whose arms are broken off by Fergus, causing the giant’s great bronze hammer to fall to the ground. Later in the romance, Fergus goes to the Dolorous Mountain or the Eildons and encounters there a club-wielding giant in the Castle of the Dark Rock (reminiscent of the ‘Black Mountain’ name applied to the Noquetran).

As it happens, the Eildons are noteworthy for having three major ancient monuments atop two of their three hills. On the Eildon North Hill is the largest hill fort in Scotland, the probable oppidum of the Selgovae tribe. Here also is a Roman signal station.

But on Eildon Mid Hill is a large Bronze Age cairn. This ancient burial mound is situated on the Southwest flank of Eildon Mid Hill about 30m below the summit, at a height of some 395m OD. It has been much robbed and now appears as a low, irregular mound of stones, about 15m in diameter, from which a few boulders protrude to indicate the possible former presence of a cist.

More remarkable was the presence below the cairn of a group of seven bronze socketed axes. These axes are now in the Royal Museum of Scotland.

This group of seven socketed axes was found in 1982 on the lower western slopes of Eildon Mid Hill, Ettrick and Lauderdale District, Borders Region. Although recovered from redeposited soil, the axes probably represent a hoard of the Ewart Park phase of the late Bronze Age. The find reinforces what appears to be a significant local concentration of contemporary metalwork around the Eildon Hills.

In view of their discovery in redeposited soil we cannot be absolutely certain how the axes were originally deposited. However, their number, their proximity and their similar condition all suggest that they came from a hoard, probably close to their eventual find-spot. Whether the seven axes recovered in August 1982 comprised the whole hoard remains uncertain. On the other hand, it is possible, though less likely, that more than one separate deposit was originally involved.

These bronze axes immediately remind us of the bronze hammer in the Fergus romance’s account of Merlin’s Chapel. This being so, I would see in the name ‘Noquetran’ or Noquetrant a Gaelic cnoc or Anglicized ‘knock’ plus one of the following:

G. dreann – grief, pain (cf. Irish drean, sorrow, pain, melancholy);


G. treana, treannadh – lamentation, wailing.

In other words, Noquetran is merely a Gaelic rendering of the Old French Mont Dolorous, the famous Dolorous Mountain of Arthurian romance!

The bronze hammer Fergus causes to be dropped near Merlin’s Chapel on the Noquetran is a folk memory of a bronze socketed axe being deposited on the slope below the Eildon Mid Hill cairn or, more probably, of such an axe being found on the site prior to Guillaume Le Clerc’s writing of the Fergus romance. Merlin’s Noquetran chapel is the Eildon Mid Hill Bronze Age cairn.

Melrose Mountain, Black Mountain and Castle of the Dark Rock are all designations for the Eildons. The hill-name Eildon is found in 1130 as Eldunum and in 1150 as Eldune. This could be (according to the Scottish place-name expert Watson) OE aelet + dunas, ‘fire hills’, or G. aill, ‘a rock, cliff’, plus OE dun, ‘a hill’. The Fergus romance’s ‘Castle of the Dark Rock’ (Li Chastiaus de la Roce Bise) may stand for the hill-fort on Eildon North Hill, with Eildon being perceived as composed of aill, rock, plus not dun, ‘hill’, but instead OE dun, a colour partaking of brown and black; ME dunne, donne, dark-coloured: Ir. Dunn, a dun colour: Wel. dwn, dun, swarthy, dusky: Gael. Donn, brown-coloured.

So why were the Eildons identified with the Dolorous Mountain/Noquetran? The answer may lie in part with Nikolai Tolstoy’s astute observation that the lion Fergus thinks should be roaming over the mountain-top, but which he finds inside the ‘chapel’ is an error or substitution for the god Lugos (Welsh Lleu, Irish Lugh). In Welsh, Lleu’s name could sometimes be spelled Llew, and the latter is the normal spelling for the Welsh word ‘lion’. Merlin’s associations with Lleu will be discussed below. For now, suffice it to say that the Dolorous Mountain got its name because the divine name Lugos or Lugh was at some point wrongly linked to Latin lugeo, ‘to mourn, to lament, bewail’. Such mistakes in language could easily have occurred when going from Celtic to Old French. It may even be that in preferring lugeo to Lugos, a pagan religious secret was being disguised and thus protected. 

The Dolorous Mountain is then, properly, ‘Lugos Mountain’. And the Lugos/Lugh/Lleu mountain in particular is Eildon Mid Hill, the highest of the Eildons, with its Bronze Age cairn. Such an identification of the Dolorous Mountain has implications for the Dolorous Garde of Lancelot, especially given that Lancelot himself is a late literary manifestation of the god Lugh, something first discussed long ago by the noted Arthurian scholar Roger Sherman Loomis.  I have parsed Lancelot of the Lake as Llwch (the Welsh spelling for the Irish god Lugh) + lamh-calad (Irish)/llaw-caled (Welsh), that is, Lugh of the Hard-hand.  

We know of five Lugh forts in Britain, four known and one unlocated. Of the former there is Dinas Dinlle in Gwynedd, Loudoun in East Ayrshire, Luguvalium or Carlisle in Cumbria and Lleuddiniawn or ‘Lothian’, land of the Fort of Lugh. Din Eidyn, modern Edinburgh, the capital of Lothian, preserves the name of Lugh’s mother in Irish tradition, Eithne. Luguvalium has been interpreted as containing a personal name *Lugovalos, ‘Lugos-strong’, but I believe this name is instead a descriptive of the fort itself as being ‘Strong as Lugh’.

Then there is the Lugudunum or ‘Hill-fort of Lugh’ of the Ravenna Cosmography. This place, according to Rivet and Smith’s The Place-Names of Roman Britain, is situated somewhere roughly between Chester-le-Street and South Shields. The only good candidate would seem to be Penshaw Hill, which the Brigantes Nation Website calls “the only triple rampart Iron Age hill-fort known to exist in the north of England.” Penshaw Hill is associated with the famous Lambton Worm, a monster not unlike the two worms or dragons of Lleu’s hill-fort of Dinas Emrys in Gwynedd, Wales. [1]

Yet another Lugh's fort is found at Dreva Craig near Merlin's Drumelzier, and I will have cause to discuss this site in more detail below. 

According to Joseph Rogerson (The Farmer’s Magazine, 1835), the Melrose Lammas Fair (Christian substitute for the pagan Lughnasadh) was the largest in the south of Scotland.  It was held on the northern slope of the Eildons and as many as 30,000-50,000 lambs were shown.  Lammas was associated with St. Peter “in Chains”, i.e. St. Peter when he was imprisoned by Herod.  His being freed by an angel, according to James B. Jordan (“The Resurrection of Peter and the Coming of the Kingdom”, Biblical Horizons 34), portrayed a type of resurrection for Peter, recapitulating the resurrection of Jesus.  As I’ve shown that the death of Lugh fell on Imbolc (February 1; see below) on the opposite side of the solar year from Lughnasadh, we can say with a fair degree of confidence that not only were the Eildons a famous Lugh mountain, but that the celebration of Lughnasadh here had commemorated the rebirth of the sun god. 

The Eildons are noted for the stories of ‘Canobie’ or Canonbie Dick and Thomas the Rhymer of Ercildoune.

Canonbie is close to both the Carwinley of Myrddin’s/Merlin’s lord Gwenddolau and Arthuret Knowes, the scene of the Battle of Arfderydd in which Myrddin was driven mad. The 13th century Thomas is credited with meeting an elf-woman under the Eildon Tree (whose location is now marked by a stone) and being taken under the Eildons to the land of Faery. He is also credited with a prophecy concerning Merlin’s grave at Drumelzier:

“When Tweed and Powsail meet at Merlin’s grave, Scotland and England that day ae king shall have.”

The story of Canonbie Dick presents Thomas as a wizard from past days, and I will quote it in full:

“A long time ago in the Borders Region there lived a Horse Cowper called Canobie Dick. He was both admired and feared for his bold courage and rash temper. One evening he was riding over Bowden Moor on the West side of the Eildon Hills. It was very late and the moon was already high in the night sky.

He had been to market but trade that day had been poor and he had with him a brace of horses, which he had not been able to sell. Suddenly, he saw ahead of him on the moonlit road, a stranger. The stranger was dressed in a fashion that had not been seen for many centuries. The stranger politely asked the price of the horses.

Now Canobie Dick liked to bargain, and was not worried by the strange man’s looks. Why, he would have sold his horses to the devil himself, and cheated him as well, given half a chance. They agreed a price which the stranger promptly paid.

The only puzzle was that the gold coins he used to pay were as ancient as his dress. They were in the shape of unicorns and bonnet pieces. However, Canobie Dick shrugged his shoulders. Gold was gold. He smiled to himself, thinking that he would get a better bargain for the coins than the stranger had got for the horses.

When the stranger asked if he could meet him again at the same place, Canobie Dick was happy to agree. But the stranger had one condition: that he should always come by night and always alone.

After several more meetings, Canobie Dick became curious to learn more about his secret buyer. He suggested that ‘dry bargains’ were unlucky bargains and that they should seal the business with a drink at the buyer’s home.

‘You may see my dwelling if you wish,’ said the stranger; ‘but if you lose courage at what you see there, you will regret it all your life.’

Canobie Dick was scornful of the warning, after all he was well known for his courage and the stranger seemed harmless enough. The stranger led the way along a narrow footpath, which led into the hills between the Southern and central peaks to a place called the Lucken Hare. Canobie Dick followed but was amazed to see an enormous entrance into the hillside. He knew the area well but had never seen before such an opening or heard any mention of it.

They dismounted and tethered their horses. His guide stopped and fixed his gaze on Canobie Dick. ‘You may still return,’ he said. Not wanting to be seen as a coward, Canobie Dick shook his head, squared his shoulders and followed the man along the passage into a great hall cut out of the rock.

As they walked, they passed many rows of stables. In every stall there was a coal black horse, and by every horse lay a knight in jet black armour, with a drawn sword in each hand. They were as still as stone, as if they had been carved from marble.

In the great hall were many burning torches. But their fiery light only made the hall more gloomy. There was a strange stillness in the air, like a hot day before a storm. At last they arrived at the far end of the Hall. On an antique oak table lay a sword, still sheathed, and a horn. The stranger revealed that he was Thomas of Ercildoun [Thomas the Rhymer] the famous prophet who had disappeared many centuries ago.

Turning to Canobie Dick he said, ‘It is foretold that: ‘He that sounds the horn and draws that sword, shall, if his heart fails him not, be king over all broad Britain. But all depends on courage, and whether the sword or horn is taken first. So speaks the tongue that cannot lie.’’

The stillness of the air felt heavy. Canobie Dick wanted to take the sword but he was struck by a supernatural terror, such as he had never felt before. What, he thought, would happen if he drew the sword; would such a daring act annoy the powers of the mountain?

Instead he took the horn and with trembling hands put it to his lips. He let out a feeble blast that echoed around the hall.

It produced a terrible answer. Thunder rolled and with a cry and a clash of armour the knights arose from their slumber and the horses snorted and tossed their manes. A dreadful army rose before him. Terrified, Canobie Dick snatched the sword and tried to free it from its scabbard. At this a voice boomed:

‘Woe to the Coward, that ever he was born,

Who did not draw the sword before he blew the horn.’

Then he heard the fury of a great whirlwind as he was lifted from his feet and blasted from the cavern. He tumbled down steep banks of stones until he hit the ground. Canobie Dick was found the next morning by local shepherds. He had just enough trembling breath to tell his fearful tale, before he died.”

A similar story is told of Alderley Edge in Cheshire, only in that version the wizard is Merlin and the sleeping knights are King Arthur and his men. My guess is that in the case of the Canonbie Dick story, Thomas the Rhymer has taken the place of Merlin. This is not a new supposition, but combined with my identification of Myrddin’s Noquetran with Eildon Mid Hill as the Dolorous Mountain, the argument is significantly strengthened. Fergus was written around 1200 CE, while Thomas is thought to have lived c. 1220-1298. At some point Thomas appears to have been substituted for Merlin at his chapel/cairn on Eildon Mid Hill.

If I am right and the Eildons are Merlin’s Mountain at the centre of the great Celyddon Wood, then we can allow for the Celyddon as being thought of as the ancient woodland which covered much of the area surrounding the Eildons. When we combine this with the fact that Merlin was obviously wandering in the wood in the vicinity of Drumelzier when he was captured by Meldred, it is fairly obvious that the Celyddon, which in this context means merely a great forest of the Scottish Lowlands, extended for a considerable distance.

Indeed, we know there were four great ancient forests surrounding the Eildon Hills: the Jedforest, whose Capon Tree oak is one of the oldest such trees in all of Britain; Teviotdale itself, which was covered by huge oaks and ash trees in the 12th century; the Ettrick Forest of Selkirkshire; and the Lauder Forest, an immense forested track encompassing Lauderdale that still existed up until the 17th century. Apples, or rather crab-apples, the very species of tree Merlin takes refuge under in the early Welsh poetry, were also present in this region. The St. Boswell’s Apple is thought to be 150 years old and is the largest of its kind in Scotland. Thomas the Rhymer, taken to Fairyland at the Eildons, is given an apple by the Queen of Fairy.

In my book ‘The Arthur of History’, I was able to precisely pinpoint the location of Arthur’s Coed Celyddon battle.  This was in the area of the Caddon Water, a place-name with early forms (spellings) that are all but identical to that of Celyddon.  The Caddon Water empties into the Tweed not far west of the Eildons.  In fact, it was likely this stream name that led to the relocation of Caledonia from its home in the Scottish Highland to the Lowlands in Welsh tradition.

The Pre-Romance Mountain of Myrddin

While the Eildons would seem to be the location of Merlin’s Mountain according to the late “Fergus” romance, there is evidence of another Scottish Lowland mountain in the earlier Welsh poetry.  This particular mountain may have been the true, original mountain, the prototype of all those that succeeded it.  Or it may simply have been another of several mountains sacred to Lleu. 

The reference to the location of this mountain is found in Gwasgargerd vyrdin yny bed, the “Separation-Song of Myrddin in the Grave” of the Red Book of Hergest.  There Myrddin says:

‘Gwasawg, your cry to Gwenddydd
was told to me by the wild men of the mountain
in Aber Caraf.’

From other references in the early poetry we know that Gwasawg was a ‘supporter’ of the Christian champion Rhydderch Hael, King of Strathclyde. The name is a diminutive of Welsh gwas, ‘lad, servant’.

As it turns out, St. Kentigern as a boy (see Chapter 8 of Jocelyn's Vita) is called servuli, from servulus, a dim. of Latin servus, with a meaning 'sevant-lad, young slave'.

As Kentigern is brought into close connection with Myrddin as Lailoken in the saint's life, and Kentigern's royal patron was Rhydderch, I'm proposing that Gwasawg is a Welsh rendering of servuli and that the former is thus St. Kentigern himself.

Note that Myrddin is said to be chased by the hunting-dogs of Rhydderch, and Kentigern or *Cuno-tigernos means "Hound Lord."

While Aber Caraf has been rendered by at least one translator as Aber Craf (Peter Goodrich, The Romance of Merlin, 1990), a location in south-central Wales, we can be sure it is actually to be found in Lowland Scotland. 

We have seen how Merlin/Lailoken is present in both the region of Glasgow and at Drumelzier on the Tweed.  It has long been thought that his mountain must have been somewhere between these two places, and most likely at or not far from the sources of the Clyde and Tweed, a sort of symbolic ‘center’ of the southern ‘Caledonian Wood’. 

I would identify the mountain in Aber Caraf with Tinto Hill (2320 feet / 707 meters), which looms over ancient Abercarf, now called Wiston.  Abercarf, according to the Scottish Place-Name Society’s “Brittonic Language in the North”, is from aber, ‘confluence’, plus garw, ‘rough’, derived from the name of the Garf Water, a tributary of the upper Clyde. I also call attention to Wyndales on the mountain's flank, a name which, superficially at least, reminds us of the Gwenddolau or White Dales of Carwinley near Arthuret/Arderydd.

When I asked Alan James, the author of BLITON, as to the possibility that Abercarf could instead contain carw, 'stag', he responded:

"Quite right. As to the merits of the two interpretations, I'm agnostic. The phonology of either wouldn't be difficult to explain. Garw and Gaelic garbh are of course pretty common in river-names, and I'm rather less eager than some place-name scholars to see animals, e.g. carw, in such names, but there certainly are parallels."

Just a few kilometers upstream on the Clyde from the Garf Water is Hartside and Hartside Burn.  Red Deer were once plentiful here. 

Given Myrddin's association with the stag in Geoffrey of Monmouth's "Life of Merlin" and his placement historically at Arfderydd/Arderydd/Arthuret in Cumbria in what was the northwestern limit of the ancient Carvetti (Stag-people) territory, a mountain at the confluence of the 'Stag Water' would make a lot of sense.

Tinto Hill is situated between Drumelzier to the east and Glasgow to the northwest.  It is also only a few miles north-northwest of the headwaters of the Clyde and Tweed.  Thus it just happens to stand exactly where we would expect the hill of Myrddin to be found. 

The hill’s name was discussed long ago by W. J. Watson in his GENERAL SURVEY OF AYRSHIRE AND STRATHCLYDE, History of the Celtic Placenames of Scotland, 1926 (reprinted 1993 by BIRLINN, Edinburgh, ISBN 1 874744 06 8):

“Tinto appears in 'Karyn de Tintou,' 'Kaerne de Tintou,' c. 1315 (RMS); in Macfarlane it is Tyntoche once, Tynto thrice; in Scots, Tintock, as also in the Retours ; it is for teinteach, 'place of fire'…”

Atop Tinto Hill is Tinto Cairn, of Bronze Age date and the largest summit cairn in all of Scotland.  Details on the hill and cairn can be found here:

Different reasons have been supplied for why this hill is called ‘place of fire’. One suggests it gets its name from the fact that its exposed red Felsite rock can be given a fiery glow by the setting sun.  This geology is discussed here:

Another possible explanation is that the hill was used for beacon fires or even for Beltane fires:

“Long a beacon post and a place of Beltane fires, it took thence its name of Tinto, signifying the ‘hill of fire’.” [Groome, 1885, Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland]

I would say these apparently conflicting ideas are not mutually exclusive. Indeed, it may precisely have been the red-glowing color of the rocks in the light of the setting sun that drew people to this mountain as being particularly sacred, and they may then have used it for Beltane fires. 

It would surely be significant if Myrddin were thought to be communing with the ancestral ghosts at a huge Bronze Age cairn atop a mountain known as the Place of Fire.  This would intimately connect him with seasonal Beltane rites.

The Apple-Tree of Myrddin

In the early Welsh poem Yr Afallennau, 'The Apple Trees', we are told about a magical apple tree in which Myrddin the Mad finds refuge from the British Strathclyde king, Rhydderch.  We are given various enigmatic hints as to the location of this tree.  The tree is in the Celyddon Wood (in this case, the Scottish Lowland forest deriving its name from the Caddon Water, a relocation of the true Caledonian Forest that lay in the Highlands). It is said to be "beyond Rhun", and in a glade (Awallen peren atif inllanerch).  Also, it is on a bank of a river.

Many have dispensed with this tree as a mythological construct.  I once tried to identify it with Cairn Avel (from W. afal, 'apple'?), a chambered tomb in Dumfries and Galloway. However, certain antiquarian writers did point out that the Welsh common noun llanerch or "glade" was present in the Scottish Lowland place-name Lanark.  The Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru has for the entry on llanerch:


[?llan+erch1 neu ynteu est. yn -rk- i’r Frth. *landa (> llann), H. Grn. lanherch, gl. saltus; digwydd mewn e. lleoedd yng Nghumbria ac yn yr Alban, e.e. Lanercost, Lanark, Lanrick, Lendrick, Caerlanrig]

eb.g. (bach. g. llanerchyn) ll. llanerchau, -i, -oedd, -ydd, llanneirch, llenneirch, llennyrch.

Lle agored mewn coedwig, &c., gwerddon, tir porfa, cowrt, beili, man gwag, clwt, mangre, lle, ardal; brycheuyn, ysmotyn; (geir.) trigfa; Her. maes neu wyneb tarian:

a clearing, glade, oasis, pasture, court, empty space, patch, place, area, region; blemish, spot; (dict.) habitation; field of escutcheon (in her.)." 

Alas, no one seems to have paid attention to this observation. Yet the connection has been confirmed by the best of the modern place-name scholars.  The following is from Alan  G. James' "The Brittonic Language in the Old North: A Guide to the Place-Name Evidence, Volume 2, Guide to the Elements":

"lanerc or *lanrec (f) Br *landā- (see lann) + -arcā- > OW(LL) lannerch > M-MnW llannerch. The suffix -arcā- may be diminutive, cf. early Modern Welsh glosses llan = Latin area, llannerch = areola (see GPC, and Williams 1952). If so, and assuming a secular sense for lann (which see), the meaning would be ‘a small (cleared, and possibly enclosed) area of (former) scrub, waste, fallow or wooded land’. The common interpretation, ‘a glade’ may over-emphasise the woodland connotations. The examples from the North mostly show single –n- and non-spirant –rc. Jackson, (1955a) at p. 164, regarded the latter as a Pritenic feature, but it was probably also present in northernmost Brittonic.

The cluster of names with this element in and around the middle Irthing valley, recorded mainly
in the Lanercost Cartulary (Todd 1997), is of particular interest. Jackson argued, in LHEB §149,
pp. 571-2, that the absence of spirant lenition from these names may indicate that [-rk] > [-rχ],
which he dated to the late 6th century in West Brittonic, occurred later or not at all in northern
Brittonic/ Cumbric (assuming as he did that these names were adopted by Northumbrian English
speakers on their arrival, again in the late 6th century). However, this begs several questions, and
his later opinion on the similar feature in Pritenic (1955a loc. cit.) suggests an alternative view
that these names may reflect much later colonisation of the district by settlers from further north
(though not necessarily from Pictland): see A. G. James (2008) at p. 200.

Several forms also show metathesised –rec, which may be compared with Landrick Per (x2) and
Lendrick Ang and Knr. R. A. V. Cox (1997) shows that such metathesis was characteristic of
Gaelicised forms of this word. This may be relevant to the names north of the Forth, and even to
the local pronunciation of Lanark recorded as Lainrick. However, it is doubtful whether the
names in the Lanercost Cartulary are Gaelic or Goidelic-influenced. See also Nicolaisen (2007) at
p. 120 and A.G. James (2009a) at pp. 151-2.

a1) Lanark CPNS p. 356: see above. Lanerton Cmb PNCmb p. 115 [+ OE –tūn ‘a farm’]. b2) Lanercost Cmb PNCmb p. 71 + personal name *Ǭst: though unrecorded, such a name could be a neo-Brittonic form for the Latin Augustus, via Vernacular Latin *Agust- > late British *Aɣust or *Awust, cf. Welsh Awst, the month of August. See I Williams (1952) at pp. 67-9, and cf. Coates in CVEP, pp. 54-5, on Aust Glo, but note Watts’s reservations, DEPN(C), p. 27. Such a personal name need not necessarily date the place-name formation to the post-Roman period, it could have been current much later. The Augustinian priory was established here around 1166: Williams loc. cit. thought this ‘a happy coincidence’, but it is not wholly impossible even at that date that a (dialectally northern) Cumbric-speaking community existed here, or was introduced in association with the foundation, and that *Awst here is a late Cumbric hypocorism for Augustine. If so, the other lanerc names, and other late Cumbric names in this area, could have been associated with the same foundation. See A. G. James (2008) loc. cit. and (2009a) loc. cit. Lanrechaithin Cmb (Burtholme) PNCmb p. 72, Lan Cart 6 and note + -ejthin: note the exceptional (but very early) –ch- in this record of c1170, replaced by –c- or –k- in subsequent records. Lanrecorinsan Cmb (Brampton?) Lan Cart 28 ? + ï[r]- ? + -ïnïs- + -an: see Breeze (2006c) at p. 326. Lanrekereini Cmb (Nether Denton) Lan Cart 49 ? + ï[r]- ? + -üwn (see *oɣn and Breeze (2006c) at p. 326), or + -*rieini, plural of *rijajn (which see; A. Walker, pers. comm.) Note that this is not a variant of Lanrechaithin as stated in PNCmb at p. 72: see Todd (2005) at p. 93 and p. 102 n37.

 Lanrequeitheil Cmb (Burtholme) PNCmb p. 72, LanCart 149 ? + -cȩ:d- [+ OE –hyll > ‘hill’] A.
Walker, pers. comm., or + personal (saint’s?) name -Judhael, see *jǖδ and Breeze (2006c) loc.

c1) Barlanark Lnk (Shettleston) CPNS p. 356 + *baɣeδ-, which see.
c2) Caerlanrig Rox (Teviothead) CPNS p. 368, PNRox p. 6 + cajr-, which see. Macdonald in
PNRox prefers OE *lang-hryċġ, as ‘long ridge’ is appropriate here; if this is correct, cajr- must
be attributed to post-Northumbrian Cumbric-speaking (re-) colonisation. However, [-ŋ(h)r-] > [-
nr-] is not a regular development between Northumbrian Old English and early Scots.
Drumlanrig Dmf (Durrisdeer) + *drum-, which see.

Records for Panlaurig Bwk confirm that this was not -lanerc, see under laβar."

'Rhun', if considered in the context of Rhydderch's Strathclyde, can only be a reference to the 9th century Strathclyde king of that name.  Now, critics have claimed that Rhun's kingdom could not be that which appears in the Myrddin poem.  Why?  Because Myrddin was of the 6th century.  But these same critics forget that 'Yr Afallennau' is extant only in MSS. dated well after the reign of Rhun.  So by the time the poem was put to paper - regardless of any prior verbal transmission - the kingdom of Strathclyde might easily have been anachronistically called the land of Rhun in the medieval Welsh poem.

I thought to begin my search by looking for an actual apple tree place-name in the vicinity of Lanark.  The result of that search? There was a chapel associated with nearby Nemphlar called variously 'All men's apple tree" or "Old Man's apple tree."  Some rather dated books discuss this place, but the best information is to be found on more modern and very respectable Websites:

The location of the chapel is shown only on the Roy maps of 1752-55.  It is near the Clyde, the chief river of the Kingdom of Strathclyde.  I take this to be the river mentioned in the 'Yr Afallennau.'

Alan James, a foremost expert in the Brittonic place-names of North Britain, has informed me that:

"Very helpful friends in the FB Scottish Place-Names group have come up with more on Nemphlar. The earliest record is a grant 1173x1214 by King WIlliam to the parish church of Lanark of the parish of Nemflare (sic in the rubric, in the text of the grant, Nenflare)

There is no record of any Templar holding there, notwithstanding Chalmers (who gives no source), Alan Macquarrie has confirmed that."

I would hasten to add that very near where this apple tree chapel was said to have stood, there was a holy well.  It went by various names, but came to associated with St. Mary:

Why might this be important?  Because in Strophe 4 of 'Yr Afallennau', we are told that Myrddin "contended at its base [of the apple tree] in order to please a maiden." As the chapel of the apple tree and the holy well were very close to one another, it may be that the maiden in question was the pagan equivalent of the Virgin Mary.

Lanark is the only place in Scotland to have an actual ancient church dedicated to St. Kentigern.  Other churches are always dedicated to his nickname, Mungo.

Kentigern is elsewhere brought into connection with Merlin/Myrddin, and I have convincingly shown that this saint appears in the Welsh Myrddin poems as a certain Gwasawg (see Gwasawg is the "supporter of Rhydderch" and thus an enemy of Myrddin, and is mentioned in the 'Yr Afallennau.'

This chapel of the apple tree is only some 15 kilometers as the crow flies from Myrddin's Tinto Hill (see Tinto is the "central mountain" of the Scottish Lowlands, at least in the scheme presented to us in the early Myrddin tradition.

Lastly, it would appear the Nemphlar region was quite famous for its apples.  From

"Blaeu’s map of the Upper and Nether Wards of Clydesdale, based on Pont’s 1596 survey, shows a figure holding a basket of apples, a reference to the prosperous orchards of the Clyde Valley."

Given all of the above, I would put forward the proposal that Myrddin's apple tree in the Celyddon Wood of Lowland Scotland is none other than the All Men's Apple Tree/Old Man's Apple Tree chapel of Nemphlar in South Lanarkshire.

NOTE: Alan James has shared with me a possibly interesting derivation for the All Men's portion of the appletree name

"According to OPS (p. 119), Nemphlar, in the reign of King William the Lion (reign 1165 – 1214), seems to have had a church of its own, which, after its annexation by that king to Lanark, became a chapel dependent on the mother church. Its site was at East Nemphlar, probably at a spot called 'Alman's appletree'. Roy’s 1755 map records this spot as Allman’s Appletree, located near NS859446, where My Lady’s Well is now mapped.

The Nemphlar apple tree seems to be first recorded on Roy's map, at a time when apple cultivation was only starting to get going, and in enclosed gardens and orchards, so this would have been either a notable crab apple tree or, less likely, an even more exceptional planted one.

Simon Taylor notes: 1173x1214 the whole parish of Nemphlar and Cartlan was granted by King William to church of Lanark, and thereafter remained a pendicle of that church, which itself was annexed to Dryburgh Abbey (Dryburgh Lib. nos. 44-6; Retours nos. 325, 328). Cowan 1967, 154-5.

My (AJ) immmediate thoughts: those are helpful, if only in confirming a fair degree of consistency over 8 centuries or so - /n/ > /m/ is the only real phonemic-level change, and that's unsurprising before /f/.

Alman's Appletree is tantalising, it might just possibly have been a meeting-place (ON al-manna)."

The Name Myrddin

According to Dr. Graham Isaac of The National University of Ireland, Galway, the name Myrddin may be from an earlier, not directly attested *Myr-ddyn, with the second element dyn ‘man, person’, and the first element Myr- which is found in the name of the Old Irish goddess-type figure Morrigan (who also prophesizes), in English night-mare, and also in several Slavic words. This original form would have been something like *moro-donyes, ‘man-demon, specter’ or “man of supernatural character” (see Isaac, G., 2001, 'Myrddin, proffwyd diwedd y byd: ystyriaethau newydd ar ddatblygiad ei chwedl', Llên Cymru, 24 :13-23).

Thus the basic meaning of the name Myrddin was ‘supernatural being, elf, goblin, phantom’ or the like. Another possible rendering would be something like ‘Elf-man’. His father’s name was Morfryn or Mor-bryn, according to Isaac literally ‘Elf-hill’.

I myself prefer Isaac’s derivation for Myrddin’s name, and I will have more to say on why I do below.

Myrddin may also reflect a Welsh attempt to render a Gaelic name meaning ‘mad-man’, itself either dependent on or at the root of the homo fatuus designation for Llallogan found in the Life of St. Kentigern. According to Dr. Simon Rodway of The University of Wales, if an Irish compound *merduine 'mad person' existed, it could be 'semi-translated' into Welsh as *Myrddyn, becoming Myrddin in the same way as that envisaged by Isaac. The Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language does not give any examples of *merduine, but it is not implausible as a compound in the light of mergall 'mad foreigner', mersca:l 'mad phantom', etc. Professor Ranko Matasovic can “imagine an OIr. compound *mer-duine 'crazy man' somehow calqued or partly borrowed into Welsh."

These etymologies have been put forward against the traditional one, i.e. that Myrddin in a very straight-forward rendering of Moridunum, the ‘Sea-fort’. Geoffrey of Monmouth, in fact, claimed that Myrddin is to be derived from the city name of Carmarthen, ancient Caerfyrddin, Roman Moridunum, ‘Sea-fort’. In The History of the Kings of Britain, Myrddin is found as a boy at Carmarthen. The whole story is Geoffrey’s alteration of Nennius’ tale of the boy Ambrosius being found at Campus Elleti in Glamorgan.

The only father provided for Myrddin in the early poetry is one Morfryn.  I think this name, despite what Isaac has to say about it, rather transparently means ‘Sea-hill’ and is probably a literally creation, as the –dunum of Moridunum originally had the sense of ‘hill fort’.  Native forts were typically built atop hills. 

Myrddin’s brothers were named Morgenau, Morial, Mordaf and Morien. According to A.O.H. Jarmon, Morien is ‘Sea-born’, but the rest contain Mor-, mawr, ‘great’.  They may all, however, “reflect an early association, perhaps mythological, with the sea.”  John Koch, in “The Celtic Lands”(in MEDIEVAL ARTHURIAN LITERARTURE: A GUIDE TO RECENT SOURCES), says that

“References in the Cyfoesi to Myrddin’s father, Morfryn, and brothers, Morgenau, Morial, Mordaf and Morien, imply that, when the tradition was formed, the name [Myrddin] was still understood to contain the element mor < mori-, ‘sea’.”

A ‘Sea-man’ makes no sense, as there is nothing of the merman about Myrddin!  The sea does not figure in his story at all.  Some have sought to use ‘Sea-man’ as a way to link Myrddin with Mannanan mac Lir of Irish story.  But, again, there is nothing of Mannanan in Myrddin. 

Other attempted etymologies for the name Myrddin fail on either phonological or philological bases or both.

The Name Llallog/Llallogan

Myrddin in the early poems is called Llallog or Llallogan, a name also found in the Life of St. Kentigern as ‘Laloecen’. This is a reduplicated form of ail/eil, ‘other’, and so Llallogan is, literally, ‘The Other’ or, perhaps, 'The One from the Other[world].'

Llallog is present in feminine form in the name of Patrick’s sister’s daughter Lalloc, who was set over Ard Senlis in Ireland.  This place was on Magh-Nenda, where the famous fairy hill Sidh-Nenta was also to be found.  The modern name for Senlis is Fairymount. St. Lalloc of the Fairymount would then seem to represent ‘the Other’ who was the fairy queen or divine ancestral spirit of this particular sidh-dwelling. 

We also know of a 9th century Breton named Lalocan, mentioned in the Cartulaire de l’Abbaye de Redon (125).

Welsh Ellyll, cognate with the Irish personal name Ailill, is also a reduplicated form of ail/eil, “other”.  Ellyll, according to the Geiriadur Prufysgol Cymru, is defined as ‘goblin, elf, fairy, sprit, genius (of a place), apparition, phantom, specter, wraith, ghost, shade, bogey.’ 

To quote from Professor Daniel Melia of the University of California, Berkeley (personal communication):

“I’m citing CELTICA3, 1956, which reads as follows:

‘The contracted form of Ailill gen. Ailella in all the manuscripts of the genealogies which I have read (Rawl. B 502; Laud 610 ; LL ; BB; Lec. ; H 2.7) is always Aill-, Aill-a.  These contractions are quite abnormal.

Ailill is without a doubt cognate with Welsh ellyll "ghost, elf, etc." and this suggests that the older form of the name was Aillill which became Ailill with the same kind of dissimilation we find in cenand < cenn-fhind and menand < menn-fhind.

The Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru agrees with this meaning. They see a connection with a reduplicated form of Proto-Celtic *allo- "other" as in the Gaulish tribal name "Allobroges" < *allo "other" + bro- "border" -> "country".  The Wurzburg glosses on the Pauline Epistles (Wb.) date from ~600-~750, so the form "Aillill" would presumably, by O'Brien's argument, have still been current, at least amongst literate intellectuals, in that period.”

Professor Ranko Matasovic of “The Etymological Lexicon of Proto-Celtic” (again via private correspondence) says

“Welsh ellyll is indeed cognate with Mir. Ailill, but these names cannot be related to English elf, which is from Germanic *albiyo-.  It is certainly possible that these words contain the stem *al- (actually *h2el-, in a more modern notation), the plain pronominal stem that meant ‘other, different’ (Lat. alius, Gr. allos, etc.).  I would add that Alladhan, the name given to Llallogan in the Irish Suibhne Geilt story, would appear to be from Irish allaid, ‘wild’.  The most likely etymology for allaid is the same al- root, as an ‘Other’ is someone who lived beyond the civilized world and was hence barbarous or ‘wild’, a stranger or foreigner or an enemy, i.e. someone deemed dangerous because he did not belong to one’s native land. The evolution of meaning would be similar to the development from Latin silvaticus, ‘belonging to woods’ to French sauvage.”

Dr. Graham Isaac of The National University of Ireland, Galway, and Professor of Celtic Thomas Charles-Edwards of Jesus College, Oxford, both agree with this derivation for ellyll/Ailill.

I would add that Rachel Bromwich, in her note to Welsh Triad No. 63, says of the word ellyll in the context of three heroes:

“… the suggested implication of ellyll is that of men who became “outside” themselves.”

This is significant, given that one of these three heroes - Llyr Marini - is in late genealogies placed in the tribe of Meirchiaun.  I’ve shown that Meirchiaun ruled from the heartland of the Carvetii or Stag-People.  A variant of Triad 63 calls Llyr a ‘charv/charw ellyll’ or ‘stag-spectre’.

There is one more possible application of the name Llallogan, this time to an entity who may be a real god on Hadrian's Wall. I'm referring, of course, to Alletios at Corbridge.  My discussion of this deity may be found at

In the Irish the use of a word for “phantom” is applied to the god Lugh. The following selection is from “Baile in Scail”, ‘The Phantom’s Frenzy’:

“They saw the scál [phantom] himself in the house, before them on his throne. There was never in Tara a man of his size or his beauty, on account of the fairness of his form and the wondrousness of his appearance.

He answered them and said, "I am not a phantom nor a specter. I have come on account of my fame among you, since my death. And I am of the race of Adam: my name is Lugh son of Eithliu son of Tigernmas. This is why I have come: to relate to you the length of your reign, and of every reign which there will be in Tara."

And the girl who sat before then in the house was the Sovereignty of Ireland, and it was she who gave Conn his meal: the rib of an ox and the rib of a boar. The ox rib was twenty-four feet long and eight feet between its arch and the ground. When the girl began to distribute drinks she said, "To whom shall this cup be given?"; and the phantom answered her.

When she had named every ruler until the Day of Judgment, they went into the phantom's shadow, so that they saw neither the enclosure nor the house. The vat and the golden dipper and the cup were left with Conn. And hence are the stories "The Phantom's Dream" and "The Adventure and Journey of Conn".

From the Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language on scal:


o,n. See  Ped. i 76 , O'Brien,  Ériu xi 89 f . supernatural or superhuman being, phantom, giant, hero. Later also man, human being (espec. in B. na f.; see also banscál, ferscál): ascath .i. scāl, unde ascata .i. lāechda. Nō scālda ar ūathmaire an laoich amhail scāth,  Corm. Y 21
`sgal' láoch (scál, v.l. ),  Met. Gl. 15 § 32 . `sgal' ┐ `arg' . . . | sen anmann na bhfer,  13 § 24 . sgal .i. fear,  O'Cl.  sgal .i. láoch, ib.  scal .i. fear,  Lec. Gl. M 101 . conaccatar a s.¤ fadeissin isin taig,  ZCP xiii 373.7  (Baile in Scáil). nimda s.¤-sa ┐ nimda aurdrach . . . is de hsīl Ādaim [dom],  11
. scal find (of a hero),  LL 311 b 15 , `ein leuch- tendes Phantom ',  Ält. Ir. Dicht. ii 23 § 1 . C. . . . in s.¤ sciathach,  LL 45 a 25  ( RC xxxvi 262 ). co faca in s.¤ . . . chuci,  LU 8534  ( FB 39 ). immácomarnaic dó ┐ don s.¤,  8547  ( FB 40 ). co n-acca ní: in s.¤ mór am' dóchumm `a mighty phantom ',  Aisl. MC 71.15 . dom mac neimnech . . . scal fri scalaibh sgelmhaine sgal sgolaidhe,  LL 385 c 33  ( Measgra M. Uí Chléirigh 206.43 ). gabais E. scot na scal | os chlaind N. co nefnar,  LL 3 b 24 . marb I. i Scelc na s.¤,  16 a 28 . cland in merscáil móir (i.e.  Míl),  ZCP xiii 364.2 . ? airddithir a scíath ri s.¤ | sithithir a lam ri lae,  LL 44 b 29 =  380 b 38 .
In B. na f.: do [ḟ]racc (.i. do ben) a scáil (.i. a fir),  LU 437  ( ACC 1 Comm ). ēccusc an scāil (.i. fer),  ZCP v 484.1 .
In nn. loc.: a nGlinn in Scail,  Tromd. Guaire 403.428 . Medb Maige in Scáil, TBC 3228 =  TBC² 2409 .
Compds. ¤baile, alternative title of the text Baile in Scáil ( ZCP xiii 372 ff . ): ro scríbad issin s.,  LL 132 a 48 . ¤ḟer giant: co n-acca in scáilfer mór ina dochum,  LU 8515  ( FB 37 ). co n-acamar in s. mór . . . chucaind aníar `a great hero ',  Ériu iv 138.24 .

To continue from the same dictionary on the word ferscal (fer being “man”):

o,n. a male person, a man (opp. to banscál a woman): noléced f.¤ a bernai chatha do banscáil,  TTr.² 1692 . nach facaid do bhean ... gnuis ḟirscail ... ┐ nach facaid do mac gnuis banscaili  IT iii 197
- 198 . ni rodḟech ... riam in ng[n]uis ḟerscali  LB 66 a 34 . na findfad oentaidḟerscáil  PH 2012 . ni ronig a lama ... iter ḟeraib nā ḟearscalaib  ZCP xii 293.15 . eitir ferscail is banscail,  Fl. Earls 176.13 . anmanna a fferscal of their male children   Hugh Roe² 1.8 (f. 1 a ).

The Brittonic Language in the Old North Website discusses scal thusly:

*scǭl (m)
Early Celtic *scālo- > British * scālo- > Middle Welsh yscawl; O-Modern Irish scál, G sgail; ? cf Gothic skōhsl.

[Proto-Celtic *skax-slo- ‘demon, supernatural being’ OIr scal ‘phantom’, MW yscawl, ‘young hero, warrior’]

The primary sense was ‘a ghost, a supernatural being’, especially a powerful one, but in Welsh, Irish and Scottish Gaelic literatures it is used of human heroes, and in Welsh it comes to mean ‘a young warrior’.

An Irish ‘ferscal’, then, comes very close to Myrddin/Llallogan in meaning.

The Celyddon Wood as the Land of Spirits

The ancient Classical writer Procopius (in his 6th century CE History Of The Wars, VIII, XX. 42-48) said:

“Now in this island of Britain the men of ancient times built a long wall, cutting off a large part of it; and the climate and the soil and everything else is not alike on the two sides of it. For to the south of the wall there is a salubrious air, changing with the seasons, being moderately warm in summer and cool in winter… But on the north side everything is the reverse of this, so that it is actually impossible for a man to survive there even a half-hour, but countless snakes and serpents and every other kind of wild creature occupy this area as their own. And, strangest of all, the inhabitants say that if a man crosses this wall and goes to the other side, he dies straightway… They say, then, that the souls of men who die are always conveyed to this place.”

From the Welsh poem The Dialogue of Myrddin and Taliesin (Black Book of Carmarthen), we learn that at Myrddin’s Battle of Arderydd:

“Seven score chieftains became gwyllon; In the Wood of Celyddon they died.”

Gwyllon or ‘Wild Ones’ is a word deriving from gwyllt, ‘wild’. The Welsh epithet for Myrddin is, of course, Gwyllt. Myrddin Gwyllt is Myrddin ‘the Wild’.

But as Nikolai Tolstoy pointed out, there is something odd about these two lines. The gwyllon or ‘Wild Ones’ are equated with the warriors who died in the battle! The word ‘died’ in the poem’s second line is Middle Welsh daruuan, i.e. darfuan. Modern Welsh has darfyddaf or darfod, which according to the authoritative Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru Welsh dictionary has the following meanings:

‘To come to an end, end, conclude, finish, complete, terminate, cease; expire, die, languish, weaken, fail, fade, decline, perish’

Darfod is an interesting word. It is from the prefix dar-, roughly ‘across’, and bod, ‘to be’, with the regular lenition of b>f. So literally ‘to be across’, possibly in the same sense in which we say of a dead person ‘he has crossed over’.

There is thus no ambiguity in the poetic passage we are considering. The warriors who became ‘Wild Ones’ did not go mad – they died. In this context, then, to become gwyllon means to become a roving spirit that has left its battle-slain body behind. To exist as a ‘Wild One’ is to exist in spirit-form after the death of the body.

The Christian medieval mind either could not accept this notion of wandering spirits or, just as likely, misunderstood it. The gwyllon were transformed into living madmen who leapt or flitted about the forest much as did their Irish counterpart, Suibhne Geilt, or the British madman Fer Caille/Alladhan, mentioned in the story of Suihbne.

In another Myrddin poem, Greetings (Black Book of Carmarthen), we are told by Myrddin himself:

“The hwimleian speaks to me strange tidings, And I prophesy a summer of strife.”

Hwimleian or ‘Grey Wanderer’ is yet another word for a spirit or spectre.

We might then naturally conclude that Myrddin’s madness was of the same kind, i.e. he had died at the Battle of Arderydd.  The triple sacrifice he suffers at Drumelzier at the hands of Meldred’s shepherds would then be a “tag on”, made necessary because his already having died was no longer acknowledged and because it was politic to give him a Christian burial. I will, in fact, later show that the Drumelzier tradition is a relocalized one and that Myrddin does not really belong there at all. However, the fact that his triple-death at Drumelzier is a sacred one, and one that mimics the death of the god Lleu in Welsh tradition, is significant.  The death is SACRIFICIAL in nature, and such triple deaths were meted out to HUMAN sacrifice victims (see Ross and Robins’ The Life and Death of a Druid Prince). 

Among the ancient Celts and Germans we have some testimony from Classical authors that war captives were the most commonly sacrificed humans.  It is not impossible that Myrddin was captured after the disastrous defeat at Arderydd and sacrificed by his enemy, although since that enemy seems to have been the Christian king Rhydderch, this is a difficult proposition to support. Perhaps a pagan ally of Rhydderch got his hands on Llallogan. Or Llallogan had fled to a neighboring tribal territory and was seized by an opportunistic chieftain.  

Even more likely is that Myrddin was offered up to Lleu to ensure victory in the upcoming contest with Rhydderch.  It is Ross and Robins' belief that the Lindow Man was sacrificed by his own people to ensure victory over the Romans.  If this is what really happened, then his death and spiritual flight at the Arderydd battle may have been a misreading of his being ritually slain on the eve of the said battle. 

In the Irish sources we are told of battle-panic and one of its unfortunate results.  For example, when the great hero Cuchulainn faces the opposing armies of Ireland,

“He saw from him the ardent sparkling of the bright golden weapons over the heads of the four great provinces of Eriu, before the fall of the cloud of evening. Great fury and indignation seized him on seeing them, at the number of his opponents and at the multitude of his enemies. He seized his two spears, and his shield and his sword, and uttered from his throat a warrior’s shout, so that sprites, and satyrs, and maniacs of the valley, and the demons of the air responded, terror-stricken by the shout which he had raised on high. And the Neman confused the army; and the four provinces of Eriu dashed themselves against the points of their own spears and weapons, so that one hundred warriors died of fear and trembling in the middle of the fort and encampment that night.”

This passage is from W.M. Hennessey’s “The Ancient Irish Goddess of War”. Also from this source:

“Of the effects of this fear inspired by the Badb [or Nemhain] was geltacht or lunacy, which, according to the popular notion, affected the body no less than the mind, and, in fact, made its victims so that they flew through the air like birds.”

We learn more about the precise meaning of geltacht from the Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language.  There we are told


Keywords: panic; terror; frenzy; insanity

In Thomas Kinsella’s translation of “The Tain”, we learn that

“The Nemain brought confusion on the armies and a hundred of their number [while asleep!] fell dead.”

“… that same night Net’s wives, Nemain and Badb, called out to the men of Ireland near the field of Gairech and Irgairech, and a hundred warriors died of fright.”

In THE SAINTLY MADMAN: A STUDY OF THE SCHOLARLY RECEPTION HISTORY OF BUILE SHUIBHNE by Alexandra Bergholm, Department of Comparative Religion, University of Helsinki (2009), we are given a wonderful description of what happened to the title character when he was faced with the horror of battle:

“When the Battle of Mag Rath begins, Suibhne is suddenly alarmed by the cries of the two hosts, and the incident is depicted as follows:

…he looked up, whereupon turbulence (?), and darkness, and fury, and
giddiness, and frenzy, and flight, unsteadiness, restlessness, and
unquiet filled him, likewise disgust with every place in which he used
to be and desire for every place which he had not reached. His fingers
were palsied, his feet trembled, his heart beat quick, his senses were
overcome, his sight was distorted, his weapons fell naked from his
hands, so that through Ronan’s curse he went, like any bird of the air,
in madness and imbecility.”

It should be noted here immediately that the word translated ‘fury’ is nemhain, the goddess’s name used as a common noun.

When we come to the two accounts of the Battle of Arderydd, we see that the “Life of St. Kentigern” preserves the more authentic tradition (although highly Christianized, of course), while that found in Geoffrey of Monmouth’s “Life of Merlin” is considerably diluted:

St. Kentigern’s Life –

“In the midst of that fray, the very sky began to gape open above my head, and I heard what seemed to be a great cracking sound, a voice in the sky saying to me, ‘Lailoken, Lailoken, since you alone are guilty of the blood of all your slain comrades, you alone shall suffer for their sins.  You shall be handed over to the minions of Satan, and until the day of your death your companions shall be the beasts of the forest.’  And, as I turned my eyes to the source of the voice, I saw a brilliance so dazzling that no man could bear it.  I also saw numerous battle formations of an army in the sky, much like the streaks of lightning.  In their hands the warriors held burning lances and shining javelins whgich they brandished at me with bloodthirsty FURY [emphasis mine].  Then, as I turned away, a wicked spirit seized me and consigned me to live among the wild beasts of the forest, as you are my witness.”

Life of Merlin –

“Then, when the air was full of these repeated loud complainings [of Merlin’s grief], a strange madness came upon him. He crept away and fled to the woods, unwilling that any should see his going.  Into the forest he went, glad to lie hidden beneath the ash trees.  He watched the wild creatures grazing on the pasture of the glades.  Sometimes he would follow them, sometimes pass them in his course.  He made use of the roots of plants and of grasses, of fruit from ttrees and of the blackberries of the thicket.  He became a Man of the Woods [‘silvester homo’, the Fer Caille title given to him in the story of Suibhne Geilt], as if dedicated to the woods.  So for a whole summer he stayed hidden in the woods, discovered by none, forgetful of himself and of his own, lurking like a wild thing.”

The author Hennessey, like the Christian medieval audience of the Merlin story, did not realize that madness could be a poetic metaphor for a spectral death-state, sometimes brought about through unbearable fear.  It was not the demented body that fled like a bird through the forest after a battle - something physically impossible - but the spirit of the warrior whose death was literally caused by the goddess Nemhain.

Nemhain’s involvement in such battles reinforces my earlier argument that Myrddin’s/Merlin’s Lady of the Lake, who goes by names such as Viviane, Ninniane, Nimiane, etc., and who is also found in Welsh sources as Nefyn, wife of Cynfarch, is indeed Nemhain.

So what to make of Myrddin’s madness?   

Part of the clue to solving the mystery may involve the “coincidental” pairings of Myrddin/Llallogan and St. Martin and/or St. Ninian sites.  We find early St. Martin churches in Liddesdale, where Myrddin fights and is defeated at Arfderydd/Arderydd. We find St. Ninian (of Whithorn or Candida Casa, with its supposed very early St. Martin’s Church) at Cathures (probably the Roman fort of Cadder) and the Molendinar Burn in Glasgow, where St. Kentigern later met Llallogan (Laloecen).  We find a Martin name atop Myrddin’s mountain of Tinto, and there was a Ninian church at Wiston itself (although this appears to have been established by the Templers).   

Some have tried to make a case for Myrddin BEING St. Martin, but in Welsh, Martinus would become *Merthin and it is impossible, linguistically speaking, for Myrddin to come from the Latin name. To quote Professor Ranko Matasovic on this fact:

“Phonologically, Martin (Lat. Martinus) cannot correspond to W. Myrddin. What you get from Lat. Martinus in Welsh is Marthin (cf. the place-name Llanfarthin in Shropshire). However, one cannot exclude the possibility that the similarity of the two names contributed to their confusion, say, that Sanctus Martinus became Myrddin.”

Or, as seems most likely, the Christian Martin merely replaced the pagan Myrddin at the latter's sacred sites.[2]  This would be in keeping with standard Christian practice of the time, which sought to build churches and shrines over the remains of earlier pagan holy places.  

Myrddin Llallawg/Llallogan, Gwyllon, Ellyllon and the Chwyfleian: The Land of the Dead Beyond Hadrian's Wall

The "madness" of Myrddin is, in reality, a spectral state.  I've written at length about this elsewhere, so will not repeat what I've said before.  But I would like to briefly address the significance of divine spirits of the dead in the context of our exploration of Myrddin's nature and character.  

One of the most important early sources to mention the prevalence of the dead north of Hadrian's Wall is that of Procopius, HISTORY OF THE WARS 8.20.42-8:

"Now in this island of Britain the men of ancient times built a long wall, cutting off a large part of it; and the climate and the soil and everything else is not alike on the two sides of it.  For to the south of the wall there is a salubrious air, changing with the seasons, being moderately warm in summer and cool in winter. But on the north side everything is the reverse of this, so that it is actually impossible for a man to survive there even a half-hour, but countless snakes and serpents and every other kind of wild creature occupy this area as their own.  And, strangest of all, the inhabitants say that if a man crosses this wall and goes to the other side, he dies straightway. They say, then, that the souls of men who die are always conveyed to this place."

In isolation, this statement seems bizarre, even silly.  But if we look at the early Myrddin poetry (and the Suibhne Geilt material on the Irish side of things), it becomes evident that wild areas in Celtic belief were the home of ghostly 'wild men.' And the extensive forest of the Scottish Lowlands, the haunt of Myrddin, was just such a place.

We cannot know how much this belief was influenced by the Romans, who deified their own dead.  The common formula "D.M" on Roman tombstones is, perhaps, the best example of such a practice.  I asked Professor Roger Tomlin his thoughts on this and he was kind enough to provide me with the following response:

"I hope I am not over-simplifying it ... but DIS is an adjective, dative plural, contracted from DIVIS ('divine'), which of course is also the substantive DIVUS (a 'god', especially a deified emperoir). MANES (plural) are the spirits of the Dead, regarded as minor deities. So a tombstone is a dedication to 'the divine Dead' collectively, 'the Shades of the Dead'. If SACRVM is added, it refers to the tombstone, or at least to the act of dedication 'to' the Manes.

The god of the Underworld is DIS PATER, which I take to be 'Father' DIVUS contracted (or at least a cognate word). He is equated with Pluto, Hades, etc., but tombstones are not dedicated to him, but to the Divine Shades, the DI MANES.

Like us, the Romans found this difficult, since they are often unsure whether to follow D M with the deceased name's in the genitive, as if it were 'his' Manes, or in the dative, as if it were a dedication to him too."

Perhaps the most important part of Procopius' story is where he says the dead were conveyed to the region north of the Wall.  Conveyance implies a conveyor, and in Greek and Roman religions such a divinity was known as a psychopomp.  The Roman psychopomp was Mercury and it is Mercury who was identified with the god Lugus, the Welsh Lleu.  I and others have drawn strong parallels between Myrddin and the god Lleu.  At one time I was convinced Myrddin either was Lleu or a Lleu-avatar.

Below I have drawn the more important words connected with ghosts and wild men from the GPC.  My readers may wish to check the definitions for these words and draw their own conclusions as to how such words may have come to be applied to the spirits of the dead. 

I would also hasten to add that there may have been a god named Alletios at Corbridge on Hadrian's Wall.  His name derives from the same root as the Welsh words ellyll, llall and that of Myrddin's nickname Llallawg/Llallogan.  Here is what I have on Alletios, drawn from a couple of previous essays:

Dr. Graham Isaac, now with the National University of Ireland, Galway, commented as follows on this place-name:

"The form of the name Elleti is corroborated by the instance of 'palude [Latin for “marsh” or “swamp”] Elleti' in Book of Llan Dav (148). But since both that and HB’s campum Elleti are in Latin contexts, we cannot see whether the name is OW Elleti (= Elledi) or OW Ellet (= Elled) with a Latin genitive ending. Both are possible. My guess would be that OW Elleti is right. As the W suffix -i would motivate affection, so allowing the base to be posited as all-, the same as in W ar-all 'other', all-tud 'exile', Gaulish allo-, etc. Elleti would be 'other-place, place of the other side (of something)'."

If Isaac is right, we are fortunate in that Elleti may be found in the form of a personal name at the Corbridge Roman fort on Hadrian’s Wall. A fragment of a large grey urn was found there bearing the name ‘ALLIITIO’ (Fascicule 8, RIB 2502.9; information courtesy Georgina Plowright, Curator, English Heritage Hadrian’s Wall Museums). This could be the potter’s name, perhaps a form of the nomen Alletius, or the name of the god portrayed on the fragment. J. Leach (in “The Smith God in Roman Britain”, Archaeologia Aeliana, 40, 1962, pp. 171-184) made a case for the god in question being a divine smith, primarily due to the presence on the urn fragment of what appears to be an anvil in relief, although there were also metal workings in the neighborhood of Corbridge. Anne Ross (in her Pagan Celtic Britain, p. 253) associates the name Allitio with the same all-, “other”, root Dr. Isaac linked to Elleti. She thinks Allitio may have been a warrior/smith-god and very tentatively offers “God of the Otherworld” for this theonym.

On the name ‘ALLIITIO’, Dr. Isaac agrees with Ross:

“Taking the double -ll- at face value, as I would be inclined to do as a working hypothesis,that would be connected the W all- that I have mentioned before.”

It may be worth noting that the ( ? ) divine name Allitio, again according to Dr. Isaac, can be associated with Myrddin's/Merlin's Welsh nickname, Llallogan or Llallawc.  This last derives from Proto-Celtic *alal( I )yo- 'another, other', cf. Old Irish arail, Middle Welsh arall (OW and MW), Middle Breton al( l )all, arall, Cornish arall.  This is a reduplicated, intensive variant of Proto-Celtic *al( I )yo- 'other', cf. Old Irish aile [io], Middle Welsh eil, all-, Middle Breton eil, Cornish yl, Gaulish Allo-broges, allos, Proto-Indo-European *h2elyo- 'other', Latin alius, Go. aljis.  Celtic-Iberian ailam, which has been interpreted as the Acc. of this pronoun, has also been taken to mean something like 'place, abode'.

Treating more fully of ‘ALLIITIO’ in a private communication, Georgina Plowright, Curator, English Heritage Hadrian’s Wall Museums, says that the name

“…occurs twice on one piece of pottery showing feet and a base. This is always assumed to be the base of an anvil, with the feet being those of a smith god. There are a number of sherds of grey pottery from Corbridge with very distinctive applied decoration, with two recognisable themes, the smith god shown with hammer and anvil, and a wheel god who is shown with wheel and club. The fact that the wheel god is depicted by a mould suggests that this type of pottery was being made at Corbridge, though it appears on a number of other sites. The reading occurs twice on this piece of pottery, once in the frame created by the anvil base, and then on the pot below the feet of the standing figure.  Another sherd showing the smith god does not have any inscription.  John Dore and Stephen Johnson, who did the captions for the Corbridge gallery, have assumed that the name might be that of a potter, though RIB seems to go for either god or potter.  I haven’t got a copy of the Leach reference easily to hand, but my memory tells me the item should be illustrated there.”

For an online article that mentions the 'Allitio' found at Corbridge, please see:

Relevant terms drawn from the GPC:

gwyllt, gwyll3 

[H. Grn. asen guill, gl. onager, Crn. gwyls, gwylls, H. Lyd. gueld-enes, gl. insula indomita et inhabitabilis, H. Wydd. geilt (bnth. efallai o’r Frth.; cf. yr epithed yn e.’r ddau gymeriad Myrddin Wyllt a Suibhne geilt): < *u̯eltī, sef ff. yn cynnwys estyniad -t- ar y gwr. IE. *əl- ‘troi, cordeddu’ neu *u̯el- ‘tynnu, plicio’, cf. Alm. wild, S. wild; am y ff. gwyll, cf. gwell am gwellt (er mai mater o org. ydyw weithiau)]

frantic, raving, demented, distracted, mad (as in the name Myrddin Wyllt)
 b  (yn y ff. l. gwyll(i)on) Rhai sy’n wyllt, cyflym, &c. (e.e. meirch ysbrydol neu nwyfus, milwyr sy’n ymladd fel pe baent wallgof), gwallgofiaid; pobl ddidoriad, rhai heb eu gwastrodi; ysbrydion, bwganod:

wild ones (e.g. spirited horses, warriors fighting as if mad), madmen; turbulent or unruly people; sprites. 

gwyllon, gwyllion 

[camystyr a roes John Davies i enghrau. o ff. l. gwyllt, gwyll3 drwy eu cysylltu â gwyll1]


Ysbrydion y meirw, cysgodion, drychiolaethau, bwbachod; rhodienwyr neu ladron nos, gwylliaid:

manes, the spirits of the dead, shades, ghosts, sprites, hobgoblins; night-prowlers, night-thieves, vagabonds. 

1632 D, *gwyllon, tenebriones, manes.

1688 TJ, gwŷll, gwâg ysprŷd: a Hag, Goblin or Ghost.

id., gwŷllon, gwâg ysprydion: walking Spirits, Goblins.

1753 TR, †gwyllon, spirits, ghosts, hobgoblins; night-walkers, night-thieves.

c. 1753 Gron 97, Ewch … / At wyllon y tywyllwg, / I oddef fyth ei ddu fwg.

1773 W d.g. ghosts of the dead, manes.

1793 Dafydd Ionawr: CD 196, Y Ddaear sydd yn ddiau / Ym mron gan y Gwyllon gau.

1800 P, gwyllion, shades, ghosts; hobgoblins; night-walkers.

id., gwyllon, shades, phantoms; ghosts.

Gw. hefyd gwyllt, ŵyll.


[?all (yr elf. a welir yn arall)+-yll neu hyll, ond cf. yr e.p. Gwydd. Ailill < Aillill]

• eg. (un. bach. ellyllyn) ll. ellyllon, ellyllion, ellyllod, ellyllau.

a  Coblyn, un o’r tylwyth teg, drychiolaeth, lledrith, ysbryd, aneilun, bwbach, bwci; ysbryd drwg, anysbryd, Beibl. math o ddiafol yn trigo mewn adfeilion, ysbryd dewiniaeth; un dieflig o greulon:

goblin, elf, fairy, sprite, genius (of a place, &c.), apparition, phantom, spectre, wraith, ghost, shade, bogey; evil spirit, fiend, devil, demon, bibl. a kind of demon that haunts ruins, satyr, familiar spirit

llall [from which Llallawg and Llallogan are derived]

[tebyg fod y llall yn ff. ddbl. ar all-, cf. arall, H. Lyd. al(l)all, a’r H. Wydd. alaill, ff. ddiryw ar alaile ‘y llall’]

rh. ll. lleill, a’i ragflaenu gan y fan.

a  (Yr) un arall (rhai eraill, gweddill, rhelyw); (y) nesaf, (yr) ail, (yr) un cyfatebol:

(the) other (others, rest); (the) next, (the) second

*chwyfleian, chwimleian, chwimbleian, chwibleian

[chwŷf+lleian ‘un llwyd ei wedd’ (llai ‘gwelw, llwyd’); hen org. am chwyfleian yw chwimleian, chwibleian oherwydd sgrifennu m a b am f. Oherwydd camddeall yr elf. olaf, aeth y gair i olygu ‘daroganwraig’, &c.]

eg.b. ll. -od.

a  Gŵr gwyllt gwelw ei wedd, crwydryn:

wild man of pallid countenance, wanderer. 

13g. C 519-10, disgogan hwimleian hwetil adiwit.

id. 557-8, Rimdyuueid huimleian chuetyl enryuet.

c. 1400 R 5809-10, Wi awendyd wenn mawr adrasdil gogan chwipleian chwedleu.

Myrddin: The Cult of the Dead Vs. The Cult of the Saints

Now in this island of Britain the men of ancient times built a long wall, cutting off a large part of it; and the climate and the soil and everything else is not alike on the two sides of it.  For to the south of the wall there is a salubrious air, changing with the seasons, being moderately warm in summer and cool in winter. But on the north side everything is the reverse of this, so that it is actually impossible for a man to survive there even a half-hour, but countless snakes and serpents and every other kind of wild creature occupy this area as their own.  And, strangest of all, the inhabitants say that if a man crosses this wall and goes to the other side, he dies straightway. They say, then, that the souls of men who die are always conveyed to this place. 

Procopius, HISTORY OF THE WARS, 8.20.42-8

Seven score men of rank became Wild Ones,
In the forest of Celyddon they perished…

From “The Dialogue of Merlin and Taliesin”, BLACK BOOK OF CARMARTHEN

Many years ago, I realized that Myrddin's madness at the Battle of Arderydd was a metaphor for a spectral state of existence following the death of the body.  This led me to believe that Myrddin was a sort of revered ghost, something akin to the manes of Roman religion.  About the closest thing we in the modern world can compare this to is the Cult of the Saints.  We understand how a dead holy man could be worshiped, and how one could communicate with him.  

The primary difference between the two is that while a saint became divine after his death due to his religious works in life, a pagan became a species of god simply because ghosts were inherently divine.

The problem with Myrddin has always been whether to simply view him as a mortal who has gone mad (or died), or as a demoted god.  The triple death meted out to him has led scholars to associated him with the god Lugh (or Mars Condate; see or a trio of Continental divinities (see Anne Ross and Don Robins' THE LIFE AND DEATH OF A DRUID PRINCE). Of course, a man sacrificed to a god, in a very strange way, becomes the god - at least symbolically.  Whether it was believed he actually became "one" with the god is not known.  We may compare the sacrifice of a Viking to the Norse Odin, who hung like the god from a tree.  If any god is involved with Myrddin, it would appear (due to his constant association in place-names with Ninian/Finnian) to be Gwyn, the god of the dead in Welsh tradition (see But as Gwyn had in his train the legion of the dead, Myrddin may simply have been one of these spirits.  He was replaced by St. Martin due not only to a superficial resemblance of their names, but because St. Martin died on the date of a Roman festival to the Manes and his feast/funeral day became known as Old Halloween or Old Allhallows Eve. 

Geoffrey of Monmouth muddied the waters even more.  He has Ganieda/Gwenddydd (who would seem to be a Welsh form of Diana) build Merlin/Myrddin a "observatory" which is plainly a megalithic structure similar to the Stonehenge he later has Merlin build.  The implication is that he should be seen as a manifestation of Apollo or, at the very least, a priest of the sun god. He identifies Merlin with Ambrosius, so Merlin becomes the character in the famous story of the red and white dragons.  Ambrosius's origin at Campus Elleti is changed to Carmarthen, and his Guoloph becomes Galabes. And he incorporates other themes, such as having Merlin transform Uther into Gorlois (when in the Welsh Uther elegy poem the chieftain calls himself gorlassar and is transformed by God).  He has Merlin lead an army of stags (which I thought might be Carvetii warriors, a people who worshiped a god called Mars Belatucadros). The contestants at Arderydd are assigned to the wrong kingdoms. The triple death is prophesied by Merlin, but belongs to another character. Merlin goes in and out of madness and we are left wondering whether this is supposed to imply a seasonal rebirth-death cycle or is nothing more than imaginative storytelling.  Finally, he brings into Merlin's story all kinds of Classically derived names and motifs, and even nuggets of Irish mythology (all the names of the goddesses of Avalon cited by Merlin are Irish in origin).  So what we end up with, essentially, is an eclectic mess, well nigh immune to dissection and forensics.  It is, admittedly, a work of creative genius.  But it does not follow that Merlin was originally anything like how he is portrayed in the LIFE OF MERLIN and THE HISTORY OF THE KINGS OF BRITAIN - sources that utterly contradict each other.

In my opinion, as is true when we are searching for a historical Arthur, we must dispense with Geoffrey of Monmouth's works entirely if we hope to uncover anything of real value in terms of a Myrddin prototype.   

The fragments concerning Lailocen (Welsh Llallogan; cf. Llalog) in the Life of St. Kentigern are of an entirely different order. In one, the 'wild man' is placed at an early St. Ninian/Finnian site in Glasgow (Molendinar Burn). [As the Welsh poetry situates Myrddin on the mountain of Abercarf/Tinto/Wiston with its chapel of St. Ninian and Martingill Cleuch.] In the other, the triple death is relocated from the Willow Pool confluence of the Liddel (with its tributary the Tweed/Tweeden) and Esk to the confluence of the Powsail ('Willow Pool') and the Tweed.  Close to the former is the St. Martin's Church at Canonbie.  

The easiest way for us to understand Myrddin is to take a good look at a recent study of the Roman cult of the dead by Dr. Charles King.  After offering a definition of the manes, the author challenges "the widespread assumption that the term 'manes' always refers to collective groups of the dead" and demonstrates "that the Romans worshipped dead individuals as manes."

I urge my readers to consult "The Ancient Roman Afterlife: Di Manes, Belief, and the Cult of the Dead":  (

For Chapter Two of Dr. King's book (which he was kind enough to send me in its pre-published form), see

The strictly pagan worship of the dead - as it, obviously, involved the worship of dead pagans - would have been seen as highly objectionable by the Christian Church.  It was, though, of a different magnitude than trying to grapple with the problem posed by a more powerful pagan god.  In some cases, pagan deities were "converted" into saints.  The best example of this in the Celtic world is probably Brigid of Ireland. But what to do with a deified pagan mortal?

Well, perhaps he was made into the King of the Fairies!  When we take a look at the three saints (who may all be the same; see said to form the basis of St. Ninian/Finnian, we notice right away that neither of them has a death day or feast day on or around the November dates of St. Martin:

However, Finnbar of Cork (who, like Myrddin, is associated with a sacred apple tree; Moville designates a sacred tree) bears a name which is reminiscent of that belonging to the Connacht King of the Fairies, Finnbheara/Fionnbharr (and other variants).  From the Oxford DICTIONARY OF CELTIC MYTHOLOGY:

King of the Connacht fairies with residence at Cnoc Mheada [Knockmagha], west of Tuam, Co. Galway. Although fond of mortal women, he is usually cited with his wife Úna (sometimes Nuala). Originally one of the Tuatha Dé Danann, he settles at Cnoc Mheadha when his kind are driven underground by the Milesians. The popularity of his stories in oral tradition led storytellers to think of Finnbheara as the king of all Irish fairies, not just of Connacht, and also as king of the dead. In one of the best-known stories, Finnbheara steals the most beautiful woman in Ireland, Eithne (4) or Eithne the Bride, and keeps her with him, Persephone-like, for a year. He brings good crops to people in his region but his absence brings poor crops. He rewards a smith who is not afraid to shoe his three-legged horse. On one occasion he cures a sick woman, accepts food from her in recompense, but refuses salt. Lady Wilde collected many stories of Finnbheara in her Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms and Superstitions of Ireland (London, 1887). T. H. Nally's verse pantomime Finn Varra Maa (Dublin, 1917) conflates Finnbheara with Fionn mac Cumhaill (here ‘Finn MacCool’) and makes him the Irish Santa Claus. W. B. Yeats cites him often, usually as Finvara, notably in the dramas, The Land of Heart's Desire (1894) and The Dreaming of the Bones (1919). Although his name is occasionally anglicized as Finbar, he should be distinguished from Finnbarr. Folk motifs: F109; F160.0.2; F167.12; F184; F252.1

I've elsewhere discussed the Welsh Gwyn as God of the Dead, and his probable identification with the Irish Fionn and Apollo Vindonnus (

Myrddin, then, as 'Elf-man', was a sort of British King of the Fairies who came to be identified with his Irish counterpart.  The Christian Martin replaced him in the landscape, but not in the minds of those who believed in him.  I would add that St. Finnbar of Cork resided at Templemartin (  While I've not been able to determine how old the Templemartin name is, it would not be strange if a foundation of a Finnbar in Galloway may have been designated a St. Martin chapel in memory of the Irish place-name.

A final note on Myrddin's triple death... The original story may have had Myrddin die (possibly of panic; Irish war goddesses could kill with that alone) at Arderydd.  But because his spectral state was misunderstood, it was thought necessary to "tag on" a proper death to his story.  On the other hand, I have proposed that the triple death was a human sacrifice meant to ensure victory in the upcoming battle.  Such a sacrifice would have gone beyond deifying Myrddin as a simple ancestral ghost.  As I've alluded to above, sacrifice victims symbolized the god himself and, in a way that is hard to understand, became that god.  So the very act of dying in a sacrificial rite may have, essentially, "enthroned" Myrddin as King of the Fairies.  In essence, once he passed over to the Otherworld, he was the God of the Dead.

As the Irish King of the Fairies ruled from  the hill of Knockmagha, Myrddin seems to have had his "court" at Tinto, atop of which is one of the largest Bronze Age burial cairns in all of Scotland (  It was there that he communed with the 'wild men' (ghosts).   Graham Isaac has, undoubtedly, corrected rendered Myrddin's father's name Morfryn as 'Elf-hill', and this may well be a designation for Tinto.  

Arderydd/Armterid/Arfderydd and Arthuret, Cumbria

Over the years, I've explored different possibilities for the location of the famous Armterid/Arfderydd battle, at which Merlin (Myrddin) went made and fled into the Caledonian Wood.  But only recently have I been able to settle on one particular site.

The place was called ‘Weapon-fierce’ (courtesy Andrew Breeze;, i.e. Arm-terid or Arf-derydd.  According to Breeze, this was the name for the stream at Carwinley which marked the northern boundary of Arthuret parish.

As for fixing the site of the battle, we have one possible clue.  In “Lailoken and Kentigern" Carwinley or Caer Gwenddolau is called Carwannock and the battle is said to take place between the latter and the Lidel on a plain. I had proposed that -wannock was either derived from Cumbric gwaun, “high and wet level ground, moorland, heath; low-lying marshy ground, meadow” or might be a hypocoristic form of Gwenddolau. Gwen-ddolau itself looks to be a place-name, as it means, literally, “White dales” (dol being “meadow, dale, field, pasture, valley”). Brythonic place-name expert Alan James confirmed both possibilities for me:

“The meaning of derivatives of *wāgnā in the Brittonic languages is primarily ‘level, marshy ground’, whether upland or lowland; developments include gwaun ‘a meadow’ in Welsh, goon ‘downland, unenclosed pasture’ in Cornish. Br -āco-/ā-> -ǭg is an adjectival and nominal suffix, indicating ‘being of the kind of’, ‘association with’, ‘abounding in’, the stem-word. It occurs very widely in river-names, hill-names and other topographic names. It 's not diminutive, though in hypocoristic personal names like Gwennock it might be affectionate.”

Thus Carwannock and Carwinley are the same place.  This is confirmed, in fact, by the primary sources. In the St. Kentigern VITA fragment (Titus A. XIX ff. 74-75b) the language is in campo qui est inter Lidel et Carwannock (see ). But according to the 15th century edition of John of Fordun the battle took place in campo inter Lidel et Carwanolow situato (Ifor Williams quoted in PNCmb I p51 n1).

But what of modern Arthuret, which is considerably to the south of Carwinley?

Derydd as similar to L. torridus, dried up, also Irish tioradh, drying, tíraid, dries.

Guess what is a tributary of the Hall Burn IN ARTHURET PARISH?


So this stream is Terydd/Derydd - probably the original name for the entire Hall Burn, which flows past Arthuret proper.

The question is then what is Arm-/Arf-.  Although almost all sources had Ard- and not Arf-, I'm aware of the lectio difficilior requirement here.  So what is Arf-/Arm-?

There is Gaelic airm, 'place', and that has been proposed, but it's really not very convincing, given its total absence otherwise in Britain.  From Alan James' BLITON:

*arμ (f?)

Early Celtic *armā- > Br *armā-; O-MIr, G airm.

‘Place, location, whereabouts’.

Proposed by I. Williams, see PNCmb pp. 51-2, in [bellum] Armterid AC573 (in London, BL MS
Harley 3859). There is no other evidence for the word in P-Celtic, nor does the Goidelic form
seem to occur to as a place-name generic. If a Brittonic cognate had existed and survived, it 
would have fallen together as it did in Goidelic with adopted Lat arma ‘arms’ (Welsh arf). See
Arthuret Cmb, below.

a2) The river-name Armet Water MLo (Stow), PNMLo p. 75, SPN² p. 241, and the territorial
name Armethe Stg (Muiravonside), PNFEStg p. 38, could formally be + -ed if adopted early
enough by Northumbrian Old English speakers to retain –m- (LHEB §§98-100, pp. 486-93);
however, such a formation would be be unlikely to involve *arμ. An early hydronymic element
is possible, see ERN p. 149 (discussion of R. Erme Dev), and *ar in river-names.

b2) Arthuret Cmb PNCmb pp. 51-2 ? + -*tērïδ. Arthuret church stands on a prominent bluff
overlooking the Border Esk about 2 miles south of Longtown. Williams’s identification of the
battle-site with Arthuret is plausible, given the strategic location, though it should not be regarded
as certain. On the burgeoning of stories surrounding this battle in mediaeval Welsh literature, see
Rowlands (1990) pp. 109-14. See also discussion of Carwinley under cajr.

I have long maintained that the Arm-/Arf- spelling is a poetic development and does not represent a real place-name.  After extensive discussion with Dr. Simon Rodway of The University of Wales, I've gotten agreement on this point.  In addition, I had proposed the Arderydd "variant" might derive from either Ar-derydd, 'in front of the Derydd' or Ardd-derydd, 'the height of the Derydd.'  This last seemed the most reasonable to me, as the rotwyd or rhodwydd Arderys [sic] was a circular, earthen dyke fortification guarding a ford.  This is discussed by Bromwich in her Triads and by Sir Ifor Williams in a note to his Taliesin edition. At Arthuret this fortification was atop the hill adjacent to the ford over the River Esk. 

The actual origin of rhodwydd is debated.  Ifor Williams thought it from rhawd + gwydd.  But I think the GPC now has it right, with rhod from the word for 'wheel', and gwydd being the same as in gwydd4, 'tumulus', cf. gwyddfa, 'height, eminence, promontory.'

Here is what Dr. Rodway had to say on the subject:

"I think the best explanation is *Ardd-derydd < *Ardo-torridus - both variants can derive from this, and there would be good motivation for alteration in order to avoid a car crash of dentals following syncope of the composition vowel.  (1) Arfderydd: dd and f sometimes interchange, e.g. afanc ~ addanc.  (2) Arderydd fricatives can be lost after r in post-syncope consonant clusters.  Analogy could have played a part in both forms - as it was famous as the site of a battle, arf 'weapon' might have seemed appropriate, and for Arderydd we have plenty of place-names containing ar 'in front of, opposite', e.g. Arfon, Arberth etc."

Thus the location of the Arderydd battle was the 'dry' stream at Arthuret.  

For the best discussion of the actual fortification at Arthuret, consult W.F. Skene's NOTICE OF THE SITE OP THE BATTLE OF ARDDERYD OR ARBERYTH

"About a mile south from Longtown is the church and rectory of Arthuret, situated on a raised platform on the west side of the river Esk,which flows past them at a lower level; and south of the church and parsonage there rise from this platform two small hills covered with wood, called the Arthuret knowes. The top of the highest, which overhangs the river, is fortified by a small earthen rampart, enclosing a space nearly square, and measuring about 16 yards square." 

Do note, however, that Skene was wrong to look towards the Moat of Liddel as the actual site of Arderydd.  Liddel Strength, as it is otherwise known, is over a kilometer north of the northern boundary of Arthuret parish and is, needless to say, nowhere near the Dry Beck.

The ‘Rotwyd’ (Rhodwydd) of Arderys (Arderydd)

The early Welsh poetry on Arfderydd mentions something called the ‘rotwyd’ or rhodwydd.  Scholars cannot say exactly what this was, but they have made a good guess.  According to Rachel Bromwich (see her text, translation and commentary on the Triads of the Island of Britain):

“… Rhodwydd can mean either a ford or an earthen dyke; the latter was frequently constructed on rising ground above a ford, and would be held instead of the ford itself.  This was often the place where the fiercest battles were fought.”

Sir Ifor Williams (in his notes to The Poems of Taliesin) adds:

“… these examples show that rhyd (ford) and rhodwydd occur together often, and Loth suggested that rhodwydd was synonymous with rhyd… Rhodwydd may be from rhawd [cognate with Irish rath, ‘ringfort, earthen fortification’; cf. beddrod, bed + rhawd] and gwydd, cf. gwydd-fa [height, eminence, promontory; seat, throne, mound, burial ground, grave, burial mound, etc., where gwydd = grave, burial mound, grave, burial mound, tumulus].”

As Arthuret in Cumbria is an esker/ridge that anciently was much closer the Esk, and there was once an ancient earthwork atop this ridge, we could assume the ‘rotwyd’ of Arderydd is a reference to this very earthwork which may have once stood guard over a ford on the river. 

Early Welsh Tradition Versus Jocelyn’s Life of Kentigern: A Second Death for Myrddin and a Christian Burial

For years now, I’ve been unable to reconcile what I perceive to be two separate strands in the early Myrddin (= Merlin) tradition.  The first concerns the death of a warrior or chieftain (or god; see my discussion of Lugh below) named Llallogan in a battle at Arderydd/Arthuret and his wandering the woods as a disembodied spirit, his spectral state being misunderstood by a later age as a state of madness.  This version of the story is implicit in the early Welsh sources.  The second story is from the Life of St. Kentigern.  There Myrddin the madman wanders the woods until he eventually meets his triple-sacrificial death at the hands of Meldred’s shepherds at Drumelzier on the Tweed.

Drumelzier was known anciently as Dunmeller, the ‘oppidum Dunmeller’ of the Life of St. Kentigern.  The best modern philologists can do with the name, in its various early spellings, is din-, ‘fort’, plus –medal- plus –wir, plural of wur, cf. W. medalwyr, ‘reapers’, in the metaphorical sense of warriors.

The name Meldred appears to be an anachronism, as Meldredus is a known form of the much later historical Maldred, sometimes styled son of Crinan the Thane.  It used to be accepted that this Crinan was to be identified with Crinan the lay abbot of Dunkeld, the ‘Fort of the Caledonians.”  But much doubt has been cast upon this identification by recent scholars.  See, for example, the discussion of the problem in “Saints’ Cults in the Celtic World” (by Steve Boardman, John Reuben Davies and Eila Williamson, Boydell Press, 2013). 

According to Alex Woolf at the University of St. Andrews,

“All we really know about him [Maldred] comes from the text known as De obsessione Dunelmensis which simply says that a daughter of Earl Uhtred married a certain Maldred son if Crinan the thegn, a very rich man, by whom she gave birth to Cospatric.  That Cospatric was the Earl of Northumbria just after the Norman conquest. We know nothing about the location of Maldred or his father unless we assume the father is Crinan of Dunkeld.

There was a Gospatric who was Lord of Allerdale c. 1060, and a Dolphin (possibly brother of Gospatric) who controlled Carlisle c. 1090. The Earl of Northumbria c. 1070 was Gospatric son of  Maldred. The people who make Maldred Lord of Allerdale and Carlisle presume the Gospatric(s) mentioned in relation to them was Gospatric son of Maldred (which is possible but not certain), and they are assuming he inherited his position. This latter seems less likely since De Obsessione tells us that Gospatric son of Maldred's claim to high status, and ultimately the earldom, was through his mother not his father. Dolphin being in Carlisle is mentioned only once in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle and in no other source. Scottish charters of the early twelfth century are sometimes witnessed by some one described as 'Gospatric brother of Dolphin.'

Gospatric son of Maldred was the Earl of Northumbria who fled to Scotland. His descendants eventually became earls of Dunbar, but we don’t know if he is the same person as Gospatric of Allerdale.”

It is possible Meldred/Maldred was placed at Drumelzier because of the presence there of Thane’s Castle (now Tinnis Castle).  Alternately, Meldred may have been placed at Dunmeller merely as a sort of folk etymology, with the place-name being fancifully derived from the personal name. Alan James believes this to be a very real possibility.  I would also mention that Jocelyn, who wrote Kentigern’s Life, was based at Furness in Cumbria, so there may have been a political element to his choosing Maldred for the Lailoken story.

The etymology of the name Maldred is unknown.  Alex Woolf tentatively offers an English garbling of the Irish Mael Doraid.  Oliver Padel thinks the first element should be from British *Maglo-, ‘prince, lord, ruler.’  I once proposed Mael + drud for ‘Bold Prince’, although I noted that the Irish cognate to Welsh drud, druth, meant “fool”, and that this reminded us of Jocelyn calling Lailoken ‘homo fatuus’, “foolish man.”  We could perhaps derive the name from Mael + derydd, for a meaning of something like “Ardent/Fierce Prince.” 

Attempts have been made to find Myrddin’s grave not at the Drumelzier in Tweeddale, but at the similarly named place near Dunipace in Stirlingshire.  The most elaborate argument for placing Myrddin’s death-place at the Drumelzier on the Carron has been produced by Adam Ardrey his his book FINDING MERLIN: THE TRUTH BEHIND THE LEGEND.  Mr. Ardrey’s Website may be found here: 

It is true that this second Drumelzier appears to be an ancient name.  To quote from Zoe Ellis, Archives Assistant with the Falkirk Community Trust (personal correspondence):

“Drumelzier, also known as Drumalzier, is an ancient name.  It appears on the first series Ordnance Survey map (published in 1865) as Drimallier, and was still called Drimallier on a 1951 OS map.       It also appears on Roy’s military survey map of Scotland done in the 1750s as Drumalzierst.

In the Archives we have a copy of a book called “The Place Names of Falkirk and East Stirlingshire” by John Reid.  This book notes that the earliest written references to Drumelzier (from 1608) refer to it as “Drummelzarislandis” or Drumelzier’s-lands, and the book therefore suggests that the lands may have had the same name as their owner.  It doesn’t speculate further on the derivation of the name itself.”

The reason for looking at this second Drumelzier is, primarily, because Myrddin’s grave as described in Tweeddale cannot now be found.  CANMORE nicely summarizes the problem of this missing grave:

"’Merlin's Grave’ (Site): According to legend which is at least as old as the 15th century, the wizard Merlin was buried 200 yds NNW of Drumelzier Church, on the level haugh close to the right bank of the River Tweed. No structural remains are now to be seen, or have ever been recorded, at the place in question, but it is possible that the tradition may have been originated from the discovery of a Bronze Age cist.

RCAHMS 1967, visited 1956.

There is nothing to be seen at this site which lies in a field. The tradition still survives.

Visited by OS(IA) 11 August 1972.”

The idea, then, is that one of the Hills of Dunipace was a barrow mound or had a grave incorporated into it, and that the Tweeddale Drumelzier is simply the wrong one. I’ve noted before that St. Ninian, whose establishment is close to Plean, is often brought into connection with Myrddin because of the former’s association with St. Martin.  Might there be something to the Dunipace connection?

No.  The legend that places Merlin’s grave on the river is simply wrong.  The earliest account of where he was buried is the Life of St. Kentigern, and there we are plainly told by Merlin himself that

“I want you to bury me in the eastern part of the city in the churchyard, where the faithful are interred, not far from the green chapel where the brook Pausayl [now the Drumelzier Burn] flows into the River Tweed…”

There was never a Powsail Burn at or near Dunipace.  The ‘green chapel’ here, of course, is another matter and will be discussed in more detail below.  For now, suffice it to say that it could be a description of a barrow mound or cairn (cf. the Green Chapel in “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”) which has been eroded away by the river over the past centuries.  But the important thing to note is that we are not told Merlin was buried in the green chapel.  He is said to have been buried in the churchyard.  

The present Drumelzier Kirk is not very old, but it probably stood upon the spot of an earlier, more ancient establishment. Whether we can identify the modern churchyard with the ancient one is not something that can ever be determined. 

But why Drumelzier at all?  If I am right and the sacrifice of Merlin at the hands of Meldred’s shepherds is merely a story invented to both Christianize him and provide him with a death-tale (the actual nature  of his madness being misunderstood), why was this location on the Tweed chosen?

Principally, for two reasons. I mentioned above that the great Dreva Craig hillfort on the opposite side of the Tweed from Drumelzier has very near it a hill called Louden Knowe.  Scottish place name expert John Wilkinson helpfully provide the following information online (

"Louden Knowe PEB [NT 137363], an outlier of Trahenna Hill, sits at the head of a long ridge above the magnificently situated hillfort known nowadays as Dreva Craig (where Dreva is a farm and Drev- will reflect W tref ‘steading’ in a hilly and isolated area which shelters many extant Cumbric place-names) and long famous for its chevaux de frise (R. Feachem, Guide to Prehistoric Scotland (London, 1963, 2nd edn 1977), p. 143); across from Drumelzier on the middle reaches of the Tweed (where a legend of Merlin/Myrddin as Lailoken is localised), it may preserve another *Lugudunon. Thanks to Bill Patterson for finding the name (not on the OS 1:50,000 Landranger)."

For more information on the exact location of this hill, see:

Brythonic place-name expert Alan James agrees with Wilkinson on the etymology for Louden (personal communication). 

As Myrddin has strong affinities with the god Lleu (see below), his placement at Drumelzier opposite Llue's Fort need not surprise u.

The second reason Myrddin's death may have been transferred from Arderydd/Arthuret to Drumelzier on the Tweed doubtless has to do with the presence of the Tweeden Burn in Liddesdale at Newcastleton.  The Tweeden Burn empties into the Liddel Water. 

Early forms of this stream-name include Tueeden (Blaeu/Pont map 1654), Tweden (1541, 1580), Tweden (1583), Tueden (1599), Twyden (1841).

According to Alan James, this stream-name appears to represent Tweed + a diminutive Brittonic –in suffix, and this

“… pushes the name back to the 12th century or earlier, possibly a lot earlier, and implies the stream was called Tweed or something similar before that.”

Given that Myrddin/Llallogan fought at Arthuret where the Liddel and the Esk meet, and Meldred/Maldred may have been the lord of Cumbria, I would identify as the proper death-place of our “madman” the Tweeden Burn.  This notion is made all the more attractive by the presence at Old Castleton, a bit further up the Liddel, of a very early St. Martin’s Church, quite possibly an establishment originating from Whithorn.  I have suggested elsewhere that Myrddin was either identified with St. Martin or replaced by the saint in several locations in Lowland Scotland.

If I’m right and the Tweeden Burn is the place where Myrddin underwent his triple sacrifice, then the churchyard he was buried in must be that of St. Martin’s at Old Castleton. Note that there is no St. Martin or St. Ninian connection to Drumelzier.

However, we have forgotten about the Powsail Burn at Drumelzier. This place-name is from *pol-, ‘pool’, plus the word for ‘willow.’  Not coincidentally, there is a Willow Pool at the confluence of the Liddel Water and the Esk.  This is also the location of the Liddel Strength fort, sometimes also referred to in the sources as the Moat of Liddel (not to be confused with the castle at Old Castleton in Liddesdale).

For years now I have accepted the most recent translation 'green chapel' for the edifice that supposedly stands near where Myrddin/Merlin is buried. However, knowing as I do all too well the freedom translators can take when rendering medieval Latin, I went to the source and checked it out myself.

The most recent version of the relevant passage drawn from the Vita Kentigern was done by a Zacharias P. Thundy and is found in Peter Goodrich's The Romance of Merlin. It reads:

“Lailoken said, There is something I very much desire; you can easily grant me that besides my freedom. I want you to bury me in the eastern part of the city in the churchyard, where the faithful are interred, not far from the green chapel where the brook Pausayl flows into the River Tweed, which, indeed, will take place in a few days after my triple death.”

The actual Latin text is as follows:

Respondit Lailoken. vnum valde dabile postulo. libertate non pretermissa. videlicet vt tradas corpus meum sepulture, ad partem huius oppidi orientalem. in loco funeri. fidelis defuncti competenciore, haut longe a cespite. vbi torrens Passales in flumen descendit Tuedense. Futurum est enim post paucos dies, trina nece me morit[urum].

What I wanted to know was simply this: where is the 'green chapel' in this Latin?

My understanding of cespite is that is means 'grassy ground, grass, earth, sod, turf, altar/rampart/mound of sod/turf/earth. It does not mean 'chapel'. It, in fact, must mean a mound of grassy earth, i.e. a barrow mound. So there is no poetic description here of a 'green chapel' - the Latin is quite specific.

Cespite is from caespes, turf, sod, "used for altars, mounds (of tombs), for covering cottages, huts, etc."

In brief, a cespite as a grassy mound COULD mean a grave mound. But we also need to bear in mind that the word moat, which we now think of as a defensive ditch, often filled with water, is from French via Middle English and during the medieval period it meant MOUND. It was the mound made by scooping dirt out of the surrounding ditch and flinging it up into a gigantic pile, upon which the castle would then be built.

W.F. Skene, in the 1800s, spoke with the farmer at 'Upper Moat', now Highmoat farm. This is located immediately SW of Liddel Strength, itself often described with the word mote or motte. Willow Pool ( = the exact meaning of the Powsail in Tweeddale) is right here at Highmoat. The farmer told Skene there was a local tradition of Romans and Picts (!) being slain in a great battle and buried in the orchard of Highmoat farm.

The Tweeden is a major tributary of the Liddel, but it is the Liddel that joins the Willow Pool at the Liddel Strength fortress.

In other words, as I've surmised all along, Myrddin did not survive the Arderydd battle. His madness is a poetic way of describing a post-death spectral state. It usually befell warriors who were frightened to death, but in Myrddin's case it seems to have accompanied his triple sacrifice on the eve of the Arderydd battle. 

This spectral state was either not approved of by Christians or was completely misunderstood. In any case, they had to invent a death for him subsequent to the battle and his supposed madness, and then transferred him to what would become, several centuries hence, the church of Liddel or St. Martin at nearby Canonbie. 

Yet the mode of his death - the triple sacrifice - brands him either as the god Lleu or as a sacred Lleu warrior, a sort of Lleu avatar. 

The original burial place of Myrddin the 'specter-man' would appear to have been Highmoat farm in Cumbria. 

The Story of the Stag: a Seasonal Myth?

Geoffrey of Monmouth, in his ‘Life of Merlin’, tells a very strange tale about Merlin and stags: 

Merlin reads the heavens to learn that his wife Guendoloena (a manufactured feminine form of the personified place-name Gwenddolau, 'White dales') is ready to take another husband in his absence.  He seems resigned to this fact, and indeed seems to approve of the match: “Yet I bear no grudge.”  He decides to go to her and give his permission for the marriage to take place, and to bring to her the present he promised her when he left.  He then sets off through the woods and clearings, gathering a herd of stags single file, as well as does and she-goats. He seats himself on a stag and drives his ranks of animals before him.  He arrives thus at the scene of the wedding and with his stags shouts from the gates for Guendoloena to come out and view her presents.  She is astonished that so many wild animals could be brought together and controlled by one man alone.  The bridegroom is standing at a high window, and makes the mistake of laughing at Merlin astride his stag-steed.  Merlin wrenches off the horns off the stag he is mounted upon, whirls them around and throws them at the bridegroom.  The bridegroom’s head is crushed in and he dies.  Then Merlin digs his heels into his mount and it races back towards the woods.

Now, if this story evolved from genuine tradition, the army of stags and does in all likelihood represents a host of Carvetii warriors, as the Carvetii was the ‘Stag/Deer tribe’.  According to Nicholas Higham and Barri Jones’ The Carvetii (1991), the original territory of the Carvetii of Cumbria probably extended north and west through the Solway Mosses.  This area includes Arthuret. Merlin as leader of the Carvetii would make sense, given what we know about the other combatants at the Battle of Arderydd.  In passing, I would remind my reader that the Roman period capital of the Carvetii was Carlisle's fort Luguvalium.  This place-name can either be rendered '[the place of] *Luguvalos, a personal name meaning 'Lugh-strong' or - as I prefer - the fort that was 'Lugh-strong.'  Such a name for the ruling center of the Carvetii points to the importance of the god Lleu in the region.

The killing of Guendoloena’s husband with Myrddin’s stag horn has strong mythic overtones, however.  This is especially true as the red deer rut in Cumbria (when stags fight each other for possession of females) reaches its climax in October, and we can be fairly certain, then, that the new chieftain of Arderydd was slain on November 1 or Samhain, the end of the Celtic summer half-year and the beginning of the winter half-year.

After Myrddin kills his rival at Arderydd, he is caught while attempting to flee, bound and handed over to his sister, Ganieda (= Gwenddydd, cf. Goleuddydd; I will propose below that both of these are Welsh names that came to be associated with the Roman Diana Lucina, the moon goddess). Geoffrey makes Ganieda the wife of Rhydderch of Cumbria (not Strathclyde, as was historically accurate).  Myrddin is more or less forced to spend some time in human society, but quickly chafes of this and demands to return to his woods.  His sister advises him to wait until the ‘white winter frosts’, soon to be upon the land, have abated.  But he rejects her petition and hurries off to the wild. Ganieda builds him a house where he lives during the winter.  During the summer he roams the woods in his role as wild man.

Reading this strictly as seasonal myth, we have Myrddin as the sun god of the winter half-year, which for the Celts stretched from November 1 to May 1 (Beltaine).  The second husband of Guendoloena, killed on November 1, would be the god of the summer half-year, from May 1 to November 1.  The live god manifests himself as the one who is living with the goddess in her house.  The dead god is envisioned as roaming about in the wild as a specter.  Both gods are aspects of the same god, of course, so from story to story their roles might change. 

If I’m interpreting this right, a whole new dimension is added to the motif of Myrddin’s madness.  Yes, madness is a poetic metaphor for a spectral death-state.  However, this madness is not a permanent condition.  Seasonal rebirth means an end to the madness/spectral existence.  At that point in time, one’s ‘twin’ or solar double dies and, presumably, becomes the ‘madman of the wood’.

It may be that this seasonal slaying and rebirth cycle, the becoming alternately mad and sane as mythopoeic language for states of  life and death, better explains how Myrddin could perish at the first Arderydd battle, then suddenly reappear later to kill his successor.  It would also help explain the triple sacrificial execution meted out to him by Meldred’s shepherds, something that was claimed to occur AFTER his death at Arderydd.

Such an interpretation of Myrddin’s madness again brings him more into the realm of the divine than the human.  For instance, in Arthurian romance, Lancelot of the Lake, who is none other than the god Lugh Hard-hand, himself goes mad. 

As it happens, however, we can actually show with a fair degree of certainly that the god Lleu also took the form of a stag!  In the Mabinogion tale 'Math son of Mathonwy', Lleu's solar twin and rival for the favor of the goddess Blodewedd, Gronw, is depicted as hunting a stag.  Blodewedd first sees Gronw during this hunt.  The animal is slain at the river Cynfael.  Later in the story, Gronw slays Lleu.  Once the latter is resurrected from spectral eagle form by Gwydion, he slays Gronw on the shore of the same river.  In mythological language, then, the killing of the stag is a foreshadowing of the killing of Lleu and it is likely Lleu himself could appear in stag form.

Gwenddydd, Sister of Myrddin

To be honest, this sister of Myrddin has given me fits.  Why?  Because we know so precious little about her outside of Geoffrey of Monmouth’s fiction. 

According to Welsh specialists, her name means ‘White Day’ (gwen is the feminine of gwyn, 'white, light, shining, bright, fair'). Geoffrey implies she is the planet and goddess Venus, and that identification has been established in Welsh tradition.  But I’ve also pointed out that she bears a distinct resemblance to the goddess Goleuddydd, “Light or Brightness of Day”, who is married to Cilydd, son of Celyddon Wledig, an eponym for the Celyddon or Caledonian Wood of Myrddin.

I have in the past identified her with the Roman Diana Lucina.  As such she was plainly a lunar goddess, not Venus.  I have not changed my mind on this point.  

Modern philologists as well as Romans (see Carin M.C. Green’s “Roman Religion and the Cult of Diana at Aricea”, Cambridge University Press, 2007) derive Diana’s name from the same root found in Latin dies, ‘day’, and Diana (like Juno and Hekate) was given the bynames of Lucina, ‘the light-bringing’ or ‘bringing to light’ (lucina being, ultimately, from L. lux) and Lucifera, ‘light-bringer’.  The Vulgate and Post-Vulgate either associate the Lady of the Lake with Diana, or literally identify the two goddesses.  This identification came about because the goddess was also Diana Nemorensis, whose shrine was in a wood on Lake Nemi.  Her Greek counterpart Artemis was called Limnaie/Limnaea, ‘Of the Lake’.

Cicero, De Natura Deorum 2. 27 (trans. Rackham) (Roman rhetorician C1st B.C.) :

“The name Apollo is Greek; they say that he is the Sun, and Diana [Artemis] they identify with the Moon . . . the name Luna is derived from lucere ‘to shine’; for it is the same word as Lucina, and therefore in our country Juno Lucina is invoked in childbirth, as is Diana in her manifestation as Lucifera (the light-bringer) among the Greeks. She is also called Diana Omnivaga (wide-wandering), not from her hunting, but because she is counted as one of the seven planets or ‘wanderers’ (vagary). She was called Diana because she made a sort of Day (Dia) in the night-time. She is invoked to assist at the birth of children, because the period of gestation is either occasionally seven, or more usually nine, lunar revolutions, and these are called menses (months), because they cover measured (mensa) spaces.”

Goleuddydd as wife of the son of Celyddon, who gives birth to Culhwch, the ‘Lean Pig’, may be an educated reference to the Greek Artemis (= Roman Diana), who sent the Calydonian Boar.  One of the primary sub-plots of “Culhwch and Olwen”, of course, is the hunt of the monstrous boar Twrch Trwyth.

It is also worth noting that when Goleuddydd became pregnant she went “gwyll”, i.e. gwyllt, usually defined as “mad”, but more accurately as “wild” (see Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru for gwyllt/gwyll, ‘wild, living in a natural or primitive state, uncivilized, savage; demented, raving, frantic, mad), and wandered in uninhabited places.  This is also a hallmark of Artemis/Diana the Huntress, who lived in the wilderness. Madness is typically associated with the moon.

Evidence for Diana in Britain during the Roman period can be found in the Roman Inscriptions of Britain (see Guy de la Bedoyere site at


Auchendavy: altar by M. Cocceius Firmus, centurion of II Augusta. RIB 2174 (with Apollo)

Bath: altar by Vettius B[e]nignus, lib(ertus). RIB 138

Caerleon: slab recording restoration of a temple of Diana by T. Flavius Postumius [V]arus, senator and (legionary) legate, probably mid-third century if this is the man who was praefectus urbi in Rome in 271 (see RIB). RIB 316

Corbridge: altar by N[...]. RIB 1126

Risingham: altar by Aelia Timo. RIB 1209

Diana Regina

Newstead: altar by G. Arrius Domitianus, centurion of XX Valeria Victrix. RIB 2122 (see this man again at Newstead under Jupiter Optimus Maximus and Silvanus)”

But if Gwenddydd was indentified with Diana Lucina, why is she located in the far North, in or adjacent to the great Caledonian Wood?  Obviously, because Nemorensis (see above) has as its root nemus, ‘(sacred) grove’, and so Diana was the goddess of the wood.  Coed Celyddon or the ‘Wood of Celyddon’ was thus a natural place to find the moon goddess.

This does NOT mean that we must allow for Gwenddydd being merely a story-teller’s creation.  There may certainly have been a purely Celtic moon goddess who was syncretized with the Roman Diana and who was later brought into connection withn Gwenddydd.

Both Gwenddydd and the later Arthurian romance Niviane (and variants), i.e. Nemhain/Nefyn, build underworld grave-houses, perhaps with surrounding stone circles for observation of the planets, for Myrddin.  Granted, that Gwenddydd did so would seem to rely on the untrustworthy testimony of Geoffrey of Monmouth.

Where is Gwenddydd’s house and its adjoining observatory, built for Merlin/Myrddin?

Well, Ryderch (Rodarch) is called by Geoffrey of Monmouth the king of Cumbria, not Strathclyde.  This may be a reflection of Carruthers in SE Dumfriesshire. The former is near the Caerlaverock or Lark’s Nest said to be the cause of the Arderydd battle.  Both are also near ancient settlements and hill-forts, as well as the various Mabon place-names found here.  At Carruthers is the Birrens Hill settlement, while between the two towns is the mighty Burnswark fort and Roman camp. Riderc or Fort of Rhydderch may be the origin of the family name lying at the root of these town names. A British place-name meaning 'red water' is also a strong candidate, as I have confirmed with Alan James. But regardless of the actual etymology, the site could easily have been taken for a Rhydderch's fort in Welsh tradition.  For my recent discussion of the Battle of Arderydd and the Carruthers place-name, see

Gwenddydd is represented as the sister of Rodarch.  If the court of this particular relocated Rhydderch is not to be found in Strathclyde, but here in Dumfriesshire near the border with Cumbria, can we thus extrapolate where Merlin’s house and observatory are located?

We are fortunate in possessing an early 14th century elegy by Gwilym Ddu that says Myrddin descended from the tribe of Meirchiaun.  This is Meirchiaun Gul of the North, whom I’ve suggested (in my book THE ARTHUR OF HISTORY) may belong to the area of Maughanby (earlier ‘Meirchiaun’s By’) in Cumbria, hard by the great Long Meg and Her Daughters [3] stone circle, and only a few miles from the Voreda Roman fort at Old Penrith.  This is in the heartland of the ancient Carvetii kingdom.

Meg is a common nickname for Margaret, and the person in question is said to be a 17th century witch, Meg of Meldon.  I have wondered whether ‘Meg’ could be a late substitution for a name similar to that of the ancient Irish goddess Macha, i.e. Imona the horse goddess.  Macha was paired with the Morrigan in the same fashion as Nemhain. Voreda can be compared with Welsh gorwydd, ‘horse’, and according to philologist Kenneth Jackson means ‘Horse stream’.

While Meirchiaun is a Welsh form of the Roman name Marcianus, it may well have been linked to the Welsh plural for horse, viz. meirch.  The son of Meirchiaun was Cynfarch of the Mote of Mark hill-fort in Dumfries.  The name Cynfarch means ‘chief horse’ (cf. Irish conn for Cyn-/*Cuno- in this context).

A possible association of Long Meg and Her Daughters with Myrddin is interesting, given the circle’s description (from English Heritage’s Pastscape Website):

 “A stone circle located north of Little Salkeld and east of the River Eden. One of the largest extant stone circles in England, the monument currently comprises 69 large stones, some standing and some fallen, arranged in a flattened oval circa 110 metres by 93 metres. There are two apparent entrances, one to the southwest and the other to the northwest. According to Barnatt, the stones were set in a low bank visible intermittently around the site's circumference except to the north. The enclosure's northern side is "flattened", ie straight rather than curved. Air photography has demonstrated the presence of a large cropmark enclosure (NY 53 NE 21) on this side of the stone circle, and it appears that the stones were here following the line of the enclosure ditch - at least 10 of the stone appear to have stood on the outer lip of the enclosure ditch (which must therefore be earlier than the stone circle). The stone circle's northwest entrance appears to face directly into the entrance of the enclosure. To the southwest of the stone circle, circa 22.5 metres from the southwestern entrance, is a single outlier, an upright red sandstone block some 3.65 metres high known as Long Meg. One face of this boulder is covered with rock art, comprising linear grooves, concentric arcs, spirals, cup marks and grooves. Not all appear finished, and there is some modern graffiti. When viewed from the centre of the circle, Long Meg marks the direction of the midwinter sunset. It has been suggested that two of the stones in the circle's northern arc also feature possible spiral designs. Dating is problematic. No excavations are known to have been undertaken at the site, and a broad later Neolithic/Early Bronze Age date would probably encompass both stone circle and rock art. The enclosure NY 53 NE 21 is equally undated, but probably belongs to the same broad time-span.

Like many stone circles, Long Meg and Her Daughters have had a slightly troubled history. A narrow road runs roughly north-south across the eastern half of the circle, and a short distance to the west of this is the line of a former wall. Traces of ridge and furrow are also evident within the circle. In 1599 Camden noted 77 stones, compared to the 69 currently known. William Stukeley subsequently recorded that several stones had been broken up shortly before he visited in 1725. Subsequent accounts also mention the removal and, occasionally, the replacement of stones. Camden also referred to two "heaps of stone" within the circle. These have been regarded as possible burial mounds, although a later edition of Camden's "Britannia" referred to them as field clearance. In the later 17th century, Aubrey referred to "giants bones, and body" being found within the circle, although there is no confirmation from other sources. Note that Stukeley also referred to a second, smaller circle to the southwest (NY 53 NE 12) of which no trace now remains. (13-19)”

This circle sounds suspiciously like the house of seventy doors and as many windows Myrddin asks his sister Ganieda (Gwenddydd; see below) to build for him in the Vita Merlini of Geoffrey of Monmouth.  We can visualize the doors as the stone uprights of the circle, and the opens spaces between those uprights as the windows.  Of course, as Merlin was intimately associated with Stonehenge, it may be that this house of 70 doors and windows is a reference to the latter monument.  Just as possible is Myrddin’s presence first at Long Meg and Her Daughters, with this stone circle being replaced in folk or literary tradition by the one on Salisbury Plain.   

Gwenddydd/Diana Lucina and Nemhain/Nefyn  

The moon itself is identified in Scottish lore with Nicnevin, ‘Daughter of Nemhain’. Sir Walter Scott, in his “Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft (1831)” describes Nicnevin as follows:

“…a gigantic and malignant female, the Hecate of this mythology, who rode on the storm and marshalled the rambling host of wanderers under her grim banner. This hag (in all respects the reverse of the Mab or Titania of the Celtic creed) was called Nicneven in that later system which blended the faith of the Celts and of the Goths on this subject. The great Scottish poet Dunbar has made a spirited description of this Hecate riding at the head of witches and good neighbours (fairies, namely), sorceresses and elves, indifferently, upon the ghostly eve of All-Hallow Mass. In Italy we hear of the hags arraying themselves under the orders of Diana (in her triple character of Hecate, doubtless) and Herodias, who were the joint leaders of their choir, But we return to the more simple fairy belief, as entertained by the Celts before they were conquered by the Saxons.”

In John Koch’s ‘Celtic Culture’, we are told:

“The Queen of the Fairies in Scotland, sometimes known as the queen of the witches, was Neven or NicNeven, a name Henderson and Cowan derive from Neamhain, OIr Nemain, a war goddess… variations on this name are found all over Scotland…”

Based of the character of the goddess and the implied meanings of her name when used as a common noun, the most likely derivation is as follows:

“OIr neim ‘poison’ (Goth niman ‘take’, etc).  n-stem, Mod. Ir. neimh ‘poison’. Proto-Celtic *nemen from older *nemn, from PIE root *nem ‘to allot’.

From the Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language:

Nemain Emain anemain ineamhain némainn

Keywords: war-goddess; battle-fury; warlike; frenzy; strife; murder; malice

However, both noted Celtic linguist Professor Ranko Matosovic and Dr. Simon Rodway of the University of Wales prefer deriving Nemhain's name from OIr nem, gen nime 'heaven (Lat nemus, nemoris),  Old Irish nem 'holy, heaven' is cognate with Gaul. nemeton, Lat nemus, etc. (from PCelt. *nemo-).

If Nemhain's name can be related to both Diana Nemorensis and the Celtic Nemeton, then Nemhain and Gwenddydd would both be lunar goddesses.  Gwenddydd and the Lady of the Lake would be one and the same deity.

The Wild Man of the Wood in Highland Scotland

The “Buile Shuibhne” or “Frenzy of Suibhne”, which tells the story of the quintessential Irish madman, contains within it an episode that many have thought may be a reference to the British Myrddin (or Merlin).  This British madman is called Fer Caille, the ‘Man of the Wood’ (cf. Geoffrey of Monmouth's 'sylvester homo' for Merlin), or Alladhan (only once Ealadhan).  Scholars have debated whether Alladhan is an attempt to render Llallogan, the real name of Myrddin.  Some think this might be the case, while others opt for interpreting Alladhan as being derived from Gaelic allaid(h), ‘wild’, making for ‘the Wild One’.  The point is rather moot, as I’ve already demonstrated that the word at the root of Llallogan and allaid(h) is, in fact, the same word.  Llallogan (Llallog with a diminutive suffix) as ‘the Other’ and Alladhan as ‘the Wild One’ are, therefore, much more closely related etymologically than one might otherwise think.

The relevant section of the translated text of “Buile Shuibhne” is here, taken from

“Suibhne then left Carraig Alastair and went over the wide-mouthed, storm-swept sea until he reached the land of the Britons. He left the fortress of the king of the Britons on his right hand and came on a great wood. As he passed along the wood he heard lamenting and wailing, a great moan of anguish and feeble sighing. It was another madman who was wandering through the wood. Suibhne went up to him. ‘Who are you, my man?’ said Suibhne. ‘I am a madman,’ said he. ‘If you are a madman,’ said Suibhne, ‘come hither so that we may be friends, for I too am a madman.’ ‘I would,’ said the other, ‘were it not for fear of the king's house or household seizing me, and I do not know that you are not one of them.’ ‘I am not indeed,’ said Suibhne, ‘and since I am not, tell me your family name.’ ‘Fer Caille (Man of the Wood) is my name,’ said the madman; whereupon Suibhne uttered this stave and Fer Caille answered him as follows:


            O Fer Cailli, what has befallen thee?

            sad is thy voice;

            tell me what has marred thee

            in sense or form.

            Fer Caille:

            I would tell thee my story,

            likewise my deeds,

            were it not for fear of the proud host

            of the king's household.

            Ealadhan am I

            who used to go to many combats,

            I am known to all

            as the leading madman of the glens [variant:
            ‘swift madman…’].


            Suibhne son of Colman am I

            from the pleasant Bush;

            the easier for us is converse

            here, O man.

After that each confided in the other and they asked tidings of each other. Said Suibhne to the madman: ‘Give an account of yourself.’ ‘I am son of a landholder,’ said the madman of Britain, ‘and I am a native of this country in which we are, and Alladhan is my name.’ ‘Tell me,’ said Suibhne, ‘what caused your madness.’ ‘Not difficult to say. Once upon a time two kings were contending for the sovereignty of this country, viz., Eochaidh Aincheas, son of Guaire Mathra, and Cugua, son of Guaire. Of the people of Eochaidh am I,’ said he, ‘for he was the better of the two. There was then convened a great assembly to give battle to each other concerning the country. I put geasa on each one of my lord's people that none of them should come to the battle except they were clothed in silk, so that they might be conspicuous beyond all for pomp and pride. The hosts gave three shouts of malediction on me, which sent me wandering and fleeing as you see.’

In the same way he asked Suibhne what drove him to madness. ‘The words of Ronan,’ said Suibhne, ‘for he cursed me in front of the battle of Magh Rath, so that I rose on high out of the battle, and I have been wandering and fleeing ever since.’ ‘O Suibhne,’ said Alladhan, ‘let each of us keep good watch over the other since we have placed trust in each other; that is, he who shall soonest hear the cry of a heron from a blue-watered, green-watered lough or the clear note of a cormorant, or the flight of a woodcock from a branch, the whistle or sound of a plover on being woke from its sleep, or the sound of withered branches being broken, or shall see the shadow of a bird above the wood, let him who shall first hear warn and tell the other; let there be the distance of two trees between us; and if one of us should hear any of the before-mentioned things or anything resembling them, let us fly quickly away thereafter.’

They do so, and they were a whole year together. At the end of the year Alladhan said to Suibhne: ‘It is time that we part to-day, for the end of my life has come, and I must go to the place where it has been destined for me to die.’ ‘What death shall you die?’ said Suibhne. ‘Not difficult to say,’ said Ealladhan; ‘I go now to Eas Dubhthaigh, and a blast of wind will get under me and cast me into the waterfall so that I shall be drowned, and I shall be buried afterwards in a churchyard of a saint, and I shall obtain Heaven; and that is the end of my life. And, O Suibhne,’ said Alladhan, ‘tell me what your own fate will be.’ Suibhne then told him as the story relates below. At that they parted and the Briton set out for Eas Dubhthaigh, and when he reached the waterfall he was drowned in it.”

The first thing to be said about this account of Alladhan is that he belongs to the region of the ancient Caledonian Wood in Highland Scotland, NOT to the ‘Celyddon Wood’ the Welsh placed in Lowland Scotland.  We know this because the fort of the king of the Britons Suibhne left on his right hand is Dumbarton, the Dark Age Alclud or Dun Breatann.  Of the chieftains involved in the battle that sends Alladhan fleeing we can say nothing other than that the names are thoroughly Gaelic, not British and not Pictish.  Eochaidh is a common Irish name; there were several such in Scottish Dalriada.  Aincheas is Irish aincheas, found once as a personal name.  It meant ‘pain, difficulty, trouble, doubt, perplexity’, etc.  Cugua looks like a truncated form of Cucuach, found in the Annals of Ulster for the year 1166.  A Cucuagh spelling may well have lost its terminal.  Mathra is Irish mathra, maithre, ‘mother’s kin or tribe, maternal kins-folk’.  Guaire is another common Irish name.

While the date of “Buile Shuibhne” is roughly placed in the 13th-15th centuries, references to it have been found in the 10th century.  I now know, having discovered the place of Alladhan’s death, that the story cannot have been composed prior to the life of the Scottish saint Dubthach or Duthac (c. 1000-1065).

The waterfall (eas) of Dubhthaigh and the associated saint’s churchyard points solidly to the magnificent Falls of Glomach in Kintail, not far to the northeast of Kilduich or Clachan Duich, the church and stone-cell of St. Duthac. Depending on what site one accesses, the Glomach falls are either the second or third highest in all of Britain.  More importantly, the falls can be reached by following a path, part of which follows alongside the river Elchaig, one of the 'coffin roads' used to take the dead to Clachan Duich for Christian burial.

Alladhan would not appear, then, to have anything to do with the Welsh Myrddin/Llallogan – other than the fact that both were specters or ‘madmen’. Christians found it necessary to supply both with deaths and proper burials, either through a misunderstanding of the real meaning of ‘madness’ in these contexts or as a method of eliminating pagan aspects from the motif..

Some Other Mysterious Places Associated With  Merlin

There are some other Merlin sites whose locations are uncertain. Five of them are the Fountain of Barenton, another tomb of Merlin, the spring of Galabes, Merlin’s esplumoir and the Green Chapel of the Gawain poem.

The Fountain of Barenton is none other than the mineral springs of Berrington (Berinton) near Tenbury Wells in Herefordshire.

A previously unlocated grave of Merlin is said by the Prose Lancelot to be in the Perilous Forest of Darnantes atop a mountain. Darnantes or Dar-nantes is the River Dore, which flows through the Golden Valley in the Black Mountains of Wales. Dore is either from French D’ore, ‘golden’, or W. dwr, ‘water’, while –nantes is from W. nant,

‘stream, brook’. The Perilous Forest of the Dore River must be in this area, which is still forested to this day. Only a couple of miles west of the Dore is Mynydd Merddin, ‘Myrddin’s Mountain’, one of the traditional Welsh sites of Merlin’s tomb. However, as Mynydd Merddin is an outlier of the Black Mountains, this could well be a relocation of Merlin’s mountain at the Eildons in the North.

As for Merlin’s spring or springs of Galabes, Geoffrey of Monmouth places this site in the region of the Gewisse. In a note to his The Quest for Merlin (pp. 270-271), Tolstoy suggests that Geoffrey may have substituted the Gewisse for Nennius’ Guunessi. This would mean, of course, that Galabes would be found in Guunessi. Tolstoy is mistaken here. Merlin’s Galabes is plainly Nennius’ Guoloph, i.e.

Wallop, the site of a battle between Aurelius Ambrosius and Vitalinus. Now there is a Wallop stream in the Shropshire of Vortigern, but there is another in Hampshire, the Wallop Brook, site of the villages known as the Wallops. Hampshire is within the territory of the Gewissei.

The Cair Guorthirgin of Guunessi has been identified with a site at Nant Gwrtheyrn near the northwest coast of Llyn between Yr Eifl and Nefyn. Guunessi (Gwnnws, Gwynnys) is now a farm two miles south of Nant Gwrtheyrn.

Now to treat briefly of the famous ‘esplumoir’ or ‘esplumeor’ of Merlin, which the Didot Perceval places next to the Grail Castle of Bron and Perceval:

“…and I wish to make a lodging outside your palace and to dwell there… And all those who will see my lodging will name it the esplumoir of Merlin [‘si le clameront l’esplumoir Merlin’]. Then Merlin left them and made his esplumoir and entered within and never since then has he been seen in the world.”

Raoul de Houdenc’s Meraugis de Portlesguez identifies the esplumoir as a high rock upon which are twelve damsels forever prophesying. These ‘twelve damsels’ are in reality a stone circle. They are akin to various stone circles named for maidens or witches, e.g. Boleigh’s Merry Maidens, Bosscawen-Un’s Nine Maidens, Little Selkeld’s Long Meg and Her Daughters, Harthill Moor’s Grey Ladies, Stanton’s Nine Ladies.

The best guess to date as to the meaning of esplumoir is ‘moulting cage’, but this is usually considered unsatisfactory. The word is otherwise unknown in Old French.

The es- of esplumoir is a prefix such as that added to caliber to form Escalibur or Excalibur, the name of Arthur’s sword in later romance. As such, it can be dropped, leaving us with a word spelled ‘plumoir’ or ‘plumeor’. I would see in either of these an obvious Old French attempt at Old Breton ploe, ‘parish’, plus meur, ‘great’. There are four Ploemeur place-names in Brittany: Pleumeur-Bodou and Pleumeur-Gautier in Cotes d’Armor, Plomeur in Finistere and Ploemeur in Morbihan. Plomeur in Finistere is home to the Kerugou dolmen.

Suppose, however, that ‘great parish’ is not being used in this context as a genuine place-name, but as a description of a type of district? I believe this, is in fact, what the author of the Didot Perceval intends here. He was availing himself of two traditions. One, which is known to come from before the 12th century, is the designation of the island of Britain as ‘Clas Merdin’. Clas, according to the
Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru, has the meanings ‘monastic community, monastica classis, cloister, people of the same country, band or community of fellow-countrymen’. The second strand of tradition comes from Geoffrey of Monmouth, who makes Amesbury the scene of a famous monastery, the so-called Cloister of Ambrius (or Emrys, the Welsh form of the Latin name Ambrosius). This monastery may be referred to in the Welsh Triads under its name Caer Caradoc, one of the three eternal choirs of the island of Britain. This again is due to Geoffrey, who refers to Salisbury near Stonehenge and Amesbury as Caer Caradoc.

Geoffrey, furthermore, places Stonehenge or the Giants’ Dance atop a hill next to the parish of Amesbury, supposedly the ‘Fort of Ambrosius’. For Geoffrey, and anyone reading him in the Middle Ages, Ambrosius was merely another name for Merlin himself.

The ‘Great Parish’ of Merlin, i.e. of Ambrosius, would be the parish of Amesbury with its stone circle. Again according to Geoffrey, Ambrosius brother of Uther was buried within the Giant’s Dance. Since Merlin bears the Ambrosius name as well, the Didot Perceval author placed Merlin’s Otherworld ‘lodging’ or tomb at Stonehenge.

But if the Esplumeor Merlin = the ‘great parish’ of Amesbury, the nearby Grail Castle obviously was not Corbenic or Castell Dinas Bran in North Wales, a tradition recorded in other Arthurian romances (see

Then what is the Grail Castle next to the Great Parish of Ambrosius?

The best guess would be Amesbury’s neighbouring hill-fort Vespasian’s Camp, only 1.2 miles east of Stonehenge.

The name of this camp is due to the Elizabethan antiquarian Camden. In reality, the fort pre-dates the Romans. However, I think it is not a coincidence that Geoffrey of Monmouth calls Salisbury Caer Caradoc after the British chieftain Caractacus who was defeated by the Roman Vespasian. We have no record of Salisbury ever being referred to as the fort of Caractacus; the ancient name of Old Sarum next to Salisbury was Sorviodunum.

Could not Geoffrey have mistaken Salisbury the town for Caer Caradoc, when in reality Caer Caradoc was the name of the hill-fort on Salisbury Plain? Camden might well have replaced the name of the defeated British chieftain with that of the Roman conqueror, Vespasian. If so, the ‘eternal choir’ of Caer Caradoc mentioned in the Welsh Triads is another name for the Cloister of Ambrosius at Amesbury. And as far as the author of the Didot Perceval was concerned, Vespasian’s Camp next to the Esplumeor Merlin or Great Parish of Amesbury was the Grail Castle.

Another Arthurian site has always intrigued me; that of the Green Chapel in the 14th century epic poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. While it is not immediately apparent that the Green Chapel has anything to do with Merlin, we will see that it actually belongs to the great enchanter.

The poem leaves no doubt as to what the Green Chapel really is:

"... a hillock of sorts, A smooth-surfaced barrow on a slope beside a stream... All hollow it was within, only an old cavern..." (Lines 2171-82)

This chambered barrow is ‘hardly two miles’ from the castle of the Green Knight, who calls himself Bertilak of Hautdesert (High Desert). The directions to this castle are unknown; we are only told that Gawain is going north by way of the Gwynedd coast opposite Anglesey and the Wirral Peninsula. After this the description of his route becomes increasingly vague.

Bertilak represents the Bertholais of the Arthurian Vulgate. Indeed, the English translation of the Vulgate renders Bertholais as Bertilak. This Bertholais is associated with Gawain, but does not bear any of the characteristics later ascribed to Bertilak. In the Vulgate, Bertholais and the False Guinevere (whose champion the former was) are exiled to the hinterlands. The suggestion has been made that Bertilak's beautiful wife, the temptress of Gawain, is actually the False Guinevere. Because the poet put Morgan le Fay in Bertilak's house, it is also possible that the Green Knight's wife is an aspect of Morgen, i.e. the Morrigan.

Bertholais owes his name to the Britaelis of Geoffrey of Monmouth's History. Britaelis was Gorlois' servant whose form was assumed by none other than Merlin in the story of Ygerna's seduction by Uther. If Bertholais is Merlin, it is surely significant that the Life of St. Kentigern has Lailoken/Myrddin/Merlin buried ‘not far from the [barrow] mound where the brook Pausayl flows into the River Tweed.’ In other words, the ‘Green Chapel’ is none other than the site of the Scottish Lowland Merlin’s supposed grave at Highmoat.

In the Vulgate Merlin, the forest name of the Lady of the Lake is first given as the Forest of Briosque and only later as Broceliande, the name used by Chretien de Troyes. While Broceliande has been sought in various places, none of the candidates work geographically or etymologically. I would derive the Old French ‘Briosque’ from the –fries component of Dumfries, the town situated just West-Southwest of Lochmaben in Dumfriesshire. While once thought to be the ‘Fort of the Frisians’, authorities now correctly identify –fries with Gaelic preas, Angl. Pres(s), gen. phris, Angl. –fries, gen. pl. preas, (b)p(h)reasach, ‘bush, copse, thicket’. Spellings such as Dunfreisch, Droonfreisch, and Drumfriesche occasionally occur in old documents.

The second component is probably something similar to Welsh llwyn:

[bnth. Llad. lignum, cf. H. Lyd. loin, loen mewn e. lleoedd, ?Crn. Diw. loinou (ll.)]

eg. (bach. g. llwynyn, ll. llwynynnau) ll. llwynau, llwyni, llwynydd (bach. ll. (prin) llwynïos).

bush, shrub, brake, thicket; copse, grove, arbour; woods, forest; (esp. in love-poetry) the traditional rendezvous of lovers, symbol of love or romance.

Broceliande itself may be evident in compounds like Welsh prysglwyn, "shrub, shrubbery, bush, brake, undergrowth, thicket, copse, jungle, also fig." and brysglwyn, "thicket, copse, brushwood." 

It makes a great deal of sense to envisage Merlin and Viviane in the Dumfries region, as this was the home stomping grounds of Myrddin, the Welsh prototype for Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Merlin.  Nefyn/Nemhain = Viviane, and  the Welsh made Nefyn the mother of Urien of Rheged, the center of which was Annandale (see Broceliande, then, is simply a name for Dumfries.

In the context of any discussion of Myrddin and Nemhain in southwest Scotland, it is necessary to mention the Locus Maponi or ‘place of [the god] Maponus’, identifiable with Lochmaben in Dumfries (or perhaps the Ladyward Roman fort near Lochmaben, or even with the Clochmabenstane just south at Gretna Green). As is well known, Mabon was the son of Modron, i.e. Matrona, the Divine Mother. This is the same Modron who is presented as the wife of Urien, son of Nyfain/Nemhain.

There is a strong probability the “stone” under which Merlin was imprisoned by the Lady of the Lake in Broceliande is none other than the Clochmabenstane.  [I would note, however, that there is a lost chapel of Munmaban where we now find the Harestanes stone circle near Kirkurd in Peebleshire.]

Myrddin and the Journey to Avalon

The very first account of Arthur’s conveyance to Avalon differs remarkably from that found in late sources such as the Morte D’Arthur of Sir Thomas Malory. It is Geoffrey of Monmouth’s Life of Merlin that tells us how Arthur was brought by boat from Camlann to Avalon, with Merlin a passenger and Barinthus the steersman. As has been recognized for some time, this Barinthis is Geoffrey’s spelling for the famous Irish St. Brendan the Navigator, originally Breanainn, who set out from Ireland to find Tir Tairngire or the Land of Promise in the west.

The typical Celtic triad of Arthur, Merlin/Myrddin and Barinthus/Brendan is replaced in the romances by various numbers of ‘queens’, i.e. goddesses of Avalon, who ferry Arthur away to the Otherworld without any masculine assistance. Morgan (a Welsh substitute for the Irish Morrigan; see is often listed as one of these ‘queens’, as is the Lady of the Lake, of course.  We've seen that the Lady of the Lake was Nemhain/Gwenddydd/Diana and we know from the Irish sources that the Morrigan and Nemhain were often paired as battle or sovereignty goddesses. In the Roman period a Dea Latis or 'Lake Goddess' was worshiped at Avalon, i.e. the Burgh By Sands Roman fort (Aballava/Avalana/'Avalon').

Breanainn is a borrowing from the Welsh and is a name based on brenin, ‘king’. Brenin itself derives from the name of the goddess Brigantia, specifically from *brigantinos, a term which identified the king or ‘exalted one’ as consort of the tutelary goddess of the Brigantes tribe. As the Camlann that was Castlesteads and the Avalon that was Burgh-By-Sands are both in Carvetii territory, and the Carvetii were part of the Brigantian confederation, it is particularly appropriate that the pilot of the boat should bear this name.

Of course, we are talking about ancient religious symbolism here – not physical fact. It is well known that Myrddin (if a man and not a god) lived and died well after Arthur’s time. He could not, therefore, have been personally present in the funeral barge that took Arthur to Avalon. But as Myrddin was a divine spirit of a slain warrior-bard, he may be emblematic of the other slain champions who perished with Arthur at Camlann and who, presumably, also were taken to Avalon.  Either literally or metaphorically. 

Myrddin and the Gods Mabon and Lleu

Up until this point I have resisted seeing Myrddin as a sort of dethroned pagan god, perhaps Maponus, the Welsh Mabon, and/or Lleu.  And I will continue to do so, as I prefer to see him as a Lleu avatar.  However, there is no doubt that elements derived from relics of Celtic religion did adhere to him. 

The Welsh appear to have identified Mabon/Maponus with Lleu.  I've discussed this in detail elsewhere, as well as the misidentification of these conflated gods with Ambrosius. [4]  See, for example, Yet my resistance to accepting Myrddin as strictly a sun deity stems from the fact that all the “god qualities” assigned to him originate in Geoffrey of Monmouth’s writings and Jocelyn of Furness’s hagiographical Life of St. Kentigern.  Both sources are late and of more than dubious authority.

Geoffrey identifies Myrddin, his “Merlin”, with the Welsh god Lleu, this last having been identified wrongly with Ambrosius, the 'divine or immortal one'.  Ambrosius is found a king of Gwynedd in Nennius, while Lleu is the ancient lord of NW Wales in Welsh tradition.  The Life of Kentigern, either aware of this tradition or drawing from some unknown material, assigns a triple death to Myrddin not unlike that suffered by Lleu in the Welsh Mabinogion.  Many modern theorists have, therefore, tended to identify Myrddin with Lleu.  We should recall that the people of Drumelzier near Louden Knowe - the Hill of Lugh's Fort - were the “Reapers”, and so we might wonder if the killing of Myrddin (if Lugh or a Lugh surrogate or avatar) coincided with the reaping of the first grain on Lughnasadh.

The triple sacrifice of Lleu would have been enacted every year.  Lleu’s annual death occurred originally at February 1 or Imbolc, if calculated around 1200 A.D., the approximate date of the composition of the MABINOGION. The goat and bathtub of Lleu’s death scene represent, respectively, the goat of Capricorn and the water-bearer of Aquarius. In 3000 BCE, the sun was between these two signs on the Winter Solstice.

Taking all of the above into account, I must conclude that while it cannot be proven Myrddin was originally the sun god Maponus/Lleu, it is certainly possible that a deity has been superimposed upon a figure who started out, at any rate, as the mortal man Myrddin/Llallogan.

Alternately, we could view Myrddin as an AVATAR of the god Lleu.  The avatar concept – that of a deity who assumes human form - is a difficult one for us in the West to grapple with.  In simple terms, Myrddin came to be seen as a sacred warrior, one dedicated to Lleu. When he died in battle or was sacrificed prior to it, he became “one” with the god. Sacrifice victims symbolized the god to whom they were given. For example, men sacrificed to Odin by hanging represented the god himself as he hung from the World Tree.  As a Lleu warrior or chieftain, Myrddin could be viewed as the sun god incarnate.




The only other circle which could conceivably have been associated with Myrddin is the one that, apparently, once existed at the Clochmabenstone.

The description of the non extant circle here does not, however, match that given for Gwenddydd's house in Monmouth's VITA MERLINI.  Still, given the Mabon-Lleu conflation in Welsh tradition, and the proximity of Clochmabenstone to Arthuret, it has to remain a candidate.  Certainly, Geoffrey was not beyond exaggerating for the sake of his tale, and I've already suggested above that a stone circle in Cumbria or Dumfriesshire could have been linked to Stonehenge.

We should also bear in mind in this context (see above) that the stone of Broceliande under which Merlin is imprisoned by the Lady of the Lake may well be the Clochmabenstone.  Or it could be some other notable chambered tomb in Dumfriesshire - of which there are plenty to choose from.

[4]  Excerpted from my book THE ARTHUR OF HISTORY (

Aurelius Ambrosius, said to be a Roman, is the most famous figure in Dark Age British history prior to Arthur. Why? Because he is credited with having united the Britons in a successful defense of the country against the Saxons, who from Vortigern’s time had, according to the traditional account, pillaged and conquered at will.

Ambrosius is important also because it has been fashionable to identify him with Arthur. As we shall see, such an identification is patently impossible.

To begin, Ambrosius was not a contemporary of Arthur. He was not, in fact, even a contemporary of Vortigern, who preceded Arthur by a century. And this is true despite the HB account, which brings Vortigern and Ambrosius (as the Welsh Emrys) together for a fabulous story that takes place at Dinas Emrys in northwestern Wales (see below).

There are major problems with accepting Ambro-sius as a contemporary of Vortigern. First, he cannot have been a Roman and been in Britain during or after Vortigern’s rule. The withdrawal of the Romans is firmly dated at c. 409 CE. Vortigern’s ruling dates, depending on the sources consulted, are anywhere from twenty to forty years after the Roman withdrawal. If he were a Roman during or after Vortigern, then he came from the Continent and was not a native Briton. The argument could be made that ‘Romanized’ Britons continued to preserve the Roman way of life in southern England for a half century after the withdrawal of the troops. In this sense, a chieftain like Ambrosius might still consider himself to be ‘Roman’.

However, the HB tells us that Ambrosius fought a battle against a certain Vitalinus at a Guoloph or Wallop, thought to be the Hampshire Wallop. This Vitalinus is listed in the HB as the grandfa-ther of Vortigern. This means that Ambrosius has wrongly been placed in the time of Vortigern. He actually belongs to the time of Vitalinus, who was probably of the 4th century.

The father of the famous 4th century St. Ambrose bore the name Aurelius Ambrosius. This man was, furthermore, the prefect or governor of Gaul (Gallia). Britain, Spain and Gaul were in the Gallic prefecture. So, we have here a historical figure named Aurelius Ambrosius who not only was a true ‘Roman’, but who could have had something to do with military operations carried out in Britain in the 4th century.

There is good reason to believe that St. Ambrose himself bore the name Aurelius. Jones' Proso-pography of the Later Roman Empire gives no second name for the bishop of Milan and neither does Paulinus of Milan's Vita. Ambrose may have belonged to the gens Aurelia, as we know that he was related to Symmachus [Quintus Aurelius Symmachus]; an inscription refers to him as Au-relius Ambrosius. It is true that there is a debate over the Ambrose referred to in the inscription. Those who think it is Ambrose junior [St. Am-brose] point out that a dedication to St. Nazarius is involved. The point may be moot: if Ambrose senior belonged to the gens Aurelia, so did the son, and vice versa.  Incidentally, St. Ambrose’s Milan was anciently called Mediolanum and there was also a Roman town of this name in the British Cornovii tribal territory.

One other factor strongly indicates that there is no good historical reason for accepting a 5th century Aurelius Ambrosius in Britain. Vortigern’s only interaction with Ambrosius, or Emrys Guletic (‘Prince Ambrosius’) as he is called in Welsh tradition, is in the Dinas Emrys folktale already alluded to above.

Other than Dinas Emrys, there appears to be no site in Britain which can be shown to contain the personal name Ambrosius. Still, this hero may even have been placed at Guoloph/Wallop because of the proximity of this stream to Amesbury. As Geoffrey of Monmouth did much later, Ambrosius's name was fancifully associated with Amesbury.

The town name does not, in fact, seem to contain the personal name Ambrosius. Its etymology is instead as follows:

Ambresbyrig, from a c.880 CE charter, then var-ious spellings to Amblesberie in Domesday. Almost certainly a personal name Ambre or Aembre cognate with the Old German Ambri, hence Ambre's burgh, cf. Ombersley. All the early forms for Amesbury have the medial -b-, but no form has any extension that would justify derivation from Ambrosius.

Ambrosius as a Latin adjective means “the Divine or Immortal One”. As such, it was at some point taken to be a title for the Welsh god Lleu. Welsh tradition made Lleu the ancient ruler of Gwynedd, and this is the rank granted to Emrys or Ambrosius in the HB. Hence Dinas Emrys in northwestern Wales, the ‘[Hill-] fort of the Divine or Immortal One’, is actually the Fort of Lleu.

The Welsh also appear to have identified the youthful god Mabon with Lleu. That this is so is demonstrated by the placement of the two gods in death at the same place. According to the Ma-binogion tale Math Son of Mathonwy, Lleu is found as the death-eagle in the oak tree at Nantlle (Nant Lleu) in Snowdonia not far from Dinas Emrys. And one of the Stanzas of the Graves reads:

“The grave on Nantlle’s height, No one knows its attributes – Mabon son of Modron the Swift.”

Geoffrey of Monmouth proceeded to further con-fuse the story of Ambrosius, a Roman governor of Gaul mistakenly identified with a Welsh god, by identifying both with the Northern Myrddin or Merlin. Hence we find Merlin or ‘Merlin Ambrosius’ in the Dinas Emrys story of Emrys/Lleu/Mabon.

In addition, Merlin is placed at the springs of Galabes, Geoffrey’s attempt at the Guoloph of the hero Ambrosius.

In conclusion, we can only say that there is no good reason for supposing that Vortigern and Ambrosius were contemporaries. Instead, the Ambrosius mentioned by Gildas as having military success in Britian must have been the 4th century Gallic governor of that name. This being the case, Ambrosius could not possibly have been the victor at the battle of Mount Badon, which is dated 516 CE. And, by extension, Ambrosius was not Arthur.

The Ghost Ambrosius or Why Arthur's Predecessor Should be Stricken from the Annals of British History

Over the past several years, I've written a handful of articles on Ambrosius Aurelianus, a geo-graphically and temporally dislocated figure in early British legend.  Yet despite the evidence I've presented, Arthurian scholars, professional and amateur alike, continue to mistake him for a real personage of 5th century Britain.  The idea that he might even be Arthur is still out there.  I feel, therefore, that it is time for a summary treatment of this supposed military hero.  The easiest way for me to do this is to itemize the points of my argument.

1) The name of A.A. matches perfectly that of the fourth century Governor of Gaul (whose territo-ries included those of Britain) and his famous son, St. Ambrose.  Vortigern's grandfather Vitalinus is said to have fought A.A. at Wallop in Hampshire.  Such a battle reference puts A.A. well before Vortigern and negates the possibility that A.A. was a boy during Vortigern's reign.

2) The Campus Elleti of Ambrosius in Wales where Vortigern's men are said to have found the boy, is also found as Palud or 'marsh' of Elleti in the Book of Llandaf. The place is a relocation for the Continental Arelate (from Are-, 'in front of' + late, 'marsh'), the late capital of the Gallic prefecture, which included Britain.  

3) Dinas Emrys is a relocation for Amesbury, the latter thought (wrongly) to contain the name of Ambrosius.  Dinas Emrys was placed in Eryri because this mountain range was fancifully connected to the Welsh word for eagle, and both St. Ambrose and Magnus the Tyrant (easily confused with Vortigern) are known to have been at Aquileia, a place-name that could have been incorrectly linked with the Latin word for eagle.

4) Trier was in Gallia Belgica, 'Gaul of the Belgae', and A.A.'s Wallop in Hampshire was in the ancient tribal territory of the British Belgae.  Gallia could be used in medieval sources for both Gaul and Wales.

5) A.A. is said to have been given Dinas Emrys and the western kingdoms of Britain by Vortigern. This is impossible, as Gwynedd belonged to Cunedda and his sons.  This is obviously a mistake for Amesbury, which was inside of what was to become Wessex, the kingdom of the WEST Saxons.

6) A.A appears to have been identified in folk belief with the god Lleu, styled Lord of Gwyn-edd, who was himself identified by the Welsh with the god Mabon.  The Campus Elleti ball-game story is perfectly paralleled in the Irish story of Mac Og, the 'Young Son', the Gaelic version of  Mabon.

7) A.A. was further identified with Merlin (Myrddin), himself possibly a form of Lleu or an avatar of that god.

In conclusion, the Ambrosius Aurelianus who first appears in the pages of Gildas is a purely legendary figure, based on the known historical Ambrosii of the Continent.  He was mistakenly transferred to Britain during the normal course of folklore development, largely due to a confusion of place-names. There is no reason to believe that either Ambrosius - father or son - ever set foot on British soil.  To concoct some famous war-leader of the Britons who happened to have been named after one of the Ambrosii is to ignore points 1-7 above.